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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Misconceptions


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What are some of the things you used to believe when you were a christian only to later realize were completely wrong; or what do you often hear Christians say which are just plain false.



Without God your life has no meaning: I used to believe this for years, even held it for a while after I deconverted. Growing up, I was taught that everything I did mattered more in the afterlife than this present life, so naturally I thought less and less about this current life and more about the afterlife and it shaped my world view and my actions. After being out of the fold for a while, I've discovered that this is actually not true, I find that my life now has more meaning. My relationships with people matter more because I don't have eternity to make things right. What I do with my life matters more because I'm not just working for a future heaven. Protecting our planet and the people on it matters more because there's not going to be a cosmic salvation or a future justice. The more I'm away from an eternity mindset, the more each day and life overall matters.



Persecution means Christianity is correct: I saw someone else recently mention this and I remember a time when I thought it was true. In my christian mindset, I used to think that Christianity was persecuted because it was Satan's attack on God's plan, the more it was persecuted the more effective the Christians must be. But if you used this path of logic then couldn't one argue that Judaism not Christianity is still God's chosen religion. I mean if you take the number of adherents and the number killed for their faith then Judaism has to be far larger than Christianity. If you take the idea that persecution means ridicule, then wouldn't the Mormon faith or Scientology on average be more persecuted than Christianity and therefore one should be a Mormon?

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Great post. I like the positive message of focus on the now, and not on an afterlife. It makes our time more valuable.

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I'm ashamed to admit it but I did believe a person or animal, such as a snake, could be possessed by an evil spirit and beguile a little girl. Then because of her behavior, all of mankind was cursed by their Ever-Loving-Father™. Then this same father-thing in the sky, or sky daddy, also cursed a poor serpent just for being possessed--as if he had anything to do with it!--took away the fucker's legs and made it wallow on its belly forever and ever! But this sick bastard in the sky is deserving of my worship? Once the scales fell away from my eyes, there was no going back.

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Then this same father-thing in the sky, or sky daddy, also cursed a poor serpent just for being possessed--as if he had anything to do with it!--took away the fucker's legs and made it wallow on its belly forever and ever!


When I was a christian, I sure wanted to do away with the book of genesis, it created so many problems for new converts. I remember growing up, it wasn't until I took a biology class in middle school that I learned that women actually have the same number of ribs as a man, it was shocking at the time. I look back now and wonder how ignorant I must have been.

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Without God you would be an evil person: I don't think that I ever thought this, but a lot of Christians that I know seem to believe that unbelievers can't be trusted. They equate Christianity with being good. I guess I never thought that anybody was good. We all needed to be saved and then to struggle with our sin nature throughout our lives. Since leaving Christianity behind, I feel that I am a better person with purer motives. I am free to be more accepting of others and to learn from their differing perspectives.

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God will not give you more than you can bear. Tell that to the folks on suicide watch in the psych ward.


Atheists are secretly unhappy, unfulfilled, and desperate for Jesus.Wendytwitch.gif Well, only now that I'm on this side of things do I realize the lunacy, the incorrect assumptions, and the inappropriate judgments in this belief/statement. Things certainly look differently outside of the Christian bubble.

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Atheists are secretly unhappy, unfulfilled, and desperate for Jesus;

No, I am happier , much happier because;

I am not always looking over my shoulder in case jesus or some busy body christian catches me in "sin."

I am no longer crippled with self loathing about who I am or what I have done. Divorces happen...

I no longer have to waste my time in church on a Sunday, nor house group on a week night, nor any lame ass christian weekends in the middle of nowhere.

I can listen to rock music without anyone tutting and mentioning satan.

I can date a hot woman without some busybody christian saying "but is she a believer?"

I don't have to give 10% of my gross (!!!!) earnings to some guy in a suit because some bronze age nomad met a wizard...


If Jesus gives you freedom, why do Christians have so many rules?

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When I was a christian, I sure wanted to do away with the book of genesis, it created so many problems for new converts. I remember growing up, it wasn't until I took a biology class in middle school that I learned that women actually have the same number of ribs as a man, it was shocking at the time. I look back now and wonder how ignorant I must have been.


That claim's actually (at least) thrice ignorant... even if you swallow da wholly babble hook, line and sinker, where the fuck does it supposedly say that because of that Adam and Eve thing all women have fewer ribs than all men even today?


