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Goodbye Jesus

The Sign Of The Cross


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As I was cleaning out the whole house in the last week, I found a beautiful (quite large) picture, that I forgot I had. It was still in the box ( in a closet) It looks something like this, except mine has a beautiful gold cross on it:




I almost gave it away and then decided to see if cross's stood for something besides jesus's death. I found this:


cross symbol


The basic shape of a cross, has since prehistoric times been employed in almost every culture throughout the world and all the roughly similar shapes of cross symbols have wildly different meanings. The cross variously symbolised health, fertility, life, immortality, the union of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, the sun, the stars... it is seen a world centre and a cosmic axis, the cross represents the human form, with its four cardinal points it can be mapped to fourfold systems: the four directions: north, south, east, and west; the 4 seasons; the four elements; the four winds... http://www.designboo...oss_symbol.html


I'm going to keep the picture and hang it! biggrin.png

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Atta girl. Make it your own!


You could slowly gather images of cross-like objects from othe cultures and hang them around that picture.

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....too bad xianity is bullshit.

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I almost gave it away and then decided to see if cross's stood for something besides jesus's death.


In the ancient Egyptian tomb paintings the pharoahs and Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying the Ankh. This symbolises eternal life and predated Christianity by thousands of years.



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Many symbols have been taken over by a dominant group and we lose the original meanings. Today the cross is seen almost exclusively as a Christian symbol. Other symbols that have been irreparably perverted include the swastika and the Confederate flag.


Today, cross = Christian, swastika = Nazi and Confederate flag = racist.

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Many symbols have been taken over by a dominant group and we lose the original meanings. Today the cross is seen almost exclusively as a Christian symbol. Other symbols that have been irreparably perverted include the swastika and the Confederate flag.


Today, cross = Christian, swastika = Nazi and Confederate flag = racist.


In India, the Swastika is still a common site. It represents the sun IIRC. I even have a picture I took saved on my old pc of a cafe with the title Swastika Cafe. I have another one of the KKK Cafe. Not sure what was going on with that one.

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Many symbols have been taken over by a dominant group and we lose the original meanings. Today the cross is seen almost exclusively as a Christian symbol. Other symbols that have been irreparably perverted include the swastika and the Confederate flag.


Today, cross = Christian, swastika = Nazi and Confederate flag = racist.

When did the swastika not =Nazi?

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The swastika is a hindu sun symbol. The nazis borrowed it, so now it is viewed in the west as a symbol of evil.


But go to india and it is a religious symbol.

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Many symbols have been taken over by a dominant group and we lose the original meanings. Today the cross is seen almost exclusively as a Christian symbol. Other symbols that have been irreparably perverted include the swastika and the Confederate flag.


Today, cross = Christian, swastika = Nazi and Confederate flag = racist.

When did the swastika not =Nazi?


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Many symbols have been taken over by a dominant group and we lose the original meanings. Today the cross is seen almost exclusively as a Christian symbol. Other symbols that have been irreparably perverted include the swastika and the Confederate flag.


Today, cross = Christian, swastika = Nazi and Confederate flag = racist.

When did the swastika not =Nazi?


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Margee: Thanks for this. For one of the things I am dealing with in my own de-conversion is that one of my tatoos is a cross. I think I realized that it was a pre-Christian symbol (for most likely the device for crucifixion looked differently than the typical "cross" of today)..

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