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Goodbye Jesus



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Every day I read the voices section of our state newspaper only to see what kind of fundy madness has been printed for the day. I swear, half the letters are religious idiots having a pissing contest about their interpretation of "holy writ", and a good % of those always include teh wikkid gayz. One retard today goes on about how their is a xian legal defense fund that will provide, free of charge, legal advice to help pastors continue to bleat endlessly about how baaaaaad teh gayz are so that "biblical truth" continues to be harrassed onto others.


If there was any way I could post pics of these idiots' letters I would but I can't find a way to do it on my iPhone. It would make you rrraaaaaaagggggeeeeeee


I'm surrounded by mow-rons.

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What's the name of the paper? I'm sure it can be found online.

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The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette




Religion for Dummies

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May be for the better.


It makes me want to nuke the world some days.


Superstition and religiosity suck.


So much xenophobia.

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OOOOOHHHHH!!!!! Shit is about to hit the fan! Lady wrote in to the paper talking about how it's sprculated that Paul was gay!!!!! NEXT FEW DAYS ARE GONNA BE GREAT!!!

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May be for the better. It makes me want to nuke the world some days. Superstition and religiosity suck. So much xenophobia.


If it makes you feel any better, I live in a secular part of the world. But I meet people who are xenophobic, homophobic, etc. So I think hateful ppl use their religiosity as an excuse. Take away their xianity, and they would still probably be a-holes.

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how it's sprculated that Paul was gay!!!!!


Thats plausible. Same goes for Jesus.

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how it's sprculated that Paul was gay!!!!!


Thats plausible. Same goes for Jesus.


Where do they find this stuff about Paul and X being gay? I would like to check it out.

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May be for the better. It makes me want to nuke the world some days. Superstition and religiosity suck. So much xenophobia.


If it makes you feel any better, I live in a secular part of the world. But I meet people who are xenophobic, homophobic, etc. So I think hateful ppl use their religiosity as an excuse. Take away their xianity, and they would still probably be a-holes.


Very very true.

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how it's sprculated that Paul was gay!!!!!


Thats plausible. Same goes for Jesus.


Where do they find this stuff about Paul and X being gay? I would like to check it out.


I think the book is called "the bible" lol

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