I've never understood that, and even for morontheist standards this idea seems beyond crappy to me. If at least it served some good (from their POV) propaganda purpose... but for all I know it doesn't, or am I wrong? The only possible advantage I can find in this particular nonsense is the social one - if you believe the same bullcrap as the rest of the group that makes you part of the group. :crazy:

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I used to think stuff like "The Omen" and "The Excorcist" were true.


Somebody kick me please.


*kicks wester*


Better now? ;)

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Obvious one: Sexual orientation is a choice.


Seriously, cannot believe I fell for that way back when. I knew full well I had no desire to screw another dude, there was no constant struggle against homosexual urges... and yet I accepted the belief that all gay guys are just like me only they can't control themselves. What. The. Fuck.

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This idea that if you seek God, he is going to give you the perfect wife/husband. It is so self-centered and ridiculous. Every time I talk to someone who believes that, I want to ask them about the people sold into sex slavery or the people dying of aids. What of them?


I have so many friends who say things like "God is going to bless your marriage!" to another friend, because they know that they seek god. Secretly I hope that some of them will get divorced, just to give them a wake up call. Is that terrible...?

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If you don't believe in God, where do you get your morals from??


Well, there are still monkeys, so how did we evolve from them?


Hitler was an atheist


Gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage.

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Gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage.



Do you think people REALLY believe that, or do they believe it just because they are TOLD this is true?

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Do you think people REALLY believe that, or do they believe it just because they are TOLD this is true?


No idea...




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Do you think people REALLY believe that, or do they believe it just because they are TOLD this is true?


No idea...




"And another American family is destroyed!" yelrotflmao.gif

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Well, there are still monkeys, so how did we evolve from them?


Thank goodness I never said this, I always said that I don't have an opinion on evolution until I research it more......when I did research it I realized just how much sense evolution made and how little sense creationism has. I'm glad I didn't take the biblical stance, although admitting evolution was true was the first real chink in my christian armor.

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Do you think people REALLY believe that, or do they believe it just because they are TOLD this is true?


No idea...





OMG - Brother Josh, thanks for making me laugh so hard; what else can you do?!

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I used to think gays decide to become gay as way of rebelling against God. They are bitter and want to be belligerent, so they tell themselves they are gay and eventually believe it. I also thought they're promiscuous and will sleep with anyone, so long as that person is of the same gender as they are. They don't fall in love--they just mess around with someone until they get bored and move on to someone else. Since my family is staunchly for traditional marriage, I am still recovering from this viewpoint.

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I used to think gays decide to become gay as way of rebelling against God. They are bitter and want to be belligerent, so they tell themselves they are gay and eventually believe it. I also thought they're promiscuous and will sleep with anyone, so long as that person is of the same gender as they are. They don't fall in love--they just mess around with someone until they get bored and move on to someone else. Since my family is staunchly for traditional marriage, I am still recovering from this viewpoint.


Wow, that is so sad.

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That God was the epitome of love.


That one could choose to believe.


That having sex before marriage would have a deep and lasting affect on an individual and on a marriage.


That the Bible was inerrant, inspired and preserved by God.


That other religions were a counterfeit of xianity.


That xianity made my life better.


That without bible God we would not be able to determine right from wrong.


Just for starters.

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I used to think gays decide to become gay as way of rebelling against God.


I also used to think that they were gay because they rebelled against god and therefore god gave them over to a "depraved" mind. (Because of Romans 1:28)

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I used to think gays decide to become gay as way of rebelling against God. They are bitter and want to be belligerent, so they tell themselves they are gay and eventually believe it. I also thought they're promiscuous and will sleep with anyone, so long as that person is of the same gender as they

are. They don't fall in love--they just mess around with someone until they get bored and move on to someone else. Since my family is staunchly for

traditional marriage, I am still recovering from this viewpoint.


Wow, that is so sad.


It's the general Xian right-wing viewpoint. I have a friend who's bisexual. She is troubled, though. Unfortunately, the well-meaning vultures would use her issues to pop the there-is-a-way-out-of-your-destructive-lifestyle thing.


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Forgot to mention I thought rape isn't rape if the victim is the rapist's wife.

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Forgot to mention I thought rape isn't rape if the victim is the rapist's wife.


In the freaking old testament, if a man rapes a virgin, he can pay her father for her and take her as a wife.....WTF.


Deut 22:

28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

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