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Goodbye Jesus

You're Going To Hell . . .


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At least they won't judge me there.

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I just say "i'd rather be in hell with people that love and care for me and i the same, than be in heaven with people like you" but i don't believe in heaven or hell, so i guess it's just a moot point.

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I have come up with a response to being told I'm going to hell that seems to deflect it right back in the face of the utterer. I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there.". If anything, I've received quite a few stunned looks because I don't think there's a canned response for this one. When Theists beat you over the head with what you believe as an Athiest, don't bother telling them what you believe, tell them what you think.


That's a great one!

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I just say "i'd rather be in hell with people that love and care for me and i the same, than be in heaven with people like you" but i don't believe in heaven or hell, so i guess it's just a moot point.

Nah, I remember that "excuse" being brought up in youth group (i.e. evangelizing class). They won't get it.


I've tried just saying "prove it." But then they throw scripture in your face. They don't get that doesn't prove shit.


I like the OP's suggestion. I think I'll try that one, though I don't get many opportunities as I don't talk about religion with family and my few close friends are all either free of the cult or just don't give a damn.

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I like that response, I think it's fantastic.

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I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there."


I'll have to remember that in case the subject ever comes up with someone.

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I just say "i'd rather be in hell with people that love and care for me and i the same, than be in heaven with people like you" but i don't believe in heaven or hell, so i guess it's just a moot point.

Nah, I remember that "excuse" being brought up in youth group (i.e. evangelizing class). They won't get it.


I've tried just saying "prove it." But then they throw scripture in your face. They don't get that doesn't prove shit.


I like the OP's suggestion. I think I'll try that one, though I don't get many opportunities as I don't talk about religion with family and my few close friends are all either free of the cult or just don't give a damn.


Yeah, but it doesn't matter they'll just throw scripture at you no matter what you say, the more they throw scripture at you the more hell will look like a paradise.


Although I do like the OP too, I'll have to try that one.

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Did OP's response disappear? Any god who would want to torment awesome souls like us is an insecure dick. Bring it on, god-monster!

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I have come up with a response to being told I'm going to hell that seems to deflect it right back in the face of the utterer. I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there.". If anything, I've received quite a few stunned looks because I don't think there's a canned response for this one. When Theists beat you over the head with what you believe as an Athiest, don't bother telling them what you believe, tell them what you think.


I actually was just browsing the Clergy Project's page, and there was a comment from a fundy ranting about how they were sending people to hell, blah, blah, blah, so I tried your advice :)

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I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there."


Nicely said.


When I was a Christian I dont think I ever told anyone that they were going to hell. It takes quite a low life to say that to someone. I think it says more about the person saying it.


Most Christians I think today are just embarrassed by the insanity of it, and are lumbered with it.

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I have come up with a response to being told I'm going to hell that seems to deflect it right back in the face of the utterer. I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there.". If anything, I've received quite a few stunned looks because I don't think there's a canned response for this one. When Theists beat you over the head with what you believe as an Athiest, don't bother telling them what you believe, tell them what you think.

that is ABSOLUTELY classic! Your comment reminds me of the way the late George Carlin also put it about a god loving you so much that he's gonna send you to hell unless...


Off topic: what kind of gear is that in your pic? I have Fenders - both electric and acoustic along with a solo Fender amp and some mics.

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For the longest time, I felt unsatisfied with telling believers what I "believe". This placed my aguments on equal ground in their minds because of that word. It always came right after they threw the question "Oh, so just what do you believe?!!" at me. "Belief" is simply not capable of bearing the mental equity that I place on the pursuit of Truth, Science and Reason. For you philosophy minors, I capitalized them on purpose. lol Thanks for the replies!

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I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there."


Nicely said.


When I was a Christian I dont think I ever told anyone that they were going to hell. It takes quite a low life to say that to someone. I think it says more about the person saying it.


Most Christians I think today are just embarrassed by the insanity of it, and are lumbered with it.

And you wanna know the sad part about the whole 'hell' issue? You may already know this and if so then forgive the redundancy. If not, years ago I'd done a biblical study in the nt of the references to 'hell' or 'gehenna' or 'outer darkness' and other associations that could be construed as hell itself. I then did another study on 'heaven', 'abundant life', 'ever lasting peace (or joy)', and all similar associations to the positive teachings. The ratio, if I can remember, was about 17-1 AGAINST the parts about hell. Every time there's a reference to the negative bs, there's 17 other passages REFUTING the bs. But of course they love to major on the minors.
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I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there."


