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Goodbye Jesus

I Have To Go To Work, I Could Talk To You Guys All Day Long


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Anyway, here is my philisophical issue with Chrsitianity: (please do not discuss in terms of science or biblical inerrancies)


In the US as well as 3rd world countries any depressed area gets a number of christian churches popping up all over the place. Not denying God in any way, but the simple fact (in my mind) is that christianity is an opiate for those who are more likely to revolt. (So is booze and dope, but still, the church adds a touch)

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". - Karl Marx

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It's no secret that religion's purpose is to control the masses.


BTW, you might find some of the articles on the main blog interesting, There is a sentence in one of the articles yesterday that, to me, sums it up pretty damn good.


"Religion is not the crutch, it is the injury."



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I really have to get to work, you guys are alright. I will be back this evening and you do present good arguments. One other question: are most of you non believers in God or non believers in christianity?

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Most of us no longer believe in the God (or gods) mentioned in Jewish or Christian scriptures. A pretty good percentage of us have dismissed the idea of gods or the supernatural. But many are now deists, pantheists, panentheists, and mystics of various flavors.

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I really have to get to work, you guys are alright. I will be back this evening and you do present good arguments. One other question: are most of you non believers in God or non believers in christianity?


There is a mixed bag here. Our common denominator is that we are ex-christians. You might want to check out the Ex-Christian Spirituality section of the forums. But be sure to read and heed the rules for posting in that section.


Me... I'm an open-minded atheist. If REAL evidence ever comes up that shows me that god is real, I would believe. But I'm not holding my breath.

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So you're a Christian who mingles with the heathens, eh? Well aren't you just like Jesus himself. The real Jesus, of course.

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GG: Why are you hiding your pretty face? Too many guys hitting on you? Ok, I guess I haven't shown my face once... Nice ring, btw!

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So you're a Christian who mingles with the heathens, eh? Well aren't you just like Jesus himself. The real Jesus, of course.


Don't encourage him! lol


He thinks his particular brand of xianity is the "true" one. It makes him feel special.

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GG: Why are you hiding your pretty face? Too many guys hitting on you? Ok, I guess I haven't shown my face once... Nice ring, btw!


Thanks, TF! Actually, showing off my bird in flight tattoo. I live in the country, so I gotta show it off to nonanimal people when I can :)

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GG: Why are you hiding your pretty face? Too many guys hitting on you? Ok, I guess I haven't shown my face once... Nice ring, btw!


Thanks, TF! Actually, showing off my bird in flight tattoo. I live in the country, so I gotta show it off to nonanimal people when I can smile.png


I see it now--had to go to your profile. Nice tat!

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Guest Valk0010

Anyway, here is my philisophical issue with Chrsitianity: (please do not discuss in terms of science or biblical inerrancies)


In the US as well as 3rd world countries any depressed area gets a number of christian churches popping up all over the place. Not denying God in any way, but the simple fact (in my mind) is that christianity is an opiate for those who are more likely to revolt. (So is booze and dope, but still, the church adds a touch)

Has the thought ever crossed your mind, that Christianity is purely a created social convention originally design for mostly that purpose? Like this for example, you find the laws of OT dictatorial, you get relief in Christianity. You can't get your life together, you get saved and you immediately have people to talk to and help. All the purpose Christianity has, also has a secular man made importance. If anything its too man made on the face of it to be believable.
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Anyway, here is my philisophical issue with Chrsitianity: (please do not discuss in terms of science or biblical inerrancies)


In the US as well as 3rd world countries any depressed area gets a number of christian churches popping up all over the place. Not denying God in any way, but the simple fact (in my mind) is that christianity is an opiate for those who are more likely to revolt. (So is booze and dope, but still, the church adds a touch)

Has the thought ever crossed your mind, that Christianity is purely a created social convention originally design for mostly that purpose? Like this for example, you find the laws of OT dictatorial, you get relief in Christianity. You can't get your life together, you get saved and you immediately have people to talk to and help. All the purpose Christianity has, also has a secular man made importance. If anything its too man made on the face of it to be believable.


When the country was doing great early 1940s to the mid 1970's, I do not recall seeing a lot of christian preaching in the US, (of course you had the jesus movement ofthe late 60s, but I am talking maintsream), then all these televangelists started popping up and all these conversions started happening. A lot of the have nots in society gravitate towards it and the preaching is non violence. It is definitely a way to keep people under control.

