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Goodbye Jesus

Father Adam...guilty By Association.


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I often consider the fairness of being sent to hell as a result of being guilty by association. This concept would never fly in the court of law as we know it...Neither would espousing believers appreciate their children being sent to a court of law, made to be guilty as charged for the crime their great great-grandfather committed, (well....unless they're a Calvinist). Since they are heaven bound they can see this absurdity as reasonable and just, as long as it does not break the barriers of their functional delusion into reality. Just thinking out loud....

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Not only would that never fly in court but neither would the flip side of it, letting another party (jeebus) take the punishment (that you didn't deserve in the first place). It's analogous to having your dad about to whip your ass for something your brother did, then decides he can absolve you by kicking the dog.


From the outside looking in, it really is the most absurd belief system ever invented.

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And to think that many of us were on the inside looking out...promulgating this shit.

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Most people nowadays get around it by saying its OUR sins that put us in danger of hell, even though that's quasi-biblical.

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Most people nowadays get around it by saying its OUR sins that put us in danger of hell, even though that's quasi-biblical.

But we only sin in the first place because of Adam. If it hadn't been for him we would still be perfect immortal beings frolicking naked in a garden and never eating apples. So ultimately, according xtianity itself, we absolutely are not responsible for our supposed "sin nature" and the redemptive sacrifice is not an undeserved gift we should be thankful for, but rather a basic moral right to which we were entitled from the very beginning.

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And to think that many of us were on the inside looking out...promulgating this shit.

Ironically, the one time I went out proselytizing was a pivotal moment in my deconversion as I began to realize that the arguments I was using would never convince me of anything.


Fun trip to Romania though. The girls there are hot hot hot hot HOT.

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Most people nowadays get around it by saying its OUR sins that put us in danger of hell, even though that's quasi-biblical.

But we only sin in the first place because of Adam. If it hadn't been for him we would still be perfect immortal beings frolicking naked in a garden and never eating apples. So ultimately, according xtianity itself, we absolutely are not responsible for our supposed "sin nature" and the redemptive sacrifice is not an undeserved gift we should be thankful for, but rather a basic moral right to which we were entitled from the very beginning.


That's a very insightful post. +1

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Romanian chicks huh? Never would have guessed.


Does romania have anything to do with Rome?

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Well you see god is omniscience, but for a little while he forget to look into the future and see that back stabbing bastard snake.....so he set up this tree in the middle of his garden telling the people who don't know about good and evil not to eat.....well that tricky snake used their lack of moral knowledge against them....so god had no choice but punish mankind over and over again for millennia.....in his justice he had no choice but harm mankind.....but wait after 250,000 years of human existence the omniscient god figured it out!!! He could send his son to earth, kill his son and then use that to partially stop sending his non elect to hell!! Of course fuck the reprobate they're assholes anyways but now we have a way for the elect to be saved!


God is omnibenevolent, praise gawd and jebus!

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By the way that reminds me of the 'insanity' defense. If the insane are let off the hook bc "it's not their fault that they're insane", we shouldn't be guilty bc it's not our fault were fallible.

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Romanian chicks huh? Never would have guessed.

Does romania have anything to do with Rome?


...not that I could take advantage of it on a mission trip. But yeah. Apparently its a big destination for English boys looking to get laid. Probably doesn't hurt that as pretty as the gals are, the guys...well, not so much.


And yes, Romania was once part of the Roman empire and Romanian may actually be the living language that is closest to classical Latin. Don't take my word on that one though.


By the way that reminds me of the 'insanity' defense. If the insane are let off the hook bc "it's not their fault that they're insane", we shouldn't be guilty bc it's not our fault were fallible.

Exactly. I refuse to feel guilt over the simple fact I'm a human. My thoughts are not criminal, nor is any action which does no harm to another. When I wrong someone else I owe THEM an apology, not some mystical being. If my very existence pisses off magic sky-daddy who supposedly created me, that's his problem and his responsibility.

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I just googled "are Romanian chicks hot" and your findings have been dually verified. NICE!

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And another damn thing...since this thread started out with the reasons christianity would never fly in court:


I NEVER signed a contract allowing myself to be placed on earth to be tested for an indeterminate period of time after which I either receive infinite reward or infinite punishment. I AM NOT a willing participant in this sadistic cosmic game show.

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Someone on this site called it an Ancient Fruit-based Crime. I thought that was genius.

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And another damn thing...since this thread started out with the reasons christianity would never fly in court:


I NEVER signed a contract allowing myself to be placed on earth to be tested for an indeterminate period of time after which I either receive infinite reward or infinite punishment. I AM NOT a willing participant in this sadistic cosmic game show.


You never signed up......THAT YOU REMEMBER!!!!

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And another damn thing...since this thread started out with the reasons christianity would never fly in court:


I NEVER signed a contract allowing myself to be placed on earth to be tested for an indeterminate period of time after which I either receive infinite reward or infinite punishment. I AM NOT a willing participant in this sadistic cosmic game show.


You never signed up......THAT YOU REMEMBER!!!!


Ha, ha, ha. My brother once told me that if he gets to heaven and finds out we've all been in The Truman Show, then he's gonna be pissed. It's probably the last time he thought about how absurd it all is.

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Mars, the answer is Mars.



