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"be Yourself, Only Better"


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I remember when I was 23 and I worked for a mortgage lending company as a "closing loans specialist" sat in a sea of office workers... and one morning a leaflet was placed on everyone's desks that was titled, "Be yourself, only better"...

These words caused cognitive dissonance with my understanding and I thought, "What the fock?... how can a person be better than who and what they are?"....

Although I didn't understand much deeper than that... 5 years later I can say that I understand this more now. A huge problem in society is this idea of being "better"... and the structure of values which a person can adhere to in order to be "better".... We can see this in cultures, trends, fashions, religions and all kinds of paradigms of thought we are conditioned with from our surrounding environment... You have to do X, Y and Z to "be better"... be stronger, be more valuable, be cooler, be respected, be appreciated, be accepted, be worthy of love from other people....


But the clear problem is..... Which is not clear when you're in it..... is the understanding that there are two separate things here, being treated as one, a false duality.... 1. Who and what a human being is.... 2. The behavior of a human.


Who and what a person is does NOT have the duality of "good and bad" applied to them... so there is NO idea of being "better or worse"... This thinking is malformed and delusional... and it clips the wings of peoples consciousness, i.e. imprisons people... it is conformist thought and whether by design or by ignorance, it finds its way into pretty much every environment in this world I can think of and is so damaging, sick, manipulative and burdening on people.


Only a persons human behavior can be described as good or bad....


But the problem, in our profoundly sick society which is full of so much bullshit, inconsistent, flawed thinking.... says that a humans value and worth is determined by their human behavior.... if their human behavior is shit, or just simply doesn't adhere to the structure of values and standards of OTHERS in their environment, then they are considered to be bad in who and what they are. "Look at your wage, you're weak!... You don't have this religion? you're lost... That's what you're wearing? you're unvaluable... That's how you talk? you're lower than those other people... You can't do what those people do? You are not worthy of love and respect"... A relentless bombardment into peoples lives to make them feel inadequate, not enough, unvaluable, unworthy, weak, low.... Which makes people feel like they have to meet the expectations of a structure of values around them in order to find their value.... makes people fight to say, "I am good!"....


Fuck that... Every human is part of the same quantum field of life... Which by the best of what we know in science... Is that the value and worth of every human is so awesome, that we should be in awe of who and what we are and each other.... Not because of how we behave, or what we do, what we look like, how big our bank account is, what car we drive, which religion we believe in.... None of these things make a better person..... No person can ever be better than who and what they are and nothing can change that, the value and worth of every human is the same, because even in all our human beautiful diversity of shapes, colours and cultures, the nature of who and what we are is the same, which cannot have the duality of "good and bad" applied to it, the quantum matter that connects us all is beyond our comprehension in how wonderful it is.. We are immeasurably valuable and worthy of reverent love and respect.... from the man in the gutter to the man in the castle... to who and what we are ourselves... And discovering that is a life long journey... it's what children should be shown, even just through science we can see it... that a child should live in this life, not fighting to prove their value, but exploring the endless adventure of their value... falling in love with who and what they are, which then projects that love onto other people and their environment and world.


This isn't just idealism.... I know there's sick shit happening in this world... and that even the fact I have this computer to write on this forum, and the time to do that, instead of fighting for my life... I know that this make me and people who have even got this far into reading this rant... we make up a small percentage of this world by having these things... by having a roof over our heads, fridges with food in them, wardrobes with clothes in them, taps with clean water, access to ways of generating finance in a monetary based economy...


But understanding the science of who and what we are... educating oneself... We can be the change we want to see in the world, and hope to contribute to our species evolution on this planet through consciousness, and not our self destruction through ignorance.


So, fuck you leaflet from 5 years ago hahah... No one can ever be better than their true and authentic self... which is fucking awesome! and not something that can be earned, only something that can be discovered and explored.


I want to create work which gives people, especially children, access to the scientific information of basic quantum physics which silences the voice that says, "You are a bad boy/girl!".... and enhances the voice that says, "You are a good boy/girl, but your behavior is bad"... Not measured by inconsistent standards and expectations... but by the love and respect for themselves, for others and their environment.

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Bob Marley sang, "emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds".


The unburdening simplicity of things in life can replace the burdening and chaotic things of life... which represents part of becoming free, unshackled, waking up, enlightenment.


Whether someones sees superstition, religion, faith, or whatever someone sees or believes in the world... this idea of our true and authentic self, our nature that sets us free from the burdening conditioning of a profoundly sick society... is based on basic quantum physics... This is just basic science, that even a child could and should understand.


