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Goodbye Jesus

Freaking Christians Man...


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Ok me and my friends were talking about the girl who got raped and parents demanded she marry her rapist. I spoke of how in Deuteronomy it states " If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." Or to something of that accord. The Southern Baptist in our XBL Party sighs heavily and says "This is why everyone hates christians, they take the bible literally." To which I just go "How else should you take that!?" he answered "*Siiiigh* It was translated wrong! It was what NOT to do!" which if you read Deuteronomy you'd see how lovely it is written with nothing mentioning NOT to do this... THAT'S why I hate some christians, they don't even know their own book.

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Who takes the bible more literally than Southern Baptists? Sounds like he doesn't even know his own denomination. I doubt that was translated wrong, unless he's still reading the KJV.

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Gawd! The things people do to extinguish cognitive dissonance. Face/palm.

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You want some severe cognitive dissonance...just recently a family member claimed that god never killed anybody in the bible. Not that he was justified in doing it, they actually claimed it wasn't in there.


2 million total on a low estimate, so more than Hussein, Pol Pot, and Mussolini combined but still less than Stalin. Easy to overlook I guess.

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The Southern Baptist in our XBL Party sighs heavily and says "This is why everyone hates christians, they take the bible literally." To which I just go "How else should you take that!?" he answered "*Siiiigh* It was translated wrong! It was what NOT to do!" which if you read Deuteronomy you'd see how lovely it is written with nothing mentioning NOT to do this...


So, if that was translated wrong, what else was? Oh! Only the parts he disagrees with?? Funny.

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The Southern Baptist in our XBL Party sighs heavily and says "This is why everyone hates christians, they take the bible literally." To which I just go "How else should you take that!?" he answered "*Siiiigh* It was translated wrong! It was what NOT to do!" which if you read Deuteronomy you'd see how lovely it is written with nothing mentioning NOT to do this...


So, if that was translated wrong, what else was? Oh! Only the parts he disagrees with?? Funny.


It's just like the people who claim that "wine" was a mistranslation of "grape juice." Okay, so if that was mistranslated, how do I trust how any other word in the Bible was translated? Hmmm?

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


Or maybe they only think that they are Christians, and they are really members of the love cult. :)

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


Or maybe they only think that they are Christians, and they are really members of the love cult. smile.png


You are killing me with the love cult!! I hear there is some land near Waco.

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


Or maybe they only think that they are Christians, and they are really members of the love cult. smile.png


You are killing me with the love cult!! I hear there is some land near Waco.


Howard Stern is a member. happydance.gif

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So caveman-style! Me like woman, me want her, will club her and take her home and make her mine.


Ah, be still, my heart!

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Ok me and my friends were talking about the girl who got raped and parents demanded she marry her rapist. I spoke of how in Deuteronomy it states " If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she

shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." Or to something of that accord. The Southern Baptist in our

XBL Party sighs heavily and says "This is why everyone hates christians,

they take the bible literally." To which I just go "How else should you take that!?" he answered "*Siiiigh* It was translated wrong! It was what NOT to do!" which if you read Deuteronomy you'd see how lovely it is written with nothing mentioning NOT to do this... THAT'S why I hate some christians,

they don't even know their own book.


Ask him who told him that it was translated wrong. Xians will come up with all sorts of rubbish to save X's face.

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


Or maybe they only think that they are Christians, and they are really members of the love cult. smile.png


You are killing me with the love cult!! I hear there is some land near Waco.


Howard Stern is a member. happydance.gif


Ha! No way. LOL... He has a hot model wife and is strictly a one woman guy.

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Ok me and my friends were talking about the girl who got raped and parents demanded she marry her rapist. I spoke of how in Deuteronomy it states " If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she

shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." Or to something of that accord. The Southern Baptist in our

XBL Party sighs heavily and says "This is why everyone hates christians,

they take the bible literally." To which I just go "How else should you take that!?" he answered "*Siiiigh* It was translated wrong! It was what NOT to do!" which if you read Deuteronomy you'd see how lovely it is written with nothing mentioning NOT to do this... THAT'S why I hate some christians,

they don't even know their own book.


Ask him who told him that it was translated wrong. Xians will come up with all sorts of rubbish to save X's face.


Ask him to translate it!

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


Or maybe they only think that they are Christians, and they are really members of the love cult. smile.png


You are killing me with the love cult!! I hear there is some land near Waco.


Howard Stern is a member. happydance.gif


Ha! No way. LOL... He has a hot model wife and is strictly a one woman guy.


Yah--me too. :D

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Yah--me too. biggrin.png


Ok, she's not a model, but yah.

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Yeah, and my husband...LOL...I'm not a model but I play one on TV.

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So caveman-style! Me like woman, me want her, will club her and take her home and make her mine.


Ah, be still, my heart!


You're turnin me on with your Neolithic dirty talk GG! Baaaaaaad little heathen you ! lol

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I am sure 95+% of christians have never read the bible in its entirety. The bible in a year shit is a guide to read and understand it the way they want you to understand it, these are NOT helpful guides and even if folk do this, they simply filter the bad out via a confirmation bias.


Only when you decide to say, "OK I am going to read this objectively does the crap come to light.


The age old excuse of, "well that was another time in history" is used to sweep the uncomfortable shit under the carpet of inconvenience. There is no hope for these folk as they are locked in their delusion and only look for stuff to affirm their silly beliefs. Remember, most of did it too.

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I am sure 95+% of christians have never read the bible in its entirety. The bible in a year shit is a guide to read and understand it the way they want you to understand it, these are NOT helpful guides and even if folk do this, they simply filter the bad out via a confirmation bias.


Only when you decide to say, "OK I am going to read this objectively does the crap come to light.


The age old excuse of, "well that was another time in history" is used to sweep the uncomfortable shit under the carpet of inconvenience. There is no hope for these folk as they are locked in their delusion and only look for stuff to affirm their silly beliefs. Remember, most of did it too.


You know when I went to seminary and they taught us how to read the bible, they told us to leave our preconceived notions behind and let the bible say what it says. I let the bible change me, because reading it that way made me an unbeliever. It saddened me that most of my fellow seminarians didn't have the same experience.

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Is educated society reaching a point where only dumb-shits like this remain Christians?


I am sure 95+% of christians have never read the bible in its entirety. The bible in a year shit is a guide to read and understand it the way they want you to understand it, these are NOT helpful guides and even if folk do this, they simply filter the bad out via a confirmation bias.


This is it, the smart people who remain christians usually do so because they either become a less literal version of christian but most of the time they just don't care enough to really study their faith. I think one thing I often see around here are people who wanted to dig deeper into their faith and really study it, only to have the study shred their christian beliefs.

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I think for a lot, the exposure to the truths of origins is a shocker and to realise, stuff like exodus never happened and alas everything they were told was true is not. For most that do not engage in religious discussions, they probably hold onto it for "cultural" reasons (if one can call it that?)

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Some people feel like they can look at all the stories as if they are allegories, in a kind of Joseph Campbell way. I struggle with that because, especially with the NT, things were intended to be theological not allegorical & I feel like that is changing the author or redactors intent.

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