Nicely said.


When I was a Christian I dont think I ever told anyone that they were going to hell. It takes quite a low life to say that to someone. I think it says more about the person saying it.


Most Christians I think today are just embarrassed by the insanity of it, and are lumbered with it.

And you wanna know the sad part about the whole 'hell' issue? You may already know this and if so then forgive the redundancy. If not, years ago I'd done a biblical study in the nt of the references to 'hell' or 'gehenna' or 'outer darkness' and other associations that could be construed as hell itself. I then did another study on 'heaven', 'abundant life', 'ever lasting peace (or joy)', and all similar associations to the positive teachings. The ratio, if I can remember, was about 17-1 AGAINST the parts about hell. Every time there's a reference to the negative bs, there's 17 other passages REFUTING the bs. But of course they love to major on the minors.

Might pay to not bring that one up, lest you be accused of taking Scripture out of context.

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I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there."


Nicely said.


When I was a Christian I dont think I ever told anyone that they were going to hell. It takes quite a low life to say that to someone. I think it says more about the person saying it.


Most Christians I think today are just embarrassed by the insanity of it, and are lumbered with it.

And you wanna know the sad part about the whole 'hell' issue? You may already know this and if so then forgive the redundancy. If not, years ago I'd done a biblical study in the nt of the references to 'hell' or 'gehenna' or 'outer darkness' and other associations that could be construed as hell itself. I then did another study on 'heaven', 'abundant life', 'ever lasting peace (or joy)', and all similar associations to the positive teachings. The ratio, if I can remember, was about 17-1 AGAINST the parts about hell. Every time there's a reference to the negative bs, there's 17 other passages REFUTING the bs. But of course they love to major on the minors.

Might pay to not bring that one up, lest you be accused of taking Scripture out of context.

Well crap because don't they do it all of the time? Example - you MUST be born again - that's a universal thing with them right? Well it only appears TWICE in the nt and the one time doesn't really count (to me anyway) because it was within the context of Peter talking with converts and saying 'you have been born again of .....'.
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Well crap because don't they do it all of the time? Example - you MUST be born again - that's a universal thing with them right? Well it only appears TWICE in the nt and the one time doesn't really count (to me anyway) because it was within the context of Peter talking with converts and saying 'you have been born again of .....'.

Don't worry, I was just kidding (and that's what I was getting at). It can be hard to tell on a computer screen though.

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don't bother telling them what you believe, tell them what you think.




I have always separated people into THINKERS and FEELERS.


**not a big "Feeler" myself. Including my politics.***

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Well crap because don't they do it all of the time? Example - you MUST be born again - that's a universal thing with them right? Well it only appears TWICE in the nt and the one time doesn't really count (to me anyway) because it was within the context of Peter talking with converts and saying 'you have been born again of .....'.

Don't worry, I was just kidding (and that's what I was getting at). It can be hard to tell on a computer screen though.

Sorry if I gave you the impression that you were serious because I knew you weren't. I mean, logically speaking, you're over here in this environment with other rational thinkers so I knew you were using humor...
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don't bother telling them what you believe, tell them what you think.




I have always separated people into THINKERS and FEELERS.


**not a big "Feeler" myself. Including my politics.***

Ain't that the truth especially about politics. If only people weren't so emotional regarding politics then perhaps they'd be able to see how much they're manipulated by both parties..
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I have come up with a response to being told I'm going to hell that seems to deflect it right back in the face of the utterer. I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there.". If anything, I've received quite a few stunned looks because I don't think there's a canned response for this one.


How many times have you actually used this line of argument? The reason I ask is because even after nearly a decade removed from the Christian mindset, I immediately thought of the very common argument, "God doesn't send people to hell; people send themselves to hell."

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I have come up with a response to being told I'm going to hell that seems to deflect it right back in the face of the utterer. I have begun telling them "That's okay, I forgive you for worshipping a being that would actually send me there.". If anything, I've received quite a few stunned looks because I don't think there's a canned response for this one.


How many times have you actually used this line of argument? The reason I ask is because even after nearly a decade removed from the Christian mindset, I immediately thought of the very common argument, "God doesn't send people to hell; people send themselves to hell."

Yeah, that sounds about right or to add another slight spin to it maybe 'we create our own hell right here on earth sometimes'.
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