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I'm Not "proud Of My Country"


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This is one angle on how I see a picture of things based on research which many people are looking at today... it's something I'm exploring.




I'm not "proud of my country"... Sorry for the critical or judgmental vibe that might be towards anyone that is... but this picture represents how I feel, pretty well. Of all the positive things that our nations and flags might represent... to a meaningful level for me, they are nothing more than gangs and gang signs.

West Side! Brap brap brap! UK Side! US Side!.. Bomb bomb bomb!


having said that... I still have profound respect and appreciation for people, even heavily involved in the system... who are sincere in what they have done and are doing... and who believe their work is for the best of society... I am as imperfect as the next person... so I still have respect for many politicians and people living and working in all levels of society... who really, are doing the best with what they have been given, and the best to their own logic, morality and conscience... that's what I battle with every day, so I respect people who do the same... politicians, religious people, presidents and prime ministers and every day people.. are all people on some kind of journey.... So I have no standards that I apply to people, making them some kind of "opposition" to my own vision... Even people who are massively fucking things up to the standards and a philosophy and values in life which are my own... I still can't fault them or see them as opposition, if they are doing what they're doing with honesty in their heart, and doing the best that they know how.. the best with what they have been given. I can't control that... and I don't want to... This is the system we have today... and much of it has been built by people whos behavior and actions have been brave, honest, sincere, humane....... but I am a critical thinker, I am trying to think for myself... and when I look at what we have today, I want to see the system change... because we do not need patch work solutions within a broken system, we need the acknowledgement that we face systemic problems.. where our systems today are a reflection of the understanding our species had in the countless years leading up to this totally unique time in our species development. We need to address the way we manage resources in a system which demands infinite growth with the use of finite resources... this painfully obvious mistake that is not acknowledged to the level of its urgency by our "leaders" is unacceptable. We have a monetary system with privatised banking systems running fractional reserve systems creating "money" out of thin air and enslaving people in debt... mostly caused by the relentless niagra falls of manipulative advertising pouring into peoples subconscious through the "Tell a Vision" box, conditioning people to want things they don't need, for prices they can't afford... "Here's a card! get what you want"... Which of course are the same people running that game..



who also run the energy game.. keeping our species dependent on finite resources for energy like dead plants (oil)... using it up at thousands of times the rate of its renewability... when we have already discovered the technology for clean, renewable, energy sources... which cannot have a price tag on them... they are not scarce or in lack.. they are all around us... free... tidal current energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geo thermal energy....


We have farming solutions for organic, clean food which has 800% of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals than the shit we're buying in supermarkets.. farming solutions that turn the idea of poverty on its head... that don't just provide "just enough to go around" but provide an abundance.. Hydroponic farming, Aquaponic, Airoponic farming... But again, all this energy and agriculture industries... owned by the same people at the top, who are playing this game....


and the more dumbed down, unhealthy, pumped with medication and stupid people are.. the easier they are to control....... So of course, the education system which they reinforce, of course it focuses heavily on left brain learning... where children are taught to store and regurgitate information in the logical left side of their brain.. and get rewarded in becoming a good little drone by being stamped as intelligent... where as other children who function stronger in imagination and creativity either get stamped as being stupid and drawn into the arse end of the system, or some get through and are able to be creative and contribute to society...... Which is just the right amount to reinforce the "free world" illusion...


No wonder countless artists and free thinkers, most of whom would be classed unintelligent as children in the education system, grew up to see the system for what it is.. because they broke out of their conditioning. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Bill Hicks, Gil Scott-Heron...... what? do I even need to list the countless creative people who saw the destruction and self hated in this world, and not the illusion of some great "civilised society", "Home of the free" which our drone doctors, zombie politicians and most of the "pillars of society" see... because they're the left brain A+ "intelligent" ones.. they're the top of the class, uncle facism gives them a pat on the back, "Go on kid, you're an Ace! get into university and let's see you in that saturnalian brotherhood black gown and hat"...



And don't get me wrong, achieving things in this system is still a positive and awesome thing that I will congratulate and be really proud of myself my friends and family... and there are plenty of doctors and people I just described who I recognise I am unfairly tarring with the same brush... I'm clearly generalising there.. but on the whole, based on my assumptions and information I'm looking at... it makes sense.


But what I'm seeing as clear as day... is that ALL these industries and systems lead to the same people, the same families, it's their empire, it's their game. And by "they" I mean the powers that be.... and by that, I don't mean some enemy of mine..... I mean, a few people of our species who were born in an unfathomable opulence of wealth... billions, trillions.. who have been TRAINED from the day they were born, conditioned to be megalomaniacs, by the families and ruling elite who in our species history are in the bloodlines of those who ruled vast empires, conquered nations, ruled over people..... and rivers of blood have been spilled all over our planet, by people who lived in a very different world to ours today.. where they didn't have even a blip of the advanced level of solutions for energy, agriculture, education, economics, politics...... There was great lack and scarcity... and so with the need to survive, they had to fight and defend to survive... They had to manipulate through fear, religion, politics, resources, propaganda, false information... the systems had to be designed around that.


