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Goodbye Jesus

My Family Might Be Deconverting


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That's awesome, ((2H))! Thanks for sharing! Most of us can only hope to get it all out in the open and have it go so well with our families. Hope you feel better. :)

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That was such a beautiful story, it brought tears to my eyes.

What a lovely family you have.

Thank you so much for sharing.

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Still unsure whether I should be celebrating someone's loss of faith (although it feels good to) but I'm so happy your family has come together. Mine - this would never happen. They'll go to the grave with Lard Jebus. So happy for you tho!

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Still unsure whether I should be celebrating someone's loss of faith (although it feels good to).

You'll get there. :) Especially considering the fact that it seems faith wasn't doing their family any good!

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Wow, y'all sure commented fast! You were just sitting and waiting for me to post...staring like zombies at your computer screens, weren't you!? Busted!!! ;)


Seriously, though, thanks for the support. I know how fortunate I am to have a family who is so open and loving. Actually I think part of the reason I hesitated to post this is that I know the majority of people here don't have that. The last thing I'd want to do is make that harder for anyone, or to rub it in anyone's face, ya know? But I also realize it does help when we can read the happy stories since there are so many bad ones out there (unfortunately).


Well anyway, thank you. Love you guys. :)

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:D xxx ooo <3 <3 <3
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Wow, y'all sure commented fast! You were just sitting and waiting for me to post...staring like zombies at your computer screens, weren't you!? Busted!!! wink.png


Seriously, though, thanks for the support. I know how fortunate I am to have a family who is so open and loving. Actually I think part of the reason I hesitated to post this is that I know the majority of people here don't have that. The last thing I'd want to do is make that harder for anyone, or to rub it in anyone's face, ya know? But I also realize it does help when we can read the happy stories since there are so many bad ones out there (unfortunately).


Well anyway, thank you. Love you guys. smile.png

You caught us! ;)


It makes me happy to read stories like this. My situation isn't the best, and it's not the worst. But reading about good situations with loving, feeling, open human beings gives me hope. So really thank you for sharing.

I especially loved the part about your sister. Im so glad the relationship was restored. Religion really can be so poisonous and damaging to relationships. After I got back from the christian internship I went to for a year, I was so different. My own sister told her husband "I want my sister back." Its been better since I deconverted, but there is still damage. Of course, now SHE is the christian (although Im not sure to what degree) and she thinks I was just wounded by an overly legalistic branch of xianity, and thats the only reason I deconverted. Which sucks. But maybe she will be more open to my thoughts on religion someday.

You have a beautiful and special family.

We love you too! :) Thanks for being you, and for giving us hope!

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That is so good to hear! I can only imagine how that felt. :)


It reminds me that taking a risk and being open about where we are can make a big difference in someone else's life. I don't know how much longer my mind would have gone in circles if a friend hadn't told me she no longer believed. I needed to know that someone else understood!


I hope this is the beginning of better and stronger relationships for you and your family. happydance.gif

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Wow, y'all sure commented fast! You were just sitting and waiting for me to post...staring like zombies at your computer screens, weren't you!? Busted!!! wink.png


Seriously, though, thanks for the support. I know how fortunate I am to have a family who is so open and loving. Actually I think part of the reason I hesitated to post this is that I know the majority of people here don't have that. The last thing I'd want to do is make that harder for anyone, or to rub it in anyone's face, ya know? But I also realize it does help when we can read the happy stories since there are so many bad ones out there (unfortunately).


Well anyway, thank you. Love you guys. smile.png


Well, ya, I am a little jealous. Lol.


I'm glad you felt you could come here and share that. Maybe it will give comfort to some that hope for just ONE person in their family will begin to understand.


Two of my sons have deconverted with me though I can't say any of us were fundies. My oldest de-convert goes to the freethinker meetups with me.

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Wow!!! This is great news, 2H! I'm so happy for you! Authenticity and love are two key ingredients in a family, and yours has both in abundance!

