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Goodbye Jesus

Article Cites Ex-C - 8 Ways Christians Foster Deconversion


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Interesting article...


If the Catholic bishops, their conservative

Protestant allies


and other right-wing fundamentalists had the sole objective of decimating religious belief, they couldn’t be doing a better job of it.



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Very cool, thanks for sharing this!


Admittedly the article does make me feel like a little white lab rat. freak3.gif I couldn't tell the author's stand, was he for or against clergy pushing out their own members into atheism? **edit: she**

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Very cool, thanks for sharing this!


Admittedly the article does make me feel like a little white lab rat. freak3.gif I couldn't tell the author's stand, was he for or against clergy pushing out their own members into atheism? **edit: she**


It's by Valerie Tarico, she's really cool and has authored a few books along with being active on EX-C a few times.

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On the other forum I post on, just keep them talking. Lurkers see we have the most compelling arguments.

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