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Goodbye Jesus

The God Who Wasn't There -- Flawed Logic?


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So last night I watched "The God Who Wasn't There" and generally I liked it, but I took issue with some of the filmmaker Brian Flemming's reasoning. First, he asserted that Paul never mentioned any events of the life of Jesus except his death, burial, and resurrection, and Flemming asserts that Paul never claimed Jesus was an earthly figure. However, Paul does recount the Last Supper in 1 Cor. 11. There's nothing about the way Paul relates that story (as I read it) that makes it sound like he thought it was taking place in some non-physical plane of existence. Additionally, the filmmaker attributes authorship of the book of Hebrews to Paul. I've been out of the Bible study game for a long time, but to my knowledge no one has ever solidly identified the author of that book. Did anyone else who saw this movie catch either of these things?

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Guest Valk0010

I didn't really care what flemming said on the historical jesus thing, i was more into the Robert M Price, Richard Carrier and Alan Dundes interview. But at far as flemming seemed to mean, and how I understand the general position about Paul believing in a spiritual resurrection, was that the body was still in the ground, and in some way the spirit of jesus rose again.

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