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Goodbye Jesus



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Just started new job, and the girl I work with (in the same office-zone-space) is an agnostic/deist/potential atheist !! We've had a LOT to talk about!!!

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Cool, though I can't imagine ever talking about religion at work. I am in a very PC, sue paranoia, corporate culture where religion and politics are explicitly forbidden from discussion. The most it comes up is a coworker mentioning going to church over the weekend.

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That is nice, but as a wife, i wouldn't be too happy with that, lol.


Congrats on the new job, hope you like it!

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GG- she's a bit older, and no, I ain't goin there!!!

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Interesting that you already found that out.

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I'm glad you found a fellow traveler at work. Good luck.

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There's more of us out there than they realize.

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Hundreds of thousands of people say "One man/woman alone can't change anything anyway"... ;)

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That's terrific! An oasis of sanity in a sea of lunacy!


One of my colleagues is an atheist and his father is an Anglican priest. One of his favorite phrases (behind closed doors) is granting me mock absolution: Dominus Patris Fuckit!


On the other hand, I was witnessed to by a mo-mo, for like TWO HOURS, at work eek.gif . I wanted to tell her to STFU but I was (1) too polite and (2) curious what it felt like being on the receiving end (I didn't like it). It was a sort of n=1 ethnography.....lol. I finally told her what I though of Joseph Smith.........this was her face: Wendytwitch.gif


Love it! Enjoy your new work situation!

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Actually it's for my dad. We talked for about an hour about him and my moms fundy beliefs. Me and dad had the conversation about teh gayz today. He thinks it's a choice and most are sickos. I think they're born that way and are no more perverse than your average sicko hetero guy. Hilarity ensued.

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That's terrific! An oasis of sanity in a sea of lunacy!


Its the opposite situation this side of the pond. Believing Christians are definately in a small minority.


I guess I was for many years, an oasis of lunatic in a sea of sanity :D

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