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Had To Defriend My Own Mom On Fb Today


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So I post one of my status updates that encourages "critical thinking" today....actually it was the meme on "The Advice God" thread thats on here that compares Joshua's bloody conquests with Mohammads.....


Without making anything known to me, she texts my DAD and tells him about what I posted, an he walks in to work (I work for him) and says "you're really stirring things up in Facebook aren't you?". Then we get into a mildly heated discussion about it where I basically tell him I'm agnostic (but not without GOOD REASON) and I get the whole " well, you're wrong" tirade without him even having a passing interest in why I think what I do. I tell him I've studied religion enough to have multiple degrees while he admits he's only studied it a little and from only one POV, but has the arrogance to tell me he's right, I'm wrong, and that's that.


Some days I wish I could leave this country and move to Sweden.

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Ouch, I'm sorry, man. That was a serious breach of privacy there. You have every right to be upset and defriend anybody who can't figure out how to keep confidences. I'd have done the exact same thing.

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You're living in Absurdistan, dude.

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You're living in Absurdistan, dude.


I thought it was Dumbfuckistan. Maybe that's a county in Absurdistan. Right next to Tardville, and just outside of Braindeadia.

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My family is all over my facebook; so are a few former students. I keep my facebook super-vanilla, never anything about politics or religion. I save that stuff for Ex-C. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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My family is all over my facebook; so are a few former students. I keep my facebook super-vanilla, never anything about politics or religion. I save that stuff for Ex-C. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


I guess today's critical thinking exercise wasn't so subtle.

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I guess today's critical thinking exercise wasn't so subtle.


You talking about that "embrace ignorance" comment? Sounded pretty damn provocative to me...

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I guess today's critical thinking exercise wasn't so subtle.


You talking about that "embrace ignorance" comment? Sounded pretty damn provocative to me...


That's what I put up AFTER I defriended dear ol mom.

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I guess today's critical thinking exercise wasn't so subtle.


You talking about that "embrace ignorance" comment? Sounded pretty damn provocative to me...


That's what I put up AFTER I defriended dear ol mom.


Gotcha--hope it doesn't provoke anybody else...

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Mcdaddy, that really sucks. I admire your courage to put it out there though. Because of my dad I can't post things like that. I've thought about deleting him so that I have more freedom, but most of my friends are Christians, and Im not sure I want the drama.

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More power to ya. Buddy of mine keeps having to put his dad on "facebook probation" where he unfriends him and blocks him for a few months. Seems the old man can't quit dispensing "career advice" i.e. "graduate school isn't a real job"


One of these days I'm going to start posting all the anti-religion stuff I can find and put it out there for my fundy family to see. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Sorry to hear that M, but you know it's no surprise to me :)


I am on the verge of defriending an entire group of xians (former church members who have have de-friended me, mostly by silence, in my real life).


The only thing holding me back is the delusional hope that some of my posts will make them think...a little...at some point :shrug:

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McD: If you don't want to unfriend them you can just block them from your posts...


jb: I think you should keep them. I regret unfriending a lot of my friends a couple of years ago. I'd give them more time.

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Well, it's out in the open now, so-to-speak. Maybe your dad will cool off and you will be able to talk about it? Could this be his knee-jerk reaction with a lot of his ego thrown in (like how does this make me look now, I have a non-Christian son)?


Is it legal to de-friend your mother? Even in Dumbfuckistan?

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Well, it's out in the open now, so-to-speak. Maybe your dad will cool off and you will be able to talk about it? Could this be his knee-jerk reaction with a lot of his ego thrown in (like how does this make me look now, I have a non-Christian son)?


Is it legal to de-friend your mother? Even in Dumbfuckistan?


Me and dad are cool, he's just very arrogant. He knows he's right so he doesn't give it a second thought.


It's legal now! haha

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Well, it's out in the open now, so-to-speak. Maybe your dad will cool off and you will be able to talk about it? Could this be his knee-jerk reaction with a lot of his ego thrown in (like how does this make me look now, I have a non-Christian son)?


Is it legal to de-friend your mother? Even in Dumbfuckistan?


Me and dad are cool, he's just very arrogant. He knows he's right so he doesn't give it a second thought.


It's legal now! haha


GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif Glad things are cool with your dad.

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my MIL has been blocked from my posts for a loonngg time. we live two miles away from one another; fb on top of that was overwhelming!


is the "cat out of the bag" for you now?

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I still havent got the courage to defriend my church members let alone my own mom. OP and I were talking just yesterday about that. I have some like 70 year old facebook friends that go to my church and they only have like 20 friends so if one was missing they would know. Also, I want them to see that I dont just post about worshipping the devil and my depression, drug addiction, and utter fall from grace. LOL. I want them to see that I have a good life. I still have a good life. I dont miss jesus, I am the same guy.


At least you put one more person in the know.


Hold on, I'll pray for you....................................................................................................

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I have a friend who has a Facebook policy of not having more than 150 friends and never, ever friending her parents. It's a good policy. I used to post all the time, but I never post anymore because the whole site bores me out of my mind.


My Mom also thinks I know nothing about the bible, and I have an MA in Biblical Studies. Apparently it means nothing now that I am an unbeliever. I wanna go to Sweden too.

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What did this post say?

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my MIL has been blocked from my posts for a loonngg time. we live two miles away from one another; fb on top of that was overwhelming!


is the "cat out of the bag" for you now?


More or less. I'm pretty ambivalent to it all. Meh.

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my MIL has been blocked from my posts for a loonngg time. we live two miles away from one another; fb on top of that was overwhelming!


is the "cat out of the bag" for you now?


More or less. I'm pretty ambivalent to it all. Meh.


sounds like my attitude towards fb now. cat's undoubtedly out of the bag, but the secret is to genuinely not care what others think of you. they think you're a heathen and they're gonna pray for you? it matters not, really.

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sounds like my attitude towards fb now. cat's undoubtedly out of the bag, but the secret is to genuinely not care what others think of you. they think you're a heathen and they're gonna pray for you? it matters not, really.


Oh, if only that were true, owen652. We are social creatures, introvert or extrovert. We all desire love and acceptance. Being disappointed in and misunderstood sucks!

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was it Wayne Dyer who said, 'what others think of me is none of my business'.

difficult place to get to tho.

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Ah, Facebook: Ruining relationships since 2004.


I've stopped posting, for fear of altercations IRL. Feel for ya, McD!

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