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Goodbye Jesus

The Holocaust Was A Fucking Miracle


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So I have been forced to help in vacation bible school this week and let me tell you , its been quite a drag. There has not been a single night I did not want to walk away from there and cut myself from sheer agony of stupidity that emanated from that event. So anyways, according to these people the holocaust was a miracle because God had his hand over the nation of Israel… , when this was said my piss-o-matic meter went up quite a bit, I almost stood up to say something.


A miracle? Really? 6 million Jews dieing in the most horrible ways imaginable to the human kind and its a miracle? How can you be so stupid to think that the holocaust is a fucking miracle, these people have never been ones for the intelligent side of things but my God… really? They went on to say that God saved the Jews, Unless Patton was the incarnation of Jesus, Eisenhower was God and Zhukov was the holy spirit I didn’t see the trinity doing shit to help no body.


All this came from their discussion of miracles in their lives, not a single thing they said was not explainable by natural causes. One of them was aired by CNN a while back, it was where there was a forest fire that had destroyed hundreds of homes and was on the approach to burning a church. Well a tornado basically formed and put the fire out before it reached the church. Well the official explanation was that the fire got hot enough to put itself out by created a storm, well according to the churches it was God protecting the church. Hundreds of people lost their homes and once again it’s a fucking miracle, I would be impressed if God gave them their homes back by using one of his magic fingers, but no they had to suffer… but hey Gods got a plan right!?!?!

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So I have been forced to help in vacation bible school this week and let me tell you , its been quite a drag. There has not been a single night I did not want to walk away from there and cut myself from sheer agony of stupidity that emanated from that event. So anyways, according to these people the holocaust was a miracle because God had his hand over the nation of Israel… , when this was said my piss-o-matic meter went up quite a bit, I almost stood up to say something.


A miracle? Really? 6 million Jews dieing in the most horrible ways imaginable to the human kind and its a miracle? How can you be so stupid to think that the holocaust is a fucking miracle, these people have never been ones for the intelligent side of things but my God… really? They went on to say that God saved the Jews, Unless Patton was the incarnation of Jesus, Eisenhower was God and Zhukov was the holy spirit I didn’t see the trinity doing shit to help no body.


All this came from their discussion of miracles in their lives, not a single thing they said was not explainable by natural causes. One of them was aired by CNN a while back, it was where there was a forest fire that had destroyed hundreds of homes and was on the approach to burning a church. Well a tornado basically formed and put the fire out before it reached the church. Well the official explanation was that the fire got hot enough to put itself out by created a storm, well according to the churches it was God protecting the church. Hundreds of people lost their homes and once again it’s a fucking miracle, I would be impressed if God gave them their homes back by using one of his magic fingers, but no they had to suffer… but hey Gods got a plan right!?!?!


Gotta love Arkansas.

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Guest Valk0010

Got to love it. Its win win for them. Low and behold they realize that the holocaust would not have given them israel, if Britain didn't all of sudden after the war start feeling really guilty about appeasement which ruined way way more then just the lives of jews. So in many ways that view of the holocaust includes more then just harm done to 6 million jews. It may be closer to 100 million people depending on the way in which one wants to view that sort of thing. Though even if I am wrong, your right. There is no way that the return of the state of israel (which was its own injustice btw) could possibly atone for the dead of 6 million jews particularly under the leadership of a omnipotent god.

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How is this church still alive? Why would anyone bring their kids to that VBS?

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So I have been forced to help in vacation bible school this week and let me tell you , its been quite a drag. There has not been a single night I did not want to walk away from there and cut myself from sheer agony of stupidity that emanated from that event. So anyways, according to these people the holocaust was a miracle because God had his hand over the nation of Israel… , when this was said my piss-o-matic meter went up quite a bit, I almost stood up to say something.


A miracle? Really? 6 million Jews dieing in the most horrible ways imaginable to the human kind and its a miracle? How can you be so stupid to think that the holocaust is a fucking miracle, these people have never been ones for the intelligent side of things but my God… really? They went on to say that God saved the Jews, Unless Patton was the incarnation of Jesus, Eisenhower was God and Zhukov was the holy spirit I didn’t see the trinity doing shit to help no body.


All this came from their discussion of miracles in their lives, not a single thing they said was not explainable by natural causes. One of them was aired by CNN a while back, it was where there was a forest fire that had destroyed hundreds of homes and was on the approach to burning a church. Well a tornado basically formed and put the fire out before it reached the church. Well the official explanation was that the fire got hot enough to put itself out by created a storm, well according to the churches it was God protecting the church. Hundreds of people lost their homes and once again it’s a fucking miracle, I would be impressed if God gave them their homes back by using one of his magic fingers, but no they had to suffer… but hey Gods got a plan right!?!?!


If Hitler had been unable to kill 6 million Jews: Praise God! It's a miracle

But Hitler did kill 6 million Jews: Praise God, he took his children to heaven.


Doesn't it just sort of take the pizazz out of miracles if we always put a positive spin on bad events? Yeah, god did another miracle that killed a large number of people. Big whoop. :-)

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Guest Babylonian Dream

This is something I expected to hear out of the mouth of Ayatollah khameini or Ahmedinejad, but then again, considering the source., not suprising.

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This is the type of thing that got me started on my way to de-converting. This type of thinking creates such a cruel god.


