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Goodbye Jesus

Throwing It Out!


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I am going through all of my things because I am about to move, and I want to get rid of as much as I can.

I came across a bunch of my old christian stuff. Things I wrote, things friends wrote me, sermon notes, things I painted... I have a lot of things! Well, I'm going to keep SOME of them. I have no interest in erasing something that has helped shape who I am today. But I am tearing up and throwing out most of it. While listening to Wilco. Its rather therapeutic. :)

Goooood day.

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I agree that some of those things are worth keeping because, like you observe, they are part of what made you who you are now. For example, I have an old King James Version bible that my parents gave to me when I was a child. I'll never throw that away!!!

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I think your right Palm and OF, there comes a time to sort though and separate the trash from the cherished treasure.


It helps me define the "plot line" of my life--where I've been, what I've seen, what friends I discovered along the way, who are my heroes and heroines, who are the villains, how I've suffered and flourished.


For one settling into the winter of life it's a "home coming" of sorts! The sweet refrain of a seasoned life..

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Fun!! I love purging. A few days ago I found some Christian stuff from a group I was involved with, a group that has now been accused of hating a specific group of people eek.gif . Because my new life involves many of these individuals against whom the dislike is focused, I have burned it all! I had trouble holding the prescribed views this group wanted me to have, and I certainly have let go of these beliefs altogether now. I can't even hold onto this group's material because I now view it as hate literature!


I have kept only one of my Bibles (high school graduation present from parents) and my journals. It's interesting looking back and thinking "OMG! WTF was I thinking?" although I have only read through them once since my deconversion. Reading through my journals makes me wonder at the depth of delusion I was in, that I favored personal "revelation" (AKA the feeling of being rightTM) above objective evidence. WendyDoh.gif


Happy purging! yellow.gif

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I threw away all of my old college papers and lesson files a few weeks ago. I still weed out books now and then. It will be nice to get down to only a few good Christian resources.

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