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I am somewhat anti gun. It is your right to have one and it is my right to not have one. What gets to me is the number of christians who have arsenals in their homes. I do not get it.

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They're stocking up for the end-times battle.GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

22:36, NIV

American gun culture runs deeper than Christianity, but the bible does contain a few verses in support of being armed.

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What about turn the other cheek?

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What about turn the other cheek?

That wouldn't be the only part of the Bible conveniently brushed aside.

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What about turn the other cheek?

It all depends on the kind of Christian you are. Am I safe in assuming that you're a liberal Christian? If so then you're down with Jesus' hippy quotes. If you're a right wing Christian then you like verses like this one. "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" (Gospel of Matthew 10:34)

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What about turn the other cheek?

It all depends on the kind of Christian you are. Am I safe in assuming that you're a liberal Christian? If so then you're down with Jesus' hippy quotes. If you're a right wing Christian then you like verses like this one. "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" (Gospel of Matthew 10:34)


depends. I am a republican, but my christian beliefs are not ultra conservative. I am anti war (unless we really are attacked)

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Yeah a plough shear does not look as cool as a rifle in the back of a truck's winder. :D

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Yeah a plough shear does not look as cool as a rifle in the back of a truck's winder. biggrin.png


LMAOROF In the US the hicks / rednecks love guns and trucks. Same in your country?

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What gets to me is the number of christians who have arsenals in their homes. I do not get it.




Skip to "What We Have Learned". Although this paper does not specifically zero in on christians, christians are predominately conservative and group based dominance is a trait. One way to preserve dominance is with weapons.

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It's been said that the US love for guns is part of one big macho man trip - ya know, you're not a Real Man™ if you aren't armed and ready to use your weapons. How much of this might be true, I can't tell... but hey, it's an explanation :shrug:

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Yeah a plough shear does not look as cool as a rifle in the back of a truck's winder. biggrin.png


LMAOROF In the US the hicks / rednecks love guns and trucks. Same in your country?

Nope, only ones that may do this are professional hunters, folk steal gunz here.


TBH, the hunters would probably have rifles in cases with someone watching them on the back of an LDV as they travel to the hunt site and then proceed on foot. Laws are pretty strict as to safekeeping and handling of rifles.

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It's been said that the US love for guns is part of one big macho man trip - ya know, you're not a Real Man™ if you aren't armed and ready to use your weapons. How much of this might be true, I can't tell... but hey, it's an explanation Wendyshrug.gif

I know plenty of people who 10+ guns. I don't get it. They're very expensive. Growing up in the suburbs of Atlanta we never needed guns. Only guns I had were BB and paintball. I bought my very first gun last year when I moved to Alaska. Its a lovely .357 revolver. I always take it and a can of bear spray with me when I go hiking. I'll probably keep it once I leave Alaska. I won't need it anymore, but I like it.
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It's been said that the US love for guns is part of one big macho man trip - ya know, you're not a Real Man™ if you aren't armed and ready to use your weapons. How much of this might be true, I can't tell... but hey, it's an explanation Wendyshrug.gif

I know plenty of people who 10+ guns. I don't get it. They're very expensive. Growing up in the suburbs of Atlanta we never needed guns. Only guns I had were BB and paintball. I bought my very first gun last year when I moved to Alaska. Its a lovely .357 revolver. I always take it and a can of bear spray with me when I go hiking. I'll probably keep it once I leave Alaska. I won't need it anymore, but I like it.


Yup, a lot of gun nuts with shit loads of guns. To some people, especially in rural and semi rural areas, it is more of a religion.

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What about turn the other cheek?


What's the bible have to do with xianity?

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It's been said that the US love for guns is part of one big macho man trip - ya know, you're not a Real Man™ if you aren't armed and ready to use your weapons. How much of this might be true, I can't tell... but hey, it's an explanation Wendyshrug.gif

I know plenty of people who 10+ guns. I don't get it. They're very expensive. Growing up in the suburbs of Atlanta we never needed guns. Only guns I had were BB and paintball. I bought my very first gun last year when I moved to Alaska. Its a lovely .357 revolver. I always take it and a can of bear spray with me when I go hiking. I'll probably keep it once I leave Alaska. I won't need it anymore, but I like it.


My brother and father are pretty close to that, but neither one are gun nuts. They just inherited them or they accumulated over the years. My dad doesn't even hunt anymore as like me, he pities the animals. My brother would probably still hunt if he got around to it, but I don't think he's gotten around to it in almost 20 years.


It's not a religion for people like my family, even though they have a lot of guns. It's just what happens when you live out west. You just end up with them for whatever reason. Usually hunting related.


I have 3 guns myself; 2 of which I inherited and the 3rd which was gifted to me when I was a kid. They've been in storage at my parent's house for decades. They don't mean anything to me.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Maybe us rednecks just like guns. Don't know that its christian alone per se. Though alot of Christians in this country do seem to be fond of war, at least on the Christian side.

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The most fundy whacko tounge speaking pastor I ever knew was also the biggest gun nut I ever knew. Coincidence?

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Therei sthis show on national geo channel called american outliers (Tues evenings). Now it is the Hutterites, but 2-3 months ago it was Doomsday preppers. There was this one minister from NC who had a secret room loaded with weapons galore.

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They're stocking up for the end-times battle.GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


But wouldn't they be raptured? Or are they hoping that the rapture would come after the "tribulation?"


I guess it depends on which denomination they belong to, which verses they cherrypick, and the pronouncements of their local wack-a-doodle pastors. WendyDoh.gif

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We've got 10+ guns in our home, and our collection will only continue to grow. I know how to operate them. I don't believe ours is rooted in Christianity, but rather our Great Plains environment influences it.

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Therei sthis show on national geo channel called american outliers (Tues evenings). Now it is the Hutterites, but 2-3 months ago it was Doomsday preppers. There was this one minister from NC who had a secret room loaded with weapons galore.


I'm going to be OCD and say that American Outliers is a block of programming, not a show in and of it's self. The Hutterites and Doomsday Preppers just happen to be part of that block of programming.


I couldn't help but notice most of the people who had loads of guns or something were either religious or ex-military. I think the smart ones are the ones that prep by making bows since eventually we'd run out of the supplies needed to create ammunition. There was one family though that moved to a high part of TN because they thought there was going to be another Noah's flood... I really love watching that show.

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I am somewhat anti gun. It is your right to have one and it is my right to not have one. What gets to me is the number of christians who have arsenals in their homes. I do not get it.


You don't HAVE to "get it", dick cheese. There are more atheists with guns than might make you "comfortable", but seeing as you are a Liberal Christard, your God isn't listening to you anyway.


What might help you sleep is that most all armed atheists are still conservative.


Yes...Secular Conservatives exist. And we aren't real fond of your type.

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We've got 10+ guns in our home, and our collection will only continue to grow. I know how to operate them. I don't believe ours is rooted in Christianity, but rather our Great Plains environment influences it.


You GO sister! But keep the numbers of your armory off the web...Big Brother Google is listening.

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We've got 10+ guns in our home, and our collection will only continue to grow. I know how to operate them. I don't believe ours is rooted in Christianity, but rather our Great Plains environment influences it.


You GO sister! But keep the numbers of your armory off the web...Big Brother Google is listening.


:) This is where I get all redneck tough: Good luck with that, BBG

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