On the news a couple of weeks ago, a dog was caught in a burning house and the owner prayed for the dog and whallah, the dog was saved...by a fireman who risked his life. The newscaster then said, "Prayer answered." WendyDoh.gif

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So Jews can get into heaven? I don't get it. I thought you had to be a xian to get into heaven. What do I know?

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How is this church still alive? Why would anyone bring their kids to that VBS?


Its Arkansas, we are a third world state.


One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.

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How is this church still alive? Why would anyone bring their kids to that VBS?


Its Arkansas, we are a third world state.


One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.


Shit! I live 30 minutes from you and ive never heard of anything THAT nuts. What church was it!??

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One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.


He needs to be punched in the dick.

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One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.


He needs to be punched in the dick.




wait, what?

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Wow...those people are sick!

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...Never mind that the Jews had already been seeking a homeland for nearly a century prior.

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How is this church still alive? Why would anyone bring their kids to that VBS?


Its Arkansas, we are a third world state.


One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.


Shit! I live 30 minutes from you and ive never heard of anything THAT nuts. What church was it!??

mount carmel baptist church in Cabot. It isnt that big i geuss but for Arkansas its huge, i would almost say its as big as the Pentecostal cathedral heading out torward little rock but it dosent look that big on the outside.

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Damn, we went there for six months like 5 years ago. That's crazy. What a class A jackass.

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One time i was at a mega church and the pastor claimed that he would rather have us under puritan law, he then proceed to read the law claiming all those who did not accept Christ should have their heads removed. Good role model.


He needs to be punched in the dick.




wait, what?


You know the saddest thing i saw at that church was the fact that there was a man in a wheel chair, who even in his disability was one of the happiest people i met there, he sang in the choir and they had to move all sorts of chairs and make a ramp for the poor man to get up there. The thing is though, is that stem cell research would easily heal his problem, this man would not haft to live is life in a wheel chair with a little medical procedure. But no, we cant have that because stem cell research is of the devil. This same moron preacher who claims to be a man of peace advocates the beheading of non believers but opposes medical science that could save millions and save this poor man a life of suffering.

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Guest Valk0010

...Never mind that the Jews had already been seeking a homeland for nearly a century prior.

Yeah and from what I understand its been well documented that those same people trying to do that, blatantly refused to help during the holocaust.
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...Never mind that the Jews had already been seeking a homeland for nearly a century prior.

Yeah and from what I understand its been well documented that those same people trying to do that, blatantly refused to help during the holocaust.


The Zionist where not evil but they weren't a good bunch of folk either. I think its documented that they actually performed sabotage attacks in the jewish sector of Baghdad to drive the jews into the newly formed isreal.

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Guest Valk0010

...Never mind that the Jews had already been seeking a homeland for nearly a century prior.

Yeah and from what I understand its been well documented that those same people trying to do that, blatantly refused to help during the holocaust.


The Zionist where not evil but they weren't a good bunch of folk either. I think its documented that they actually performed sabotage attacks in the jewish sector of Baghdad to drive the jews into the newly formed isreal.

Well if I remeber what I was listening too correctly, it was discussed among Zionists during the holocaust, if they should start diverting resources from there mission and people like david ben gurion said no. I can't remember the source for that. I could very easily be wrong about that.
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Guest Valk0010

...Never mind that the Jews had already been seeking a homeland for nearly a century prior.

Yeah and from what I understand its been well documented that those same people trying to do that, blatantly refused to help during the holocaust.


The Zionist where not evil but they weren't a good bunch of folk either. I think its documented that they actually performed sabotage attacks in the jewish sector of Baghdad to drive the jews into the newly formed isreal.

Well if I remeber what I was listening too correctly, it was discussed among Zionists during the holocaust, if they should start diverting resources from there mission and people like david ben gurion said no. I can't remember the source for that. I could very easily be wrong about that.



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The Holocaust was one of the most horrific events in all of history. Christians, on some level, realize this. Trying to reconcile a Loving God with something horrific creates some level of cognitive dissonance. Trying to equate those events with BibleGod is really hard, and I could see it even in my church days. The only way they can reconcile such an event is to say it is "God's Plan" and throw up their hands in surrender.

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I have heard more than one person suggest that God was punishing the Jews during World War II because they didn't accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

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I have heard more than one person suggest that God was punishing the Jews during World War II because they didn't accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

It was a prophutttt.... fulfilment of the part where they Jews allegedly said "...let his blood be on our heads and that of our children" (My dad told me that when I quizzed him as a kid about the holocaust.)


However, as bad as it was and hopefully never to be repeated (oh wait it did happen) I am kinda tired of this whole Ad Hitlerum crap. Fuckall we say is gonna make any of them come back to life and how many living survivors are there?


The christ-tards want to give Hitler to us atheists as he is obviously a huge fucking embarrassment to them. So fucking nice we can tell them, "look he was one of you".


Of course, with Hitler and the advent of Israel, they should be wearing an icon of him next to their god-on-a-stick as this all plays out into their doom 'n gloom ende ov teh wurlde or last daze fucked up mindsets.


Little do they know, Zionism was well entrenched as a desire long before Adolf appeared on the scene and the Brits did not want them either. But we all know facts are not something the christ-tards care too much about. [/rant over]

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according to these people the holocaust was a miracle because God had his hand over the nation of Israel… , when this was said my piss-o-matic meter went up quite a bit, I almost stood up to say something.




Too bad this wasn't recorded on video or audio. Youtube is your friend.

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