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Dealing With Brother D


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I spoke up on the Inspire website (which is a support website for people with illnesses) in response to a post by this Brother D where he is talking about trusting biblegod for healing. I said, "Save your preaching for church."


In response to my comment, Brother D wrote the following:


Go ahead and spread the word I don't mind one bit. You can add me on facebook Darrin Hardiman Sr. 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Isaiah 35:3 (KJV)

Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 (KJV)

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


This webpage is for us to lift one another up and encourage one another and I'm sorry if I offended you sjee but I have to do what the word of God tells me. Acts 5:29 (KJV)

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Matthew 10:28 (KJV)

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


I'd appreciate your suggestions as I am new at debate. Or should I just drop it? I had my say.


The rules state:

We work hard to keep Inspire a safe and comfortable place for members. Content that is obscene or violent, refers to material that is obscene or violent, or contains hate speech or remarks that are disrespectful to any race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or individual is not permitted. Content that is potentially libelous, violates an individual's privacy, or violates the legal rights of any individual or entity is not permitted.


What about saying that his remarks are disrespectful to non-Christian religions?

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Just say your an ex-c and you don't appreciate holy babble being tossed in your face. It brings back bad memories.

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  • Moderator

Where are the mods when you need them? Is there someone you can contact for the site?

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Where are the mods when you need them? Is there someone you can contact for the site?


Yes, there is a link where I can report the post. I might do that.

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Just say your an ex-c and you don't appreciate holy babble being tossed in your face. It brings back bad memories.


Good idea.


I really don't frequent the site anymore, so it is no big deal for me, but it just bothers me when these types of people come in and say biblegod will heal them. I have no doubt he believes what he is saying. I just don't think that that type of site is for preaching. He wrote out what a preacher said in church. WendyDoh.gif

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I am afraid that if I were in the same situation there would be two things I might do - 1. Ignore the ass, or 2. Post back and tell him he could shove it where the sun don't shine. Probably would depend on my mood that day.

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I am afraid that if I were in the same situation there would be two things I might do - 1. Ignore the ass, or 2. Post back and tell him he could shove it where the sun don't shine. Probably would depend on my mood that day.


I thought of these too! yelrotflmao.gif


I decided, however, to report the post. This is what I sent:




Re: The Battles the Lord post (Scleroderma group)


Do you find this type of post acceptable? I view it as preaching a specific religion and making claims that people will be healed if they petition the Christian god. I don't think this is appropriate as it is promoting a particular religion and it is making promises of healing, but I can't speak for you.


I don't see any problem with people showing support based on their beliefs, but this, in my opinion, goes far beyond that. I put this up before you for your consideration.


Thank you, Sharon

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See, this is touchy. Because he wasn't necessarily condemning anyone, and never said you were going to hell or anything like that. He was just being very very annoying.


Sad to say, but proclaiming a religion as truth, in general, doesn't appear to be against the rules of that forum, as they are written. If he starts calling you a hellbound sinner, that's one thing, but just being a preachy dickhole isn't blatantly violating any rule I see.


I'd start posting about how awesome Set is, bringing thunderstorms and re-attaching His own testicles, and is far more bad ass than Jesus. Then claim my own right to speak of my religion. But that's me.

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See, this is touchy. Because he wasn't necessarily condemning anyone, and never said you were going to hell or anything like that. He was just being very very annoying.


Yeah, it will definitely come down to how much the moderators are willing to tolerate. He also wrote out a whole sermon. I'll add that here too:


This was the message preach on Sunday


Bishop Fredric Michael Wilson Sr. 06/10/12 James 1:1-8


God has not forgotten you, He knows where your at and all that you are going through. God is with you in your darkest hour. There is not a time when God is not with you.


I talking to Christian. God has intervene in your life. He is the author and finisher of your faith. If God takes care of the birds in the air and the lilies in the field how much more important are you too Him.


