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I read it all. Pretty sick. Doesn't give me much hope for the future... also reinforces my plan to never move to the US.

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Those statements do not reflect mainstream American attitudes. What is more, I am always dubious of such quotes on grounds of whether they are: (1) accurate; and, (2) unfairly taken out of context. For example, there was talk of the Christians taking over the government and imposing certain Christian values by force of law. The First Amendment is more than a mere law written into our Constitution. It is enshrined in American political and social thought to such a degree that anyone who seriously proposed forming a Christian theocracy in the U.S. would be laughed and heckled off the political stage.

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I meant it more in the sense that when I hear people talking like this, they're usually not on this side of the Atlantic (although admittedly there are some nutjobs around here as well). Didn't mean to imply that all Americans are like that obviously :) I just don't like the way I see Christianity/Christians so prominently influencing politics, even with the First Amendment in place.

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I meant it more in the sense that when I hear people talking like this, they're usually not on this side of the Atlantic (although admittedly there are some nutjobs around here as well). Didn't mean to imply that all Americans are like that obviously smile.png I just don't like the way I see Christianity/Christians so prominently influencing politics, even with the First Amendment in place.


I think I understand what you're saying and I agree that I hate hearing such things as those quotes. There is no doubt that there is a lot of Christian influence in the U.S. However, at least based on my experience, the vast majority of Christians here cringe at such statements. Most Christians here are fairly lukewarm Sunday attenders who don't even read their Bibles. For the majority of Christians, going to church is more social than truly religious. They shake hands, sing songs, listen to the preacher, and then go about their daily lives, giving little thought to what they heard in church.

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