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Not only would that never fly in court but neither would the flip side of it, letting another party (jeebus) take the punishment (that you didn't deserve in the first place). It's analogous to having your dad about to whip your ass for something your brother did, then decides he can absolve you by kicking the dog.


From the outside looking in, it really is the most absurd belief system ever invented.


Better yet, it's like you spending 3 days in prison to pay your brother's life sentence and then requiring your brother to kiss your ass the rest of his life.

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Romanian chicks huh? Never would have guessed.


Does romania have anything to do with Rome?


Romanian is a latin language, closest to Italian. Pretty sure it was named after Rome.

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Better yet, it's like you spending 3 days in prison to pay your brother's life sentence and then requiring your brother to kiss your ass the rest of his life.

I was doing some thinking along those lines the other day...what jesus supposedly did wasn't really all that big a deal was it? He "gave his life" for us, but then he got it back! Really the only "sacrifice" was the temporary physical pain of being crucified, and while that is an extremely cruel and painful process it did end after a few hours.


If, by enduring a day of torture after which I'm perfectly fine, I could end the aids epidemic in Africa...I would totally do it. And I wouldn't then expect the entire population to worship me for thousands of years after the fact and throw them in prison for not doing so. Gawd is an egotistical jerk who brags too much about his own accomplishments, and in the end he's no better than me.

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And to think that many of us were on the inside looking out...promulgating this shit.


As an xian with brain in off-mode, one doesn't consider how utterly stupid xian doctrine is nor how toxic it can be to pass these ideas on to our young. Eons of retarded accepted tradition means that the brain doesnt question utterly stupid stuff. It was just 'always like that.' Now that the brain is ON, it is quite apparent how toxic xianity is.

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Gawd is an egotistical jerk who brags too much about his own accomplishments, and in the end he's no better than me.


Actually, in the end, all of humanity is better than him. Humanity has done more for each other than god ever will.

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And to think that many of us were on the inside looking out...promulgating this shit.


I've been so busy, I've missed reading some of these good threads over the last week!!


My gawd ttm...I can remember the time I sat arguing with one of the the most intelligent members of our family. I am so embarassed of myself now remembering how I tried to convince this cousin that the taking serpent in the book of Genesis was true because it was in the bible...Wendytwitch.gifWendybanghead.gif

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Well you see god is omniscience, but for a little while he forget to look into the future and see that back stabbing bastard snake.....so he set up this tree in the middle of his garden telling the people who don't know about good and evil not to eat.....well that tricky snake used their lack of moral knowledge against them....so god had no choice but punish mankind over and over again for millennia.....in his justice he had no choice but harm mankind.....but wait after 250,000 years of human existence the omniscient god figured it out!!! He could send his son to earth, kill his son and then use that to partially stop sending his non elect to hell!! Of course fuck the reprobate they're assholes anyways but now we have a way for the elect to be saved!


God is omnibenevolent, praise gawd and jebus!


I laughed so hard when I read this FeelHappy because I just posted something very similar on the post, ''Please forgive me-I just watched Joyce Myers''. I'll copy and paste it here also. I NEVER, even from the night I got saved, understood how an almighty God who created the heavens and the earth could not KNOW that his creation of humans were going to screw up!!! He was God????


The night I posted this - I was in an angry mood...hence the bad girl language.......smiliegojerkit.gifrolleyes.gif


Quote: ''I'm gonna just give you it straight from the beginning of the story in the first book of our 'Holy Book'.


God creates everything, I mean EVERYTHING, with his huge intelligence and fucks up his own plan with man, blames the man and curses him to the ground. Said our lives would be full of misery. Then he wipes out all his creation with a flood, tryin' so hard to fix his fucked up plan....

He even said himself that ,''It repenteth' me that I made man''!! Sweet jeeeeuuuusssss - he made us?? woohoo.gif

Then to make matters worse, he had to take his only begotten son and turn him into a human sacrifice.. to be beaten to a pulp by man and then hung on a cross to suffocate, and told us, that if we just believed in him, we could now be really saved from all our fucking faults, when he's the one who created us in the first place.!!!!!

Well this still isn't working,Wendyshrug.gif (he knew that!! Wendytwitch.gif ) so he is going to come back and create a 'blood bath' up to your knees, put his devil away for good and set up a whole new earth for us.


He is such a smart, loving god!!

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Better yet, it's like you spending 3 days in prison to pay your brother's life sentence and then requiring your brother to kiss your ass the rest of his life.

I was doing some thinking along those lines the other day...what jesus supposedly did wasn't really all that big a deal was it? He "gave his life" for us, but then he got it back! Really the only "sacrifice" was the temporary physical pain of being crucified, and while that is an extremely cruel and painful process it did end after a few hours.


The story also implies god has the rigid mind of a paper-pushing bureaucrat. I can't just forgive these sins, the sins have to be paid for, so here's a bureaucratic loophole that makes sure all bases are covered and up to snuff.


The problem with this is bureaucrats are rigid because they have no power. If they don't cross the "T"s and dot the "I"s they get in trouble with their superiors. They can't just close their eyes and approve your "close, but no cigar" document out of a sense of human benevolence as they have no power to do so. God in this case is his own bureaucratic superior, which just makes him simple and small minded and extremely petty.

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