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Goodbye Jesus

Conspiracy Theories - Similiar To Religion


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Guest wester

For a time I have been called an all in kool-aid drinker for baseball, astronomy, the labor movement, Existentialism, the Enlightenment, and more recently logical fallacies, Zen and Ms. Emma Goldman. Except for baseball, these were all self-defense mechanisms (<-is this my rationalization?). Even so, I always try to put any belief I have under the microscope and question it ruthlessly in my attempt to root out the BS - of which I always find mountains.


Truthfully, no matter how hard I try to question everything and approach problems and interpretations from as many perspectives as I can marshal, I am still relentlessly beset by my cognitive biases, my unconscious rationalizations and desires to explain things away, my cultural programming, my gender, my biology...an ad infinitum set of frailties and faults with which it seems I am constantly at war. The fact that I can ever construct any sort of objective rational basis for conducting myself never ceases to fill me with wonder and awe. The trick is not to allow yourself to surrender or be seduced into the easiest way of doing anything.


Maintain humility and develop your ability to see the humor in everything and not to take yourself so seriously or judge others and their motives too harshly.



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Maintain humility and develop your ability to see the humor in everything and not to take yourself so seriously or judge others and their motives too harshly.


Hi Wester, nicely put. I have deleted my post because I think in retrospect I was being too harsh. cheers, Adam.

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