So why have we got these systems today?


Because we allow them to carry on playing their game.


And they are doing everything they can to keep people under control.... So eat your poisoned food, swallow your medication, go through your education system, stay plugged into the television and mainstream news, keep severing your parenting to your children and have them do the same, keep eating macdonalds, keep taking vaccinations, drinking any tap water, working in repetative jobs, buying shit you don't even want for prices you can't afford, borrowing more money and becoming enslaved in more debt, keep developing tribe and gang menatlity with sports teams, religions, nations... keep remembering how different you are from everyone else.. keep thinking about the separation...


The more hypnotised, mesmerised, dumbed down, medicated, unhealthy, divided, separated from your self and your fellow man... the easier you are to control.


Divide and Conquer... It's how we've been ruled for thousands of years.. like cattle... but it's not by evil people... it's sheep leading the sheep... the blind leading the blind.


I don't want to plug in to this anymore.. the "Tell A Vision" can go int the rubbish... I want to see for myself, think for myself.


"Rise like lions after slumber,

In invanquishable number.

Shake your chains to earth like dew,

Which in sleep had fallen on you.

For you are many and they are few"



edit: I am aware that my rant here is too "us and them".... but I'm just exploring jigsaw pieces to understand a bigger picture of what I can do.


Which could be, "Be the change that you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi


Perhaps what I can do, is just learn what it is to love and respect myself.... and the actions and life that I live from there will come out of that, and be the best things that I can do in this life... I would imagine that the solution does have an unburdening simplicity to it.. as opposed to the deceptive solutions which are burdening, chaotic and complex.

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But what I'm seeing as clear as day... is that ALL these industries and systems lead to the same people, the same families, it's their empire, it's their game.


Hi Jake, I dont think thats true.


The royal family in Britain, for example, has symbolic power, and yes they are worth billions :) but they have no real power.


If people want to celebrate the selfless duty and service of an old lady who has served her country admirably for 60 years where is the harm in that?

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Guest wester

Sorry, forgot to mention this site - one a me favrites - which is blocked in Thailand for anyone paying attention




And as an American, I sure as hell would like all my tax money back from where it is being held by the queen with no power in her crown offshore banking colonies - Bermuda, Barbados, Isle of Man etc.... Ya - that Tom Paine was one crackerjack Brit, fer sure


Bastille Day is fast approaching


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The Queen is far far more popular than any elected politician. This is a fact :)

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I got into an argument on Facebook a while back regarding the lack of any inherent value of nationalism or patriotism. I gave up when more sheeple kept joining the pissing match to show who was most patriotic.

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Woo hoo! By random chance I was born in this particular geographical area. I'll sacrifice my life for the interest of a handful of people who benefit from my sacrifice, who may or may not be from my particular geographical area -- or the lives of my sons and daughters -- and swell with pride when I see a particular arrangement of colors blowing in the wind. If you point out the silliness of my position, I'll blacken your eye, I will.

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Guest wester

That millions of people share in the same forms of mental pathology does not make those people sane.

--Erich Fromm


...of course this quote properly applies to me and my ilk who find the pomp more than a bit tedious

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So why have we got these systems today?


Because we allow them to carry on playing their game.


And they are doing everything they can to keep people under control.... So eat your poisoned food, swallow your medication, go through your education system, stay plugged into the television and mainstream news, keep severing your parenting to your children and have them do the same, keep eating macdonalds, keep taking vaccinations, drinking any tap water, working in repetative jobs, buying shit you don't even want for prices you can't afford, borrowing more money and becoming enslaved in more debt, keep developing tribe and gang menatlity with sports teams, religions, nations... keep remembering how different you are from everyone else.. keep thinking about the separation...


The more hypnotised, mesmerised, dumbed down, medicated, unhealthy, divided, separated from your self and your fellow man... the easier you are to control.


Jake, you are absolutely right. I know how you feel, I see things exactly as you do, I couldn't have said it better myself.


This "free world" illusion makes me sick.

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Queen Elizabeth II is the largest landowner on Earth. She owns 17% of the planet's non-ocean surface, including all of Canada and Australia.


Who Owns the World


What a depressing thought... I don't even own my own property, the one I spent my whole life paying for.

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But what I'm seeing as clear as day... is that ALL these industries and systems lead to the same people, the same families, it's their empire, it's their game.


