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Goodbye Jesus

I Would Be Devastated If


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my father died without knowing jesus while i was a christian.


my dad passed on last week peacefully.


when i was christian, i was worrying all the time that my family members would pass on wthout accepting jesus.


my father was a really kind and compassionate person, and many times better than the biblical jesus, in my opinion, and i would be devastated if i thought he would be in hell just because he did not want to know jesus.


now i am not one, i do not worry about hell,,,,


life is for the living,


death? who knows, who cares,,, i don't

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It's nice not to worry about irrational fears like hell. :)

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I know exactly what you're saying. Went to a viewing awhile back of a guy who had drank to excess over the years and eventually his liver gave out. In the past, I'd would have stood there, imagining him writhing in the flames of hell. Thankfully, no more of that.

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Hi Pratt, may your Dad rest in peace. Its not just death, a lot of time was wasted needlessly worrying.

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I'm really sorry about your dad Pratt, but happy you are able to be at peace with it.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you do not have the added element of dealing with his place in eternity. :hug

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Hi Pratt. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. It sounds like you really loved him. Keep those wonderful memories close to your heart. I am confident that he is now at peace and it's sounds like you feel the same way?


The concept of hell has been such a tortuous mind f**k for so many people. I'm so happy you don't have to believe that story anymore and you can be at peace, knowing that your dad is just taking a really long, comfortable snooze, somewhere off in the mysterious land of the universe........


Go live life for him today Pratt!


Big hug for you today.

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I'm sorry about your dad.

Out of curiosity, when did you quit?

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Peace to you and your father. <3

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My dad died almost a decade ago and he was Catholic. One day there was a crazy college preacher who ranted on and on about how Catholics were going to hell. It really hurt to hear that. I began worrying about myself. I think he almost made me a fundy.

Its hard to lose a loved one. It takes lots of time to heal, but at least you don't have to worry about the crazy religious stuff.

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My condolences, Pratt.


I was the same. My grandparents are lifelong atheists, two of the most honest, decent people I ever knew. But as a Christian I constantly worried about their salvation and I was driving myself nuts about my inability to witness to them. (My inability had to do with the fact, that I could not answer to the very logical and valid points they raised. Of course.)


I'm so glad such irrational worries and fears are over. And I'm glad I could never "save" their souls.


That's why I don't see a loss in it that there's no Christian afterlife. I see many ex-Christians mourn the concept of heaven, afterlife. But when you mourn that, think of the fact that if Christianity would be true, that would mean a lot more people suffering for eternity in the afterlife than being happy forever in heaven. I cannot mourn that and miss that. And actually the only attractive thing to me in the Christian heaven was that it was not hell, not a place of eternal torment. The concept of worshiping this narcisstic deity for ever never sounded too exciting to me.

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