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Goodbye Jesus

Worthy Of Reward And Guilty Of Punishment


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Just a thought I want to throw out there...


No one, none of us in our nature have ever been worthy of reward or guilty of punishment.


The duality of "Good and Bad".... doesn't even apply to the nature of a person.


In physics we see that all matter is part of the same quantum field of energy.... Based on this science we see that everything is connected.


We are connected to each other... We are connected to nature, to planets, galaxies, creatures, oceans, mountains...


We are those things.... The model of reality we form in our mind where in our manifested human form, this energy experiencing itself subjectively from my point of view and your point of view... sees something beautiful and experiences itself... That feeling of wonder, mystery, beauty and awe that we experience from things we see and music we listen to and whatever kinds of experience of love that we experience is a glimpse of our worth and value. We are one with all those things... So is every human.


I am a 70 quadrillion mile wide galaxy, I am the stripes on a tigers face, I am the countless stars, I am the oceans, I am the eagle flying.... I am everything... I am the 38,000 children dying every day from starvation, I am the 200,000 acres of rain forest being cut down every day, I am the 120 plant and animal species being driven to extinction every day, I am the super organism on this planet we call the human race that causes all that.... I am the 14 million tonnes of toxic chemicals which go up into the atmosphere every day....


I am so awesome, so big, so wild, so powerful... I am you. You are me. I am Africa, I am Australia.... hahah


and I love and respect myself, and I love and respect you :)... I want to love and respect the world that we are, the environment.... and I want childrens education to know about science and physics, even from an early age, to learn what and who they are in this universe and experience things outside of the classroom.. experience how amazing they are... so they grow up as the next generation who love and respect themselves and bring the global conscious shift into a new time for our species.... Where we rid our selves of national barriers where they represent division and separation..... where the earths resources are declared a heritage to all systems, people and communities of the world.... and we manage it all using the best of what we know today, with an agenda of LOVE for society and not greed, lust for power and profiteering.


However, Christianity says the nature we are born with is sinful... So filthy and detestable that we are not only unlovable, not only unvaluable, not only not enough, detestable, filthy, offensive in the eyes of what is good and what is love, but that we belong in a place where we will writhe in agony minute after minuate, hour after hour, year after year for eternity.....


Well, I want laugh now, and say that is a big pile of horse shit. You're not good and you're not bad.. You're not worthy of reward or guilty of punishment...... I cannot even begin to take in all that you are.... But what I can do, is stand in awe of you... I can feel overwhelmed by your warmth, your power, your depth and width.... You are everything and everything is you. I hear you when I listen to beautiful music, I see you when I look at the sea of stars above me, I hear you in the waterfalls and smell you in the chocolate nutella hahaha and I think you're fucking awesome :)


Just a thought... who knows :)


track I made yesterday, "The Pioneer".... be a pioneer of consciousness :D



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Hi yes its one thing i didnt like about xianity too. You are basically told you are worthless and have to grovel for forgiveness.


I think the roots of this go back to the iron age, where subjects would prostrate themselves face to the ground before a tyrannical king. The God of the ancient Hebrews being created in the image of this. Dare i say craven image :)

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They need more people like you in China.

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Hi yes its one thing i didnt like about xianity too. You are basically told you are worthless and have to grovel for forgiveness.


I think the roots of this go back to the iron age, where subjects would prostrate themselves face to the ground before a tyrannical king. The God of the ancient Hebrews being created in the image of this. Dare i say craven image smile.png


"You are basically told you are worthless and have to grovel for forgiveness." Boom exactly. And even after the Christian doctrine of "becoming a new creation".. with a "new nature"... There's always this reinforcement of, "but don't you ever forget, without constantly stepping into the "FAITH" that you are a "Child of God" and that "Jesus loves you" and "you love Jesus".. without relentlessly reinforcing that... Don't you ever forget what you are without that.... without being "clothed with HIS righteousness"... underneath, there YOU are... the filthy, sinful one who's very presence is so offensive in the eyes of perfect love... that you belong permenantly excluded from life, love and anything your heart would ever want or need.......... So do you love Jesus or??


Actually, I love myself... Wherever the notion of Jesus is mentioned that represents love, kindness, hope, empathy, compassion and humane qualities we profoundly value, I love that...... But in terms of who and what I am... I am awesome... so is every human being. I might fuck things up with behavior I've learned in this profoundly sick society I have emotionally and cognitively developed in..... but hey, that's ok, because nothing can change who and what we are.


Even people like Hitler I'm thinking, "He has evil nature???.... BULLSHIT..... he may have had chemicle imabalances or problems in his brain, like being a psychopath where the brain is unable to access areas that feel things like empathy, sadness etc....... he may have been beaten as a child until he stopped crying... he may have been screwed over in life, over and over and over again..... Whatever created such cuntish, hideous behavior has got nothing to do with some "bad" or "evil" nature.... it is bad or "evil" behavior.... but when we say evil, that's not some spiritual presence of "evil".... it's just to describe negative human behavior learned from environment or by physical abnormality in the brain for example, where a problem in the brain leads to reacting and responding with more violent behavior when interacting and engaging with the subjects surrounding environment.


Hitlers behavior was monstrous... But who and what he was, was not a monster. Fuck that bullshit thinking that says he was. Fuck that bullshit thinking that comdemns people as being "evil" and "bad" in their nature. Every human, in their nature, is awe inspiring, wondrous, beautiful, full of mystery, wildness....


Got to run.... so don't have time to edit this down xD rice and peace!


(EDIT: please excuse all my language of "fuck this and fuck that"... just getting carried away... although it's an unnecessary way to express myself and say the point/view I'm making... it's just where I'm at right now...)

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