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There Is No Racism Towards Obama, It's Just His Policies...


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My mom just sent me this email. It was forwarded from my dad (my dad and I do not email each other since 9/11 because he would send me shit just like this.)


Anyway, it is a long email of jokes about stupid people messing up. Then the last one of the page is this:





How would you pronounce this child's name?



Leah?? NO

Lee - A?? NOPE

Lay - a?? NO

Lei?? Guess Again.

This child attends a school in Kansas City, Mo.

Her mother is irate because everyone is getting her name wrong.

It's pronounced "Ledasha".

When the Mother was asked about the pronunciation of the name, she said, "the dash don't be silent."


SO, if you see something come across your desk like this please remember to pronounce the dash.

If dey axe you why, tell dem de dash don't be silent.



They walk among us......and they VOTE



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LoL *whistles X-Files theme tune* :D

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Instead of a society of

mutual respect,

we've got one of

shared disrespect.

I'll think well of myself

by tearing you down.

I trust you'll do the same

though we both end with frowns.


We antagonize.

We are atomized.

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I get emails like that all the time from friends and family. The ones that send the most are over 65. For some reason they think there's some "editor at large" roaming the internet and email superhighway and everything is true.


It is utterly amazing that we have such access to information today but these people will not take 30 seconds to verify its authenticity.


Sometimes I send them this: Urban Legend Combat Kit

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I get emails like that all the time from friends and family. The ones that send the most are over 65. For some reason they think there's some "editor at large" roaming the internet and email superhighway and everything is true.


It is utterly amazing that we have such access to information today but these people will not take 30 seconds to verify its authenticity.


Sometimes I send them this: Urban Legend Combat Kit


My inlaws are that way. They've finally quit forwarding emails to me because they don't like the reaction they'd get- when I would point out that said email is bullshit more often than not.


I guess when they grew up, pretty much anything that was in text was fairly trustworthy. Before the internet came along, you'd read text in the form of a newspaper, a magazine, a book, etc. Video was largely put out by the major networks. Sure, it wasn't 100% accurate, but it was pretty reliable.


Now comes the internet. It's written in text, and shown in video. In THEIR minds, text and/or video equals reliable. They don't have enough exposure to the internet to understand just how much bullshit is out there.

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I guess when they grew up, pretty much anything that was in text was fairly trustworthy.


When I lived in downtown DC, a couple of times I chased some aggressive beggars (as in practically mugging) away from mid west tourist types. Living in the city for a number of years made me comparatively street wise and confident, where these small town people had probably never ran across some of the things that take place in a city like DC.


The internet is kind of like that for the older generation I think. They grew up in a world with unlocked doors and friendly, like-minded neighbors, making them comparatively naive in the internet world.

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Can someone help he out, who's quote is that which goes something to the effect of you don't change people's mind, rather you educate the youth and wait for everyone else to die off? Yeah, you just need to respond with only that. At least that's what I'd do being the ornery SOB I am.

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