Hi Jake, I dont think thats true.


The royal family in Britain, for example, has symbolic power, and yes they are worth billions smile.png but they have no real power.


If people want to celebrate the selfless duty and service of an old lady who has served her country admirably for 60 years where is the harm in that?


in 1823 there was a lovely community in southern America.. families were together, they went to church, paid their taxes, the kids went to the town school.. people were charitable and nice and civilised.

If you walked around that town, you'd see so many positive nice things.. old couples laughing together, young people falling in love, kids playing...

Ok... you get the picture...

So then we pull back from looking within the system... with all the positive things you might want to point out (which I am not in disagreement of when looking WITHIN the system) and we look at the system itself.

On the outskirts of this town there were slave farms with around 800 people working hard labor as slaves... this supported the economy for the town.


So when people got together in the town, waving the American flags and talking about great everything is.... that unity, togetherness and family is great... but there's a few details about what their system is causing for others that many of them are not aware of.


But the people who are aware... are the Mayors, the Presidents, the politicians... they know what's going on on a level far beyond the every day people of the town.


That's the problem I see.


On another point, there is no "fight" towards these people or anyone... If there is a fight, I see that fight as being within ourselves (in relative uses of the word 'fight'). To "be the change that you want to see in the world"... and focus on the change in me that needs to happen. Part of this is looking at this system and the corruption. I see this is part of educating myself about what's really going on and what these things really stand for..... What is inside the hotdog? Everyone can talk about how good it looks and great it tastes.. But what's it really made of?.... Because I have been CONDITIONED by this world... from my parenting, from my 'education', from my friends, from books I've read, Television I've watched, media I've watched, the religion I was indoctrinated with.... and what I see now is that much of this that has shaped my thinking in my cognitive development has been the equivalent of putting my mouth around a sewage pipe. I see things a certain way.... but many things I see, I am looking at the vale which I have been conditioned to see..... and now I want to pull back the vale to understand what is really going on.


So I see part of changing self, to be the change I want to see in the world, is also understanding our surrounding world.. .and what's really going on.


To summerise another point, I TOTALLY appreciate the points you are making when looking WITHIN the system.. makes total sense. There's different angles to look at this from, with totally different reasons for the views... different ways it applies to the subject we're talking about. So you would be mistaken to interpret what I'm saying as some "fight" against Royalty and people who get together to wave their gang signs in the air. I accept them as part of where we are... my interest is not to fight them or even change them... my interest in them is to understand my environment so I understand how *I* can change


this is just one angle.... but as people correctly point out, there are other angles which are positive and good.. where people do the best they can with what they're given.... they're sincere, honest and true to their own conscience, they care, they give and work hard for what they believe is something worth working hard for... that includes politicians, royalty and every day people like you and I.


So just because one angle of my views points out the corruption and sickness of the system.. the manipulation and conditioning... doesn't mean I dismiss these people with judgement as being cloned sheep in every context... because I would only be judging myself too. So from another angle, I am trying to understand that there's no "us and them"... There's no African problems, no British problems, no womens problems, mens problems, white problems, black problems, culture problems..... there's only human problems. The human problem that I am most concerned with, is my human problems... because to the best understanding I have found for myself so far, is that the only way I can really do something about things like 38,000 children dying every day from starvation in a system which CREATES that.... is by being the change I want to see in the world. Looking realistically at what, in this example, the British flag stands for as I educate myself about my surrounding world and what I identify myself with.... it's a gang sign.... I am not a citizen of Britain, I am a citizen of earth. The world is my country and its people are my people.


I will not be divided and conquered anymore... I am one with the universe... we are all part of the same quantum field... we are all one... and I want to flow with that, and not in division. So in part of "being the change that I want to see in the world" I'm not going to be nationalistic by holding up a gang sign that represents a national barrier, separated from the rest of the world.... I want to root out this conditioning from my cognitive development and any emotional responses of pride associated with this national barrier... and replace that conditioning with the new understanding that I am not separate with everyone and everything, but I am everyone and everything. This pulls me out of the 3 dimension reality, the conditioned models of reality, the constructed realities, the delusions, the system... this unplugs me.


But hey, if a family wants to get together and wave flags in the air... they can go for it... I don't really want to change them... I just want to see it for what it is... people who have been conditioned to see themselves as separate from other people by identifying themselves with a great nation.... but if we look at the ingredients of that "great nation", like you might look at the ingredients of a tasty, juicey hotdog and see brains and guts.... we see that "great nation" is a gang that has dragged its way through the centuries trailing rivers of blood behind it... and that it's leaders reinforce and perpetuate a system which has its boot on the neck of 38,000 children, squeezing their last breath out of them every single day... with the aquiescence of that family standing there waving that gang sign in the air, like they just don't care. Ok... I'm exaggerating that hahahah... they just don't know really smile.png and I don't want to judge them.... because what I see is that... I am no better than anyone else... I am not doing any better for this world than that family, who may be doing really great, honorable, humane things in their life which I would respect so much... So, in all of this, I am just trying to understand it... so I can understand how I can be the change that I want to see in the world.