When trouble come and you will have troubles in this world, but Jesus said as He over came the world we may also. You can run, you can hide, you can ditch and dodge but its going to found you. Bad things will happen to you in life.


But God who deliver Daniel out of the lions den, the three Hebrew boys and Job out of all his affection will deliver you. As God was with Joshua when Moses died He will be with you.


In the book of James 1 He talks about four points.

1. Count

2. Know

3. Let

4. Ask

An the title is Turning Trails into Triumph


Jesus told us to count up the cost if we want to be His disciples, and that we will have trouble in this world. James 1 said in verses 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.


When we go through trails and tribulation we can't run. We have to wether the storm. We have to trust and believe and have faith that God going to see you through.


When things are good and everything is flowing in life, its not a problem telling everybody how good God is. But as soon as trouble came we forget how good God was. As some as the money get short, bills due, car break down, husband or wife ain't acting right, we start to complain and murmur why me. Forgetting that God is good. Our out look determine our out come.


When trails come people want to run to the world, but you need to stay put. Trust God and let Him lead and guild you. Giving Him praise and honor and continually worshipping Him. He will give you peace in the storm. Trails are inedible. But when they come you still have to have a joyful attitude, speak joy into your life.


Know: you need to know something when you are going through a trail. You gotta know the Word of God and know what Scriptures to go too. James tell us to wait with patience when we go through also in:


Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto.


2 Cor. 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;


Let: you gotta let go and let God get you through. Don't cast God away and lean to you owe understanding. You have to have the same confident that Job had.

Job 23:8 Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: 9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold


Ask: James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


We all need God help and if we ask He will supply our every need. Don't ask Him if your not going to learn to godly advice, don't be double-minded and saying one thing and start doing another. If your doubting God you have no faith and you want receive anything. So ask in faith, trust and believe and stay in the storm tell you come out as pure gold.

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We all need God help and if we ask He will supply our every need. Don't ask Him if your not going to learn to godly advice, don't be double-minded and saying one thing and start doing another. If your doubting God you have no faith and you want receive anything. So ask in faith, trust and believe and stay in the storm tell you come out as pure gold.


Wow, again, with the poor grammar and answer for everything! They often go hand-in-hand...

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I am afraid that if I were in the same situation there would be two things I might do - 1. Ignore the ass, or 2. Post back and tell him he could shove it where the sun don't shine. Probably would depend on my mood that day.


I thought of these too!


I decided, however, to report the post. This is what I sent:




Re: The Battles the Lord post (Scleroderma group)


Do you find this type of post acceptable? I view it as preaching a specific religion and making claims that people will be healed if they petition the Christian god. I don't think this is appropriate as it is promoting a particular religion and it is making promises of healing, but I can't speak for you.


I don't see any problem with people showing support based on their beliefs, but this, in my opinion, goes far beyond that. I put this up before you for your consideration.


Thank you, Sharon






Wow, excellent note! I'm relieved that you did that, so it's at least on the record.


What totally creeped me out in your first post about what he wrote was when he said, "I'm sorry if I offended you sjee but I have to do what the word of God tells me," AND with the line about, "and, when trouble come and you will have troubles in this world, but Jesus said as He over came the world we may also. You can run, you can hide, you can ditch and dodge but its going to found you. Bad things will happen to you in life."



I mean, what the HELL is this guy thinkin'? Sounds kind of like a bible thumping version of The Twilight Zone. I expected to hear Rod Serling say, "Welcome to the Twilight Za-own, Prayuz Cheesus!" and then hear "Beedy beedo, beedy beedo, bada da DA DUM!"


Emphasis on "DUM" where this guy is concerned. He seems incapable of thinking for himself--he also seems incapable of speaking grammatically correct Standard American English--or of spelling anything correctly, either. :)

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Ask him for evidence of healing of amputees.

