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For Blackpudd1N And Hereticzero: Birds Are Dinosaurs


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I came across this article today, which talks about how birds and dinosaurs are more closely related than anyone thought.


From the article:


"By analyzing fossil evidence from skeletons, eggs, and soft tissue of bird-like dinosaurs and primitive birds, we've learned that birds are living theropod dinosaurs, a group of carnivorous animals that include Velociraptor," Norell continued. "This new work advances our knowledge by providing a powerful example of how developmental changes played a major role in the origin and evolution of birds."
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That is so cool. Dinosaurs walk among us!!! LOL

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That is so cool. Dinosaurs walk among us!!! LOL


So, that means if you've ever wondered what dinosaur would taste like, we can tell you for certain: they tasted like chicken.

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That is so cool. Dinosaurs walk among us!!! LOL


So, that means if you've ever wondered what dinosaur would taste like, we can tell you for certain: they tasted like chicken.


Hahahaha, I like that. That actually made me laugh!

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That is so cool. Dinosaurs walk among us!!! LOL


So, that means if you've ever wondered what dinosaur would taste like, we can tell you for certain: they tasted like chicken.


Hahahaha, I like that. That actually made me laugh!




And before anyone says it, yes, I know from personal experience that ostrich tastes like beef. But that's not nearly as funny, is it? See, the joke doesn't work with that, now does it, Mr. Nitpicky McNitpickeyperson?

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Too bad T-Rex wasn't around, or a brontosaurus, find a way to hold them in a cage and you have enough chicken to feed alot of very hungry people.

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They also identified the dormant gene for teeth in chicken (I think it was chicken, not sure that part) and removed the block, and they grew chicken with teeth.


Ah. Found one article. It was chicken: http://animal.discovery.com/news/briefs/20060220/chicken.html

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They also identified the dormant gene for teeth in chicken (I think it was chicken, not sure that part) and removed the block, and they grew chicken with teeth.


Ah. Found one article. It was chicken: http://animal.discov...20/chicken.html


Damn, this thread just gets more and more awesome!

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Damn, this thread just gets more and more awesome!

The more you read about evolution and what scientists know about it, the more fascinating it gets. Look into C-vitamin deficiency in humans and why we have it, and read about the other 20+ ERVs (endogenous retrovirus) that we share with the chimpanzees. When I read about that and understood what it meant, I had no doubt about us evolving from apes anymore. It's a smoking gun for evolution.

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Damn, this thread just gets more and more awesome!

The more you read about evolution and what scientists know about it, the more fascinating it gets. Look into C-vitamin deficiency in humans and why we have it, and read about the other 20+ ERVs (endogenous retrovirus) that we share with the chimpanzees. When I read about that and understood what it meant, I had no doubt about us evolving from apes anymore. It's a smoking gun for evolution.


I'll have to look into it when I get a chance, but I stopped having doubts when I saw how a chromosome had fused, leaving us with 23 chromosomes as opposed to apes having 24. That was one of the most mind blowing nights of my life. Damn, that makes me sound incredibly nerdy lol

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They also identified the dormant gene for teeth in chicken (I think it was chicken, not sure that part) and removed the block, and they grew chicken with teeth.


Ah. Found one article. It was chicken: http://animal.discov...20/chicken.html

So "as scarce as hens teeth" is an expression we can no longer use I guess?
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They also identified the dormant gene for teeth in chicken (I think it was chicken, not sure that part) and removed the block, and they grew chicken with teeth.


Ah. Found one article. It was chicken: http://animal.discov...20/chicken.html

There's your crockoduck Kirk.
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Way to go, Pud!


It pleases me a great deal to see 'enlightenment' dawn upon those like Blackpudd1n (waves! smile.png ), who've been trapped in the darkness of Biblical literalism, thru no fault of their own. Creationist bs was forced upon them and it does my heart good to see them bravely smashing the shackles that bound them.


According to this pernicious text, birds came FIRST, before land-dwelling creatures like dinosaurs!


Genesis 1: 20 - 31. NIV.

20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.” 23 And there was evening, and there was morning —the fifth day.

24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good...


31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day.


Oy vey! Wendytwitch.gif





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Way to go, Pud!


It pleases me a great deal to see 'enlightenment' dawn upon those like Blackpudd1n (waves! smile.png ), who've been trapped in the darkness of Biblical literalism, thru no fault of their own. Creationist bs was forced upon them and it does my heart good to see them bravely smashing the shackles that bound them.


Thanks, BAA :)


I guess I have come a long way since my questions about raw meat GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif I'll never forget the night that I finally grasped the concept of evolution. It was one of the most exciting things that had ever happened to me. Actually, I'm really struggling to think of anything that was more exciting than that night. It felt like fireworks were going off in my brain. It was such a struggle to comprehend evolution, but boy did it pay off, and everything seems more amazing ever since that night.


Everything is incredible. Everything is amazing. From the rain outside my window, to the light from the light bulb, to the sound of my cat's meow, to the hands that type this message- everything is amazing. So much more so, because no god created any of it.

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That is so cool. Dinosaurs walk among us!!! LOL


So, that means if you've ever wondered what dinosaur would taste like, we can tell you for certain: they tasted like chicken.


I heard that Alligators taste like chicken too. That's about as close as we're going to get to a dinosaur these days.

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How to build a dinosaur from a chicken:

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