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Goodbye Jesus

Surprise Response--The Tables Got Turned

R. S. Martin

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Anyone else ever have this happen to you? Or something like it? I wasn't really expecting a response at all. If anything, I thought people might see through my ruse and get offended. I was barely half-serious when I posted it but the philosophy students are pulling it to bits.


So this newbie posts and asks: How do I know you guys exist?


I guess he's a Christian aiming to give the atheists a jolt. The title of the thread is "You guys don't exist."


I decide to play along and post:


I don't exist. I'm a figment of my imagination.


Feel free to prove me wrong.


One person said: You have proved yourself wrong with your own words.


I couldn't believe it--he was playing right into my hands.


So I posted:


Love your answer.


Now let God do the same for me.



I'm waiting to see how they respond to that. Probably just some old hat about me not wanting to accept the proof I'm given. But still, this is fun while it lasts...and I still can't believe it.


Sorry, I had to edit this. It got posted before it was ready. I hit the wrong button,

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*subscribes* eek.gif

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I think he's saying that you're a figment of his imagination. The Matrix comes to mind. Also, Leibniz.


It's possible. >.>

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