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Goodbye Jesus

Wish Me Luck... (Quitting Ministry)


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Yeah the being a "bad witness" thing, I read how Rick Warren instructed his followers not to follow certain accounts on Twitter because it would be a bad witness. Well in my eyes it is a 'bad witness' to have to obey some pastor's orders about what you can and can't do.

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Good for you! You deserve the life you choose. And clearly this is not going to make you happy.


I think what you tell them is really up to how you feel about what they need to know. Personally it's not really any of their business why you have decided to pursue another path in life. And if it were me I would just say that I have chosen to do something else with my life. If they press it, I would clearly state that I have no intention of discussing the matter further.


I'm gonna guess that telling them that you no longer believe and why is just gonna get them all amped up about trying to "keep" you in the cult. A nice challenge for them, and they intend to win. Not that they would. :)


You could tell them that god told you to do something else and it's really between you and god, it's a secret for now. :) But that might make you look crazy.


Regardless of how you handle it, I would really suggest as little drama as possible, you will feel better in the end.

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Do what will bring you peace, inorbit. We feel for ya. I've been leaving clues all over the place but leaving everything up to interpretation. That's been enough to keep me sane. If I can't shake everybody out of their delusion at least I can make a subversive point once in a while. I enjoy being an iconoclast who can still participate on the fringe of the in-group. zDuivel7.gif

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Good luck! Let us know how it all pans out....

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Good luck. There have certainly been a few times when I have realized that you only live once (YOLO!) and I have been tempted to come completely clean and blow things sky high. The biggest thing stopping me from doing that is my relationship with my wife -- I think I would have likely told my family and quit my job and explained the truth (or semi-truth) to them.


If I were you -- I would probably be vague and tell them that my values have been changing and no longer fit the organization. You can explain what you feel Jesus' true message was (not a cultural thing) and that you can't be in a position of leadership with the convictions you have right now. Just my two cents on the tack I would take.

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I guess it depends how much you need to tell them. Maybe you could say something along the lines of, "I need to take a step back from my position while I sort through my beliefs. It's been a pleasure ministering with this group and I look upon this time with fondness for the relationships I've developed. I feel it best that I step away now." Something like that. Maybe choose 3 key messages and play broken record...

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Be strong! Keep us posted!

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Thanks, guys! I think tact is definitely the way to go. I have my own internal confusions and conflicts. No sense dragging the whole group into that.


I will keep you posted.

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My entire path of deconversion began with a desire for honesty and truth. But now I find myself living a life of secrecy, as the "truth" I uncovered wasn't what I was wanting or expecting, nor what would be socially acceptable.


I just want to be me, and to be honest with where I'm at and what I believe. Maybe I should do this and fuck the consequences?


This stood out for me, especially what I bolded. This is how I have always been.


I didn't last in secret. I'm a bad liar, and when my mother confronted me, I said everything I thought and felt, flat out, with no sugar-coating. I picked the "fuck the consequences" path. My mother picked me up by my hair and threw me out of the house. I was 17. But I don't regret it. Not for a second, and I feel far more at peace with myself, being honest.


I should also add that my mother has since calmed down, and everyone in my life is either fine with my non-christianity, or is no longer in my life. I am very happy.


I doubt anyone in your ministry will assault you (at least I hope not!) if you tell them you don't believe any longer, and I would hope they would applaud your honesty for no longer representing something you don't believe in. Of course, in my experience with christians, none of them appreciated my honesty - they thought it "rebellion."


But the most important thing is how you think of yourself. You are the one you will have to live with the longest - your whole life. These people in the ministry, though you obviously care for them, will move on to other stages in their lives, as you will, and you will part ways. In the end, what they think of you means jack shit. What you think of you will stick with you a hell of a lot longer. Be someone you like.

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A boss I hated working for once (just once) had some genuinely wise words for me. He said that when people make a tough choice, they have a way of taking the decisions they've made and turning them into the right decisions. We choose our path, plunge headlong into it, and make the best of it in such a way that when we look back it appears that this was the only choice we really could have made. Best of luck, and I look forward to your updates!

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Damn, I'm out of rep points today. I just wanted to say that I'm glad it all went so smoothly for you :) You sound very relieved :)

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Thanks! I'm super relieved. I don't know why I doubted the caliber of people I work with here. I guess it was all the horror stories so many of you have shared on this forum. Heh.

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Glad it went well! :)

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Yay! Good for you. I'm glad it went well.

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Wow! Talk about a best case scenario! I am so glad to hear it went well.


I hope you are forming plans for the next chapter of your life!


Cheers--to good changes, courteous farewells, and smooth transitions! beer.gif

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Good luck with your journey forward !

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So happy it went so well.


I have one question, do you think she suspected your actual reason? I am guessing she did by your account of the situation.


Still, very happy for you!

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Thanks! I'm super relieved. I don't know why I doubted the caliber of people I work with here. I guess it was all the horror stories so many of you have shared on this forum. Heh.


Glad it went well, without any drama. Maybe God gave you a way out. As you say you can't keep pretending any more. Thats how I think all of us felt at that time. Cheers, Adam

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So happy that it went well and best of luck with the next one! Based on what you've said, I don't suspect any problems from them either. I'm in a position myself where I may be able to break away from my job working at a church soon and begin following the path I'm meant to follow. I know what you mean about the guilt or the feeling that it is "wrong" to be in ministry and yet questioning your faith. If you're in ministry, you're supposed to be a mentor of sorts and reinforce the faith of others. You can hardly do that when you're questioning things yourself.

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Thanks for sharing your journey with us and I am so pleased for you that the 'best case scenario' occurred. That's fantastic! Good luck now as you move forward. You must be incredibly relieved to have this burden off your shoulders. I know I would feel better in your situation.

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I'm very glad they were kind to you. I've honestly not really seen that out of christian communities around me, but I'm probably just around a lot of shitty people.


Now to create your own life! Enjoy, and bon chance!

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What are your plans now?

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I'm so happy things went well. I hope some day you have the opportunity to tell these folks that their positive and affirming reaction spoke well of them through you to a bunch of non-believers.

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