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Goodbye Jesus

Oh, How I Have Missed You Heathens!


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I'm stuck taking summer classes this year as it is a requirement to take a full load at least one of the semesters during your four year college career. So, needless to say, I'm busy.


I'm taking all my courses online and one of them is Intro to Religion. This week we are in the Buddhism module.


I am taking such pleasure in ripping apart the stupidity of the young, idealistic Christians in our class.


Here is an example from the Discussion Boards of our online classroom.


(Naive Christian:) Yes Heather, I agree with you that we suffer when we are seperated by death from loved ones at the time they leave this world; however, the love I'm speaking of transends this world. It is an Eternal Love that passes our understanding. The Love I speak of is the Love of God! That love led to suffering on God's part but it will lead to great joy on our part if we receive it! (:-)


(My Response:) Yes, but we're in a discussion about Buddhist philosophy, not Christian theology. In the Buddhist Philosophy it teaches that ther is ultimately no self and no god. One cannot take into account the "love of God" in a philosophy that teaches that there is no God.

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Ahhh, christians trying to talk about other religions. It's so cute. They have no idea that a huge portion of the world doesn't give a fuck about their Jeebus, and most people over the history of civilization never knew nor cared. :P


Takes me back to my religion courses in college, where churchies squirmed when they realized they weren't in sunday school. Muahahahaha!

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It is tales like these that make me wish sometimes I'd live in the US, just for the fun of crushing morontheists... :fdevil:

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It is tales like these that make me wish sometimes I'd live in the US, just for the fun of crushing morontheists... firedevil.gif


It'd be fun only if you like head in the sand ignorance when you speak anything negative about god....

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Still waiting for florduh to chime in!

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You so WON that argument PandaPirate! It's insane how much a belief can take root and invade our entire perception of reality and the world around us.

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It is tales like these that make me wish sometimes I'd live in the US, just for the fun of crushing morontheists... firedevil.gif


It'd be fun only if you like head in the sand ignorance when you speak anything negative about god....


Heh yeah I'd probably regret it quickly if I really came over... *sigh* humans. We always want what we can't currently have don't we? :P

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I had a character like that in my freshmen year philosophy course. The professor was great, and my classmates were all around pretty enjoyable. We would have fun, spirited debates over various things like ethical codes, Zeno's arrow etc... but there was this one guy. EVERY SINGLE comment was about his religion, Christianity. Most of us would oftentimes take up various sides just to play devil's advocate or just to hone our debate skills. This guy would randomly jump in with, "Well, since Jesus died for ours sins, the veil was torn yada, yada, yada..." everyone hated the dipshit, even the religious people.

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Debating christians is fun but only when they arent to stupid to understand your vocabulary.

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Debating christians is fun but only when they arent to stupid to understand your vocabulary.


So true.



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I actually got into a heated argument with my girlfriend last night over whether Buddhism is a religion...but no matter how you look at it, it absolutely does not involve biblegod or any christian attitudes on sin. And that's where the fundy mind hits a roadblock- they can't even conceive the possibility of a different outlook in that department.


I like your response to her. Short, to the point, shut her down. Did she have a retort? A favorite verse perhaps?

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I might have missed it but why are you taking a religious course if you do not believe, or is it just Christianity you do not believe in? When it comes to being violent about their beliefs, Buddhists are no strangers.

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I might have missed it but why are you taking a religious course if you do not believe, or is it just Christianity you do not believe in? When it comes to being violent about their beliefs, Buddhists are no strangers.


Probably has to do with some cultural diversity requirement. Basically you are suppose to take a class that at a minimum exposes you to other cultures. I guess the christian's in panda's class thought it would be like Sunday school.


Followers of every religion have exacted violence on their fellow humans at some point. Zoroastrianism was probably the worst. The religion basicaly formed in a militant culture who then went out to cleanse the world. Obviously, they failed in this parallel. Christianity gains points for being one of the most insidious though.

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Religion has shaped people and society for all of recorded history. Studies in the philosophy of religion are important if you want to attain a good grasp of the humanities. I still enjoy studying theology and religious history even though I no longer subscribe to a religious belief.

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Religion has shaped people and society for all of recorded history. Studies in the philosophy of religion are important if you want to attain a good grasp of the humanities. I still enjoy studying theology and religious history even though I no longer subscribe to a religious belief.


I would think it would be more fascinating because you aren't trying to filter everything through the christian, Hindu, Buddhist, whatever, filter. Not to mention probably seeing the common threads.

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I might have missed it but why are you taking a religious course if you do not believe,

No offense, but that's an extremely silly attitude. Why would you have to believe in religion in order to study it? In fact, if you believe in any religion, you probably are not a good person to study it objectively, as you would need to do in an academic setting.


I don't believe in norse mythology either but I really enjoy studying it. And the recent Thor movie kicked ass.

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I actually got into a heated argument with my girlfriend last night over whether Buddhism is a religion...but no matter how you look at it, it absolutely does not involve biblegod or any christian attitudes on sin. And that's where the fundy mind hits a roadblock- they can't even conceive the possibility of a different outlook in that department.


I like your response to her. Short, to the point, shut her down. Did she have a retort? A favorite verse perhaps?


No retort. Yet.

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I might have missed it but why are you taking a religious course if you do not believe, or is it just Christianity you do not believe in? When it comes to being violent about their beliefs, Buddhists are no strangers.


LOL, it's a required course. One has to take a Philosophy course as part of the General Education curriculum. Silly boy.


Plus, you HAVE to take Intro to Religion if you plan to pursue an academic career in Anthropology.

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