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Emphasis on "DUM" where this guy is concerned. He seems incapable of thinking for himself--he also seems incapable of speaking grammatically correct Standard American English--or of spelling anything correctly, either. smile.png


I checked out this guy's Facebook page, and on it for education he put Unlearned University. His father replied in one of the posts with the same type of bible-babble rhetoric. Perhaps he was home schooled and he picked all this up at home? He lives in California. Yeah, Anna, I think a lot of this stuff is passed on from generation to generation and people don't think about what they are preaching. He's in for a rude awakening when his illness is not healed by biblegod.


I haven't heard anything from Inspire. I figure I probably won't until next week since it is the weekend.


I feel much more calm about this today. I suppose because I said something and got it out of my system instead of stewing about it.

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It's well worth saying something - he's not just mentioning his beliefs, he's telling people on a forum for an illness that god will heal them - that's rotten false hope, and worse yet could encourage people not to look to managing their condition, finding the right diagnosis and treatment.

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He's incredibly obnoxious and I hope you sent that post with the whole damn sermon to the mods as well. Also, just remind him that not everyone on that forum are Christians.

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It's well worth saying something - he's not just mentioning his beliefs, he's telling people on a forum for an illness that god will heal them - that's rotten false hope, and worse yet could encourage people not to look to managing their condition, finding the right diagnosis and treatment.


That's what riled me so much! Some people are that naive to believe God will heal them and taking medicine is a "lack of faith". I know I was foolish enough to think I would be healed, though I always took my medicine. That's why I told him to save his preaching for church. When he said he was going to keep on preaching, that's when I contacted the moderators with that message. I checked on Inspire and no one else has responded to his posts and his threads are going away, so maybe most of the people are just ignoring him. I hope so!

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He's incredibly obnoxious and I hope you sent that post with the whole damn sermon to the mods as well. Also, just remind him that not everyone on that forum are Christians.


Yes, the post I sent to the moderators had that sermon in it.


That is a good point. If he keeps at it, I will do that. I tried to point out in my letter that he is saying the Christian god will heal them so they realize he is just promoting his religion over others. I hope they notice that. Will see when they reply.

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I spoke up on the Inspire website (which is a support website for people with illnesses) in response to a post by this Brother D where he is talking about trusting biblegod for healing. I said, "Save your preaching for church."


In response to my comment, Brother D wrote the following:


Go ahead and spread the word I don't mind one bit. You can add me on facebook Darrin Hardiman Sr. 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Isaiah 35:3 (KJV)

Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 (KJV)

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


This webpage is for us to lift one another up and encourage one another and I'm sorry if I offended you sjee but I have to do what the word of God tells me. Acts 5:29 (KJV)

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Matthew 10:28 (KJV)

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


I'd appreciate your suggestions as I am new at debate. Or should I just drop it? I had my say.


The rules state:

We work hard to keep Inspire a safe and comfortable place for members. Content that is obscene or violent, refers to material that is obscene or violent, or contains hate speech or remarks that are disrespectful to any race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or individual is not permitted. Content that is potentially libelous, violates an individual's privacy, or violates the legal rights of any individual or entity is not permitted.


What about saying that his remarks are disrespectful to non-Christian religions?


Why not add in there that the Goddess, in whatever you form you prefer to see her will bless you and heal you. Since it is 'ok' to make positive religious comments, pick a different religion and make some positive comments. :-)

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Emphasis on "DUM" where this guy is concerned. He seems incapable of thinking for himself--he also seems incapable of speaking grammatically correct Standard American English--or of spelling anything correctly, either.


I haven't heard anything from Inspire. I figure I probably won't until next week since it is the weekend.


I feel much more calm about this today. I suppose because I said something and got it out of my system instead of stewing about it.




Well, lemme know if you need me to go all East L.A. on his sorry culo--If nothing else, I think some power wheelchair tire tracks across his forehead might make him behave! <maniacal giggle> :)

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Well, lemme know if you need me to go all East L.A. on his sorry culo--If nothing else, I think some power wheelchair tire tracks across his forehead might make him behave! <maniacal giggle> smile.png


yelrotflmao.gif Okay, will do.

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