Whether this enslaving burden of a duality applied to the self is placed on people by design or by ignorance (and nothing is more sick in this than Christianity and some other religions... but it's also all over society coming from loads of sources of conditioning and indoctrination)... I want to find these sewage pipes in society and dismantle them... and instead of having a delivery of information which is something like an injection into peoples subconsciousness.... I would see presentations of science simply be made accessible to children who are not taught how to think, but taught how to think for themselves and explore the science themselves... form their own understanding... and teachers are not "teaching them" but facilitating their learning in how to think for themselves.


I just need to keep learning how to think for myself first lol... just dreaming about the other stuff..

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Guest wester

Good thoughts, excellent post. I too trip out on the cost to the people's of Africa for their mineral resources and the more or less slave labor in Asia that constructs it, so that I can have my little computer.


It all comes down to money - and my cost for electricity to run the dreaded box is much less than all the things I would be doing if I wasn't reading, downloading or searching online. That doesn't excuse it, but I am trying. Maybe in the future, when this cyber hologram collapses we can all go back to pre-1980s when there were no cell phones, no computers but groovy 8 track tapes, people could really play musical instruments, and we actually ran presidents like nixon out of office.

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Good thoughts, excellent post. I too trip out on the cost to the people's of Africa for their mineral resources and the more or less slave labor in Asia that constructs it, so that I can have my little computer.


It all comes down to money - and my cost for electricity to run the dreaded box is much less than all the things I would be doing if I wasn't reading, downloading or searching online. That doesn't excuse it, but I am trying. Maybe in the future, when this cyber hologram collapses we can all go back to pre-1980s when there were no cell phones, no computers but groovy 8 track tapes, people could really play musical instruments, and we actually ran presidents like nixon out of office.


I'm in total agreement with the vibe of what you're saying! I would add that computers and technology are fantastic and awesome... and actually I think using technology is all part of our species evolution.


However, there is something called "planned obsolescence" where our computers, cell phone, DVD players and pretty much all consumer technology on the market is DESIGNED to break down after a certain amount of time. Because we live in a monetary based economy, the main agenda is profiteering and surviving in the market as a business. So in order for businesses to survive and make money they HAVE to design technology to require replacing, maintenance, servicing...


The level of waste this creates and the damage to our environment and the using earth resources to create this technology at thousands of times the rate of its renewability is where a huge problem is.


So my view now... is that like you said, about reading, downloading and researching online.. that's what I do too... and although there's other things to "DO"... I really value the process of self education that this technology can enhance in our lives.


So yea, my iPhone is bad for the environment, but right now I'm going to use one... I also make music for mobile phone commercials, so again, I'm supporting the advertising and sales of this planned obsolescence technology.... But right now, we live in environments where functioning without these things isn't necessary if we just want to go live in the forest in a community... But I have made the decision that I want to be a part of this society to understand it... and although it might put me in positions of hypocrisy and compromise to the views I'm exploring here... I'm just learning and constructing a new understanding!


While I was a Christian, I spent enough time standing on egg shells "oh I can't do that... I can't do this"..... So now I'm thinking... I'll just roll with it... and keep searching to be INFORMED and educate myself to make better choices. Right now... I need to pay for bills and if a mobile phone commercial is going to pay for those, I'm not going to stand on egg shells and condemn myself. Although I'm not that comfortable with it! lol (clearly)


But yea....... I really think that technology will be part of an evolved society... but that we are also totally connected with the nature and science of life... Because we're "connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the universe atomically"... and technology should and can enhance those connections, to flow with the science of life that we grow in our understanding of... and not use technology to flow against life and our environment, as we currently do on a sick level.


But that's just a thought on what technology could be.... it's just an assumption! I don't really know that... if you have any info on technology itself... or if it's more HOW technology is created and used that's the problem.


I watched this show about these little slug things in the ocean... and on the ocean floor, certain types of stone and sand used to rub and scape and become transparent..... These slugs developed senses in evolution where they could sense light... and so could sense the shadows of predators... so they survived and the others didn't..... then these senses through evolution could sense color.... But then they somehow started to use these tiny transparent stones which acted as lenses.. this whole process happened over millions of years developing into eyes..


Anyway, the way I'm explaining that is so bad hahah.... but I remember thinking, "I wonder if there's loads of examples in evolution, where an organism or creature uses materials from their surrounding environment to enhance how they interact and function in their environment".... and I thought, "Isn't that what all organisms and life do!?".....


In a way... is that how technology is defined?..... Using resources and materials from the surrounding environment to construct something that enhances the function of something?...


I don't know.... but I want to look into that more... and that's why I have this current assumption that technology is awesome and good, if used in a way that enhances e.g. symbiosis with life... and also things like creativity and health within that symbiosis with environment and life.

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