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Goodbye Jesus

Satan On His Belly!


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Just thought I'd throw this out there.


Most Christians equate the serpent of Eden with Satan, as far as I know. In Genesis, God curses the serpent (Satan) above all cattle, to crawl on his belly and to eat dust. Okay.


In Job, Satan states that he'd been walking up and down the Earth, which would be impossible for him to do literally, as he has to slither where ever he goes.


In Revelation, Satan's back to being a dragon or worm, probably back on his belly wheve he belongs.




As an aside, it's also strange that Satan eats our supposed Biblical genetic material (dust).


Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out there as a way of introduction. As you were.

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It's because it's really three different characters.

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Lucifer evolves through out the bible, in Job he is Gods attorney and in revelations he is Gods adversary.


He is a reflection of changing social ideas neatly packed into one neat little book.

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Evolution is true. It's right there in the bible.


Satan....snake, then goon, then rebellious son, then briber, then holy shit fuckin fire breathing dragon with "lasers" shooting out of his frickin eyes.

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Evolution is true. It's right there in the bible.


Satan....snake, then goon, then rebellious son, then briber, then holy shit fuckin fire breathing dragon with "lasers" shooting out of his frickin eyes.


Haha punctuated equlibrium.

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All right there in reverations 14:34 Surah 19.

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He also tempts "jesus" in the wilderness. He flies him up to the top of the temple and the mountain top. This takes 40 days because he's slithering around and eating dust the whole time. People were just more patient with their serpenty tempters back then I guess.



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