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What is your Xian weakness?


I often backslide into Xer music which is REALLY REALLY bad music.


I also tend to touch my Xian articles out of fear.


My worst cause of backsliding is fear. Awful. Still cross myself at times and CANNOT get my brain free of the poison.


My sister has taken to listening to the most horrible growl metal music that is scary as can be. It has helped her so much to get rid of the fear. However, it makes me MORE afraid.


Nonetheless the fear is nothing like it was when I was in the Xurch. THen it was all hell and damnation all the time.


I cannot live with it, cannot live without it.


What a damn mess!!!!

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Hi Rachel,


My best advice is to give it time. Xianity's hold on you is based on your continued participation. When you wean yourself away from habits, it will become more and more clear.



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Try listening to something uplifting that has nothing to do with X, like "Ritual" by Black Veil Brides. Xians aren't the only ones who can think positively. "Carolyn" by BVB is another good one.

Mine is probably the nice idea that a higher power cares about us and we have somewhere to go when we're dead. I liked having security.

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Guest Valk0010

It was for the longest time, me compulsively trying to find an alternative explanation for the rise of Christianity. That had its hold on me till I realized I didn't need one. If there is no god, or one decided to be a actual historian rather then a apologetics hack one would realize that even if the bible was totally historically reliable then you have to say only, we don't know why they believed they saw what they did, we only can know that they did. Realizing that helped.

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The rituals provide a sense of security.


Like I have trouble going to sleep if I haven't brushed my teeth before bed. It's part of the pre-bed ritual.


Christianity provided a sense of security for along time. But much like leaving home an going to college or moving out, people sometimes out grow it, But just like home, you sometimes still maintain a touchstone for it.

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When I deconverted I took the Christian music off my iTunes/iPod and threw away CDs, and various Christian trinkets, and gave my Bibles and Christian books to charity. Without this junk around, I have been less likely to backslide.

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