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Goodbye Jesus

The Gnostic Perception Of Yahweh Seems To Fit The Bible And They Predict His Demise By Human Knowledge Becuase Of Hit Vanity.


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I have been enthralled as I have been reading the works of the Gnostics who where a 2nd century religious group favoring intellectualism and knowledge to understand the world and the supernatural and the enlightened path through a understanding of the supernatural, in fact the name Gnostic means Knowledge. They collected many parts of different religions around the Mediterranean mostly from Christian, Jewish and Greek sources, their works include a lot of almost modern day like philosophy. They where latter branded as heretics by the catholic church because the church viewed their individualism and intellectualism as a threat to the church.


Well I was reading about its account of the origin of the universe and I found a interesting passage that has in all intensive purposes, come true today. Yahweh in these works is the birth of Pistis, who is ultimately the great standard for all things in chaos ( the universe). Yahweh in this book is actually portrayed as a vain trouble maker looking for attention and jealous of others, which to me actually makes him fit In the bible the way he is supposed to. Yahweh of course still creates the universe as he is considered the “chief of creation”

“the chief creator exalted himself and was glorified by the whole army of angles, and the gods and the angles gave him glory. And he rejoiced in his heart, and he boasted continually, saying to them ‘ I do not need anything. I am God and there is no God but me.’ Bit when he said these things he sinned against all the immortals and imperishable ones, and they kept their eyes on him.


Moreover when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief, she was angry, she said ’your wrong Samael’ that is blind God.’ ’and enlightened immortal human exist before you and will apear within your fashionable bodies.The human will trample upon you as potters clay is trampled and you will go with those who are yours down to your mother, the abyss. For the consummation of your works, all of the deficiency that appeared as truth will be dissolved. It will cease, it will be like something that never existed

I just think its interesting that because of Yahweh’s vanity and corruption he will be forgotten and abandoned by an enlightened humanity and all his works which where considered true will be forgotten. which is what the world is doing, the God in the gnostic version of creation is alot more fiting to the bible as being very selfish. His actual name in the Gnostic bible is yaldabaoth but it is the same God.


Of course its obviously not something supernatural or knowledge based but I think it is a interesting coincidence.

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I think his name(yaldabaoth) translates into the blind one or something like that. I've read Barnstone and Meyer's The Gnostic Bible, its way out there, Gnosticism manages to be even more absurd than Orthodox christianity, but at least they were honest about the difficulties with the old testament god.

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