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I so loved reading this. It made me tear up :) Religion, esp. Christianity and it's patriarchal cousins, is so terribly divisive. It purports to be more important than your family, your relationships, and your own happiness. It warms my heart to see the open communication and the open hearts in your family.


It's amazing how much easier it is to relate when you're just dealing in reality and not conflicting fairy tales. Can't wait to hear more :)

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This story makes me so happy! Thanks for sharing, 2H. It really is encouraging to hear the happy stories where godlessness leads to healing relationships instead of the other way 'round.


I admire your (and everyone else's) courage to come out to family and friends about your deconversion. My parents and siblings all know and are supportive. One sis is still a christian, but it's always been a very personal thing to her and she has never liked talking about it much. Some of my younger siblings (5, 6, and 8 years old) sometimes ask "Did God make beetles?" and other questions like that, but I think everyone else is some form of agnostic. OUTSIDE of my immediate family...I haven't really told anyone. At least, not anyone who has known me for more than a year except a few close friends who I have talked to about things during my deconversion. But I made those friendships during my deconversion and that's how they came to be so close!


Like so many here, I have family members in various positions in the church...pastors, teachers, kitchen help for every church function.....and most of my friends are still very religious. God is everything to them. I'm not sure how I would even break it to them.


Still, all that aside, I'm so VERY thrilled for you, 2H! Two atheist children and more family on their way!!!!!! You're quite the missionary! ;)

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Actually I think part of the reason I hesitated to post this is that I know the majority of people here don't have that. The last thing I'd want to do is make that harder for anyone, or to rub it in anyone's face, ya know? But I also realize it does help when we can read the happy stories since there are so many bad ones out there (unfortunately).


I am a little jealous that your family seems to be moving away from Christianity while everyone on my wife's side of the family will probably always be fundagelical whackos, but I still like seeing good news from people here. Please don't stop telling us the good things that are happening with your family.

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Still unsure whether I should be celebrating someone's loss of faith (although it feels good to) but I'm so happy your family has come together. Mine - this would never happen. They'll go to the grave with Lard Jebus. So happy for you tho!



People do change....so you never can tell.

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Still unsure whether I should be celebrating someone's loss of faith (although it feels good to) but I'm so happy your family has come together. Mine - this would never happen. They'll go to the grave with Lard Jebus. So happy for you tho!



People do change....so you never can tell.


This is true... after all, how many of us ever expected to be on this forum right now?!

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This is true... after all, how many of us ever expected to be on this forum right now?!


So, so true. I mean, people always said they see me as stable and dedicated; I was always a rock while others floundered and flitted emotionally all over the place. Yet, here I am. And here are all of you.

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This forum is the rock. The house built on sand is the 40,000 denoms of xinsanity :)

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Wow, 2H, what a beautiful essay. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am so excited for you and your family. I was listening to Jerry DeWitt on the Angry Atheist podcast yesterday (it was really good by the way), and I really think that you and JBlue are a lot like him. You are going to be leaders helping the deconverted, just like you were leaders when you were still Xian. We are all lucky to have you guys as advocates.


You are so lucky that your family was open to listening to what you learned. That's one of the most disappointing things about my life, when I returned from seminary very damaged with a broken faith my brother and my mother had ZERO interest in what I learned. To them it's true because it's true. It felt like such a waste to get a degree that calls you a "master" of something, only to have your family think you're a know nothing.

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This is true... after all, how many of us ever expected to be on this forum right now?!


So, so true. I mean, people always said they see me as stable and dedicated; I was always a rock while others floundered and flitted emotionally all over the place. Yet, here I am. And here are all of you.


T2M, the last Sunday we went to church, we basically just stood/sat there quietly while everyone else did the normal yelling/jumping around. At that point, we knew it was over for sure. After worship, the husband of a sweet couple friend of ours came over, put his hand on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear "You guys are our rock. Thank you for being an example." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry knowing that we were never come back there.

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This is true... after all, how many of us ever expected to be on this forum right now?!