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Guest Valk0010

Anyway, here is my philisophical issue with Chrsitianity: (please do not discuss in terms of science or biblical inerrancies)


In the US as well as 3rd world countries any depressed area gets a number of christian churches popping up all over the place. Not denying God in any way, but the simple fact (in my mind) is that christianity is an opiate for those who are more likely to revolt. (So is booze and dope, but still, the church adds a touch)

Has the thought ever crossed your mind, that Christianity is purely a created social convention originally design for mostly that purpose? Like this for example, you find the laws of OT dictatorial, you get relief in Christianity. You can't get your life together, you get saved and you immediately have people to talk to and help. All the purpose Christianity has, also has a secular man made importance. If anything its too man made on the face of it to be believable.


When the country was doing great early 1940s to the mid 1970's, I do not recall seeing a lot of christian preaching in the US, (of course you had the jesus movement ofthe late 60s, but I am talking maintsream), then all these televangelists started popping up and all these conversions started happening. A lot of the have nots in society gravitate towards it and the preaching is non violence. It is definitely a way to keep people under control.

Says something about the creator I would think.
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I really have to get to work, you guys are alright. I will be back this evening and you do present good arguments. One other question: are most of you non believers in God or non believers in christianity?


I want you to know that I really like you, Anti, and I'm really sympathetic about your struggles. We've all been there. You are not alone.


As to your question: I know, based on science and history, that the entire Abrahamic mythos is based upon lies and oppression. It's not a case of "not believing" in that crap. It's a case of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that IF there is a god of any sort, there is no possible way that he/she/it/they look a damn thing like anything in the Abrahamic faiths. None of them make any logical sense, and they all make claims that are easily refuted both through history and science. I give a lot of other religious systems a pass because most of them aren't making extraordinary claims or demands of either their adherents or non-believers, but as a religion begins to up the ante, I become more critical of it.


Don't you ever wonder why Christians target the vulnerable, the sick, the oppressed? They don't go after people who have their shit together or who are comfortable and secure. They know that their message only resonates with those who are helpless, who want any kind of hope--even a false one, who feel hard-done-by and want to feel like they have one up on the sods who are hurting them, who want to feel like there IS justice in the world even if it's delayed, and who want clear direction and simple, easy answers. I'm sure those in power would absolutely love for there to be far more Christians.

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I really have to get to work, you guys are alright. I will be back this evening and you do present good arguments. One other question: are most of you non believers in God or non believers in christianity?


I want you to know that I really like you, Anti, and I'm really sympathetic about your struggles. We've all been there. You are not alone.


As to your question: I know, based on science and history, that the entire Abrahamic mythos is based upon lies and oppression. It's not a case of "not believing" in that crap. It's a case of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that IF there is a god of any sort, there is no possible way that he/she/it/they look a damn thing like anything in the Abrahamic faiths. None of them make any logical sense, and they all make claims that are easily refuted both through history and science. I give a lot of other religious systems a pass because most of them aren't making extraordinary claims or demands of either their adherents or non-believers, but as a religion begins to up the ante, I become more critical of it.


Don't you ever wonder why Christians target the vulnerable, the sick, the oppressed? They don't go after people who have their shit together or who are comfortable and secure. They know that their message only resonates with those who are helpless, who want any kind of hope--even a false one, who feel hard-done-by and want to feel like they have one up on the sods who are hurting them, who want to feel like there IS justice in the world even if it's delayed, and who want clear direction and simple, easy answers. I'm sure those in power would absolutely love for there to be far more Christians.



That is the best statement I have heard in yrs and so 100 percent true.

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Tis very, very true. They don't go after affluent heathens.

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Tis very, very true. They don't go after affluent heathens.


Except for a few sports figures and celebs who they can show off and say, "See here! All the cool people subscribe to our reigion!"

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Tis very, very true. They don't go after affluent heathens.


Except for a few sports figures and celebs who they can show off and say, "See here! All the cool people subscribe to our reigion!"


Teebow Another cult of personality

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Tis very, very true. They don't go after affluent heathens.


Except for a few sports figures and celebs who they can show off and say, "See here! All the cool people subscribe to our reigion!"


Teebow Another cult of personality


Yep, and they condemn Scientology for using the same tactic. Scientology is doing better, BTW.


Also, I could talk to you guys all day long, too. That's the only reason I retired.

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". - Karl Marx


"Religion isn't the opiate of the masses, it's the placebo of the masses."--House

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