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Top Ten Creationist Arguments - Youtube


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A pretty all encompassing vid that you can post in dumbfuckistan sites.
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Just posting so I remember to watch the video later when I can :)

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Nice one :)

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Love the thinking atheist. And i love the 2nd law of thermodynamics argument, it makes them feel so smart when they say it but when you point it out to them they feel like idiots.

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I haven't yet had the chance to do it, but if some day some morontheist hurls that 2nd law bullshit at me I intend to counter "So why do you think it's a law of thermodynamics? Where do you think is the connection between disorder and temperature hmmmm?" :scratch:

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I haven't yet had the chance to do it, but if some day some morontheist hurls that 2nd law bullshit at me I intend to counter "So why do you think it's a law of thermodynamics? Where do you think is the connection between disorder and temperature hmmmm?" silverpenny013Hmmm.gif

Even the dickhead Hovind suggests that his fans should not use this argument. Everytime they use it I see them get their asses handed to them on a silver platter.


It is as lame as the 747 Junkyard/tornado argument. They have no clue of evolution biology. My knowledge is limited but at least I can understand the more knowledgeable posters and have enough other compelling arguments like old earth.


They also love to cite dead scientists whose exposure to what we have today was far more limited.


The ones that sciencify teh babble and call it theistic evolution really get my gall up as they are simply adapting their fairy tale to match the discoveries of science.

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You only arrive at creationism when you have to prove that your deity created man, I think the fact that no unbiased person has arrived at it should speak volumes to its accuracy. Where as you have tons of christian scientists who reluctantly accepted evolution when provided with the mountain of evidence.

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