So, so true. I mean, people always said they see me as stable and dedicated; I was always a rock while others floundered and flitted emotionally all over the place. Yet, here I am. And here are all of you.


T2M, the last Sunday we went to church, we basically just stood/sat there quietly while everyone else did the normal yelling/jumping around. At that point, we knew it was over for sure. After worship, the husband of a sweet couple friend of ours came over, put his hand on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear "You guys are our rock. Thank you for being an example." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry knowing that we were never come back there.


It's things like this that show me that all of that "seeing things in the spirit" talk is just bullshit. If people could really "see in the spirit," they would know what you were going through without you telling them. They would see that the deconversion had happened. No one saw it in me, except through some really vague hints I dropped at my nephew in the sound booth. No one had a clue that I no longer believed. No one even had a clue that I had doubts. No one saw that your entire family was on the verge of falling away from the faith. That says volumes about Christianity.

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Glad to hear this story. Hope everyone is able to follow through on their doubts, but all in good time.

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This story makes me so happy! Thanks for sharing, 2H. It really is encouraging to hear the happy stories where godlessness leads to healing relationships instead of the other way 'round.


I admire your (and everyone else's) courage to come out to family and friends about your deconversion. My parents and siblings all know and are supportive. One sis is still a christian, but it's always been a very personal thing to her and she has never liked talking about it much. Some of my younger siblings (5, 6, and 8 years old) sometimes ask "Did God make beetles?" and other questions like that, but I think everyone else is some form of agnostic. OUTSIDE of my immediate family...I haven't really told anyone. At least, not anyone who has known me for more than a year except a few close friends who I have talked to about things during my deconversion. But I made those friendships during my deconversion and that's how they came to be so close!


Like so many here, I have family members in various positions in the church...pastors, teachers, kitchen help for every church function.....and most of my friends are still very religious. God is everything to them. I'm not sure how I would even break it to them.


Still, all that aside, I'm so VERY thrilled for you, 2H! Two atheist children and more family on their way!!!!!! You're quite the missionary! wink.png


Thanks, Copper. Yeah, I think it was a wake-up call for my family - "Wow, so unbelief is making our relationships BETTER!?" ohmy.png


I'm really glad you have that with your immediate family. That's so great for you to be able to be so authentic and have family support at a young age. It is really hard dealing with fundie friends, but it sounds like you're making some freethinking friends, too - so that's awesome. Don't feel bad for a minute about not being more open with the fundies. It will all unfold in time as you feel comfortable...and there will probably be some you never feel the need to tell at all. You're gonna have a great life, cutie pie. ;)

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I was listening to Jerry DeWitt on the Angry Atheist podcast yesterday (it was really good by the way), and I really think that you and JBlue are a lot like him. You are going to be leaders helping the deconverted, just like you were leaders when you were still Xian. We are all lucky to have you guys as advocates.


Thank you, that's really sweet of you to say. If you are from a charismatic background you will understand this: I feel like you just gave us a WORD! ;)

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This is true... after all, how many of us ever expected to be on this forum right now?!


So, so true. I mean, people always said they see me as stable and dedicated; I was always a rock while others floundered and flitted emotionally all over the place. Yet, here I am. And here are all of you.


T2M, the last Sunday we went to church, we basically just stood/sat there quietly while everyone else did the normal yelling/jumping around. At that point, we knew it was over for sure. After worship, the husband of a sweet couple friend of ours came over, put his hand on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear "You guys are our rock. Thank you for being an example." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry knowing that we were never come back there.


It's things like this that show me that all of that "seeing things in the spirit" talk is just bullshit. If people could really "see in the spirit," they would know what you were going through without you telling them. They would see that the deconversion had happened. No one saw it in me, except through some really vague hints I dropped at my nephew in the sound booth. No one had a clue that I no longer believed. No one even had a clue that I had doubts. No one saw that your entire family was on the verge of falling away from the faith. That says volumes about Christianity.



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