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Queen Elizabeth II is the largest landowner on Earth. She owns 17% of the planet's non-ocean surface, including all of Canada and Australia.


Who Owns the World


What a depressing thought... I don't even own my own property, the one I spent my whole life paying for.


I double take at stuff like this.... I mean..... we have fairy tails and computer games about kings and queens and lords, kingdoms and empires... and it's really cute and novelty...


then when I read/hear stuff like this you linked, I double take on it like, "Holy shit... I am ACTUALLY living in this??"... lol... Why do we have systems where a handful or even 1 person controls so much???


cloud9_99.gif Z Z Z ZZZ z z z zzz . . . ...


Hmmmmm.... wow, what a relief, I thought I was in a really strange dream then where 1% of the worlds population own 40% of the worlds wealth...


WAIT???? that's true!!?? lol...

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Jake I agree totally.


*sigh* to think there was a time when I was proud to be a post-war German... feels like about a century ago now...

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Queen Elizabeth II is the largest landowner on Earth. She owns 17% of the planet's non-ocean surface, including all of Canada and Australia.


Who Owns the World


What a depressing thought... I don't even own my own property, the one I spent my whole life paying for.


I double take at stuff like this.... I mean..... we have fairy tails and computer games about kings and queens and lords, kingdoms and empires... and it's really cute and novelty...


then when I read/hear stuff like this you linked, I double take on it like, "Holy shit... I am ACTUALLY living in this??"... lol... Why do we have systems where a handful or even 1 person controls so much???


cloud9_99.gif Z Z Z ZZZ z z z zzz . . . ...


Hmmmmm.... wow, what a relief, I thought I was in a really strange dream then where 1% of the worlds population own 40% of the worlds wealth...


WAIT???? that's true!!?? lol...


Looks like conspiracy theory, or at least a very loose interpretation of commonwealth law. I'm sure deed owners in Australia would be surprised to know they don't really own their own property and that the queen does instead.

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Looks like conspiracy theory, or at least a very loose interpretation of commonwealth law. I'm sure deed owners in Australia would be surprised to know they don't really own their own property and that the queen does instead.


Yes, I imagine you're right there. I don't think it would be as simple as "The crown owns 17% of the land in the world"... in a sense that I am a landlord of a property renting it out to people and I can take it back at any time. But to be honest, I don't know about any of that, I haven't looked into it.


What I am aware of, which is a point being made, is that there is a remarkable amount or wealth and land owned by very few people. In our current system, it makes sense... but looking at the system itself, it makes no sense.


Something in the region of 1% of the worlds population owning 40% of the worlds wealth.

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Jake I agree totally.


*sigh* to think there was a time when I was proud to be a post-war German... feels like about a century ago now...


there's so many angles to look at these things from.... the art, music, science, technology and so many things (beer, food :D !) to come out of Germany is so profoundly wonderful and beautiful.

And the same with every country I can think of.... But just looking at Germany... the music scene, from the past Classical music to the modern minimal techno culture (and many other styles)

there is so much beauty and awesome things coming out of Germany..... and if your pride is in those things... and many many other awesome things about creativity, life, science... I can appreciate that in so many ways. The human achievement, the advances and pioneering in so many areas...... I can see so many reasons to be proud of Germany which are good reasons.


What I am aware of, is that people will go from being proud of what people are doing in their country, to finding identity in their country to the point where they reinforce a division in their mind with other people.


So in my own mind, I want to love the diversity of my fellow man, but not see them as separate to me... not see us as some equivalent of different sports teams... different "races" (there's only one race, the human race)...


Just something I'm exploring.. and critically thinking about what I'm thinking! don't believe everything you think lol GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Guest wester

The British monarchy promoted an benefited from the delusional and criminal English "Enclosure" movement which basically stole land from the commons of the English people, put a fence around it and claimed it was theirs. Nothing could be so cruel or farcical.


Bolivian Marcelo Saavedra - on the wild idea that Property exists



found at Latin Waves



Mr. Rouseau:

The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not anyone have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody." ~Jean Jacques Rousseau, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality


Property is theft - Proudhoun Proper Tea is theft - Some Wanker

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I own a whole planet... no, an entire solar system... no, a whole freggin galary! There are plenty for everyone.


Ownership is an illusion, so is scarcity.


My imagination and virtual reality have no limits smile.png

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