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Goodbye Jesus

A New Norm


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I do believe if I follow this form,

"I think if this, then that",

then I can make

a new norm,

a new way of expressing

the interconnected relations

which comprise the world

and explain its gyrations.


I suspect if I show the tie

between answers "because"

and questions "why?",

then those who see it

will see truth for themselves

if only they try.


I hope if I explain a link

between implication and entailments,

then others will see it,

and report their own statements.


I'm trusting that if others

are demonstrated this way

then they will, in turn, explain

paradox to me some day.


Thus, I suppose,

if you see me calling for reform,

then it's probably because

I'm trying to make a new norm.

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If you want to express a thought, why hide it in a cryptic 'poem'?

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If you want to express a thought, why hide it in a cryptic 'poem'?


I'm not sure if I understand this question.


I believe if poetry comes to me then it's an expression laden with things other then explicit thoughts. I think if poetry is decent then it possesses a sensual aspect which kind of serves to elicit emotion.

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I guess I don't 'get' what the poem is supposed to convey, or why a clearly-written paragraph or so wouldn't be vastly more effective.

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I guess I don't 'get' what the poem is supposed to convey, or why a clearly-written paragraph or so wouldn't be vastly more effective.


Hmm. Well, when people express themselves in written form, do you think that it should always be prose? Is so, then I think that would be a curious stance.

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No, poetry is fine and all. Just saying that it doesn't necessarily convey anything to the reader.


And maybe that isn't the purpose? I dunno.

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No, poetry is fine and all. Just saying that it doesn't necessarily convey anything to the reader.


And maybe that isn't the purpose? I dunno.


Hmm. Well, I think if poetry is utilized by someone then it may have a multitude of purposes, some of which may be vague to the authors themselves. It also seems to me that when any written or visual form is expressed then it can't avoid conveying something, because the very form of the message and its existence has impliciations associated with it. For instance, if I see graffiti or Japanese calligraphy then I may not understand the intended message, but the symbols themselves convey meaning by virture of having symbolic form.

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Can you dumb it down for me and just tell me what you're trying to express here?

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Can you dumb it down for me and just tell me what you're trying to express here?


When you say "here" do you intend to mean the poem in the opening post?

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Can you dumb it down for me and just tell me what you're trying to express here?


When you say "here" do you intend to mean the poem in the opening post?


Yeah, the OP.


You talk about entailment, cause, and effect quite a bit- and I usually don't quite understand what you're getting at or why you dwell on it. Assuming this poem is related, it's even less clear than your regular posts on the subject.

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Well as I think about your request I am torn, because, on the one hand, I would like to try my hand at expressing some of the thoughts I have associated with the poem, but on the other hand, I don't want to taint the reader's personal interpretation with meaning imposed by me.

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Rank, would you be interested in reading about some of these thoughts if I started a new thread and expressed myself more in a more prosaic fashion? If you answer yes or no then that's fine by me.

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Yeah, I would. And I promise to try not to be a dick about it.


Maybe it would be fun to compare the poem with a more explicit version?

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Yeah, I would. And I promise to try not to be a dick about it.


Maybe it would be fun to compare the poem with a more explicit version?


Okay. If you think it might be interesting then I think I'll try to set time aside to do that. And yeah, perhaps if we compared them then it would be even more instructive. I suspect when I write prose rather than poetry, different aspects of my mind are utilized.

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Dear readers.... I made a few minor changes to try and rid the poem of what I thought were rythmic flaws. Would anyone wish to read them both and tell me which one they think has a better rythm?




Yes, I do believe

if I follow this form,

"I think if this, then that",

then I can make

a new norm,

a new way of expressing

the interconnected relations

which comprise the world

and explain its gyrations.


I suspect if I show a tie

between answers "because"

and questions "why?",

then those who see it

will find truths for themselves

if only they try.


I hope if I explain a link

between implication and entailments,

then others will see it

and report their own statements.


I'm trusting that if others

are demonstrated this way

then they will, in turn,

explain paradox to me one day.


Thus, I suppose

if you see me call for reform,

then it's probably because

I'm trying to make a new norm.




Alright, when this one is compared with the first one, which of the two has a better rythmic quality?


Anyone? Anyone? :HaHa:

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Wonders whyn you are so busy trying to change everyone's mind....

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