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A Bit About Yourself


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I can't see any threads like this, so I thought I'd start one. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your interests :)

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I'll start I suppose LOL, play the violin and enjoy walking :)

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I like books, learning and pretty women.

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I'll start I suppose LOL, play the violin and enjoy walking smile.png


Do you play the violin professionally or as a hobby? Do you perform?


Where do you enjoy walking? (Walking track, beach, woods?) Why do you enjoy walking?

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I'll start I suppose LOL, play the violin and enjoy walking smile.png


Do you play the violin professionally or as a hobby? Do you perform?


Where do you enjoy walking? (Walking track, beach, woods?) Why do you enjoy walking?


I play in a couple of amatuer orchestras.


I enjoy walking in most suroundings - why, I don't know, I was never any good at sport but can walk for miles. I don't like beachy holidays and tend to go on walking holidays.

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I enjoy walking down by river on cool days in Fall or early spring, then it gets too hot for me. I like to ride my bicycle there too. I make my own beer, ale, and wines. I like gardening and grow herbs used for cooking and making beer and I like growing iris.

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I also like motorcycle riding.

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I'm in love with Renaissance history. I spent a chunk of today writing and am in the middle of reading a cookbook translation from the mid-1500s Rome. Love cooking; at least one of my kitchen disasters is now required reading for an engineering firm in the Midwest. I'm also about 3 cats away from crazy. I've been thrown out of a Shinto temple. I don't like scary movies. I love the Sims and like to think that I'm a way better God than God ever could be. I just realized that I've now been out of the fundie religion for half a lifetime. I can make really good ricotta cheese and blew up my kitchen yesterday doing it. I did mention I have dramatic kitchen disasters, right?

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Let's see. I like reading. I really love a good detective story, but I haven't read one in a long time. I like movies. I know way too much useless random movie trivia. I like running. 110 pounds ago I started walking and eating right. Now I'm training for a half-marathon. I've never run on the beach, but next time I get a chance, I will. If I don't get a "runner's high" during the run (which I usually don't), I really enjoy the feelings I get after a good run. Side note, you never know how much energy you have left until a dog starts in after you.

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I'm in love with Renaissance history. I spent a chunk of today writing and am in the middle of reading a cookbook translation from the mid-1500s Rome. Love cooking; at least one of my kitchen disasters is now required reading for an engineering firm in the Midwest. I'm also about 3 cats away from crazy. I've been thrown out of a Shinto temple. I don't like scary movies. I love the Sims and like to think that I'm a way better God than God ever could be. I just realized that I've now been out of the fundie religion for half a lifetime. I can make really good ricotta cheese and blew up my kitchen yesterday doing it. I did mention I have dramatic kitchen disasters, right?


Gender: female






My main interests are in my profile. I play football (soccer) and review sports stadiums semi-professionally. I also write entertaining sports stuff as a hobby. While I'm doing a bit of work for a print media company here, I prefer less formal work since I can better express myself. In the realms of the more obscure, I took up the Scottish pennywhistle a couple of weeks ago. If I can learn this piece I know I'll have made it:


One day I'd like to write a novel, but I can't see that happening within the next 10 years as I don't have the dedication to put that much effort into something.

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I like trolling the internet, working on vehicles- or anything mechanical really, fishing, cutting up dead animals, shooting things, and eating lots of big, high-calorie food.


I also enjoy beer and/or margaritas on occasion, and talking about how smart I am.

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Guest Valk0010

Have been struggling with depression and mood dysregulation for about a year now.


I play guitar decently


I write poems sometimes


I also like to paint, but am usually too poor to afford paint.

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I'm 49, a type I diabetic, single and never married. I love music, and am contemplating practicing up some songs and doing open mike nights around town. I love movies and have a particular passion for silent films. I don't read much anymore since my short vision is decaying with age and I'm in denial about it. I love the outdoors and don't get to spend nearly enough time away from the city. Life is getting better.

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Gender: female




Wait, is that a good "runs" or a bad "runs"? ;)


That was very lovely music! I love this place. I learn something new here every day. I played music as a child and did okay at it, but it's so daunting to learn it as an adult. I admire folks like you and Valk who can just do that.

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<- ENTP with ADHD. I'm obsessed with learning about psychology, neurology, and physics. I enjoy hearing life stories from people I meet and I never get bored of learning and exploring new things.

I'm an artist, a runner, a writer, a senior psych student, and I'm very much in love with my bf wub.png

I love smiling, smiling is my favourite. I'm also certified to teach children how to shoot sharp projectiles through the air at fatal speeds into large targets, AKA archery!!

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life on the farm is kinda laid back....

married... to a 29 year old... 5 years this July

in love w/ my husband... a hunter/rancher/farmer/outdoorsman

i have lots of animals to tend to.

would love to live on the east coast some day

addicted to words with friends

love white wine

loveeee my dogs

very girlie.. and i like it like that cha'


ETA: a girl's girl... will defend them shamelessly

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I work at a hospital, transcribing medical reports.


I've been studying clarinet for about 8 years and have My Royal Conservatory Grade 6 in clarinet. Next June I'm going to try for My Grade 8. I fell in love with community bands last year, and during the school year I play with 2 different bands. Currently I'm with a third band comprised of musicians who want to keep playing and performing through the summer.


I write novels -- Urban fantasy humour, mostly, with overlapping casts of characters.


I have a Dark Legion of cats, currently 7 felines strong.


And I like to work in the garden and renovate My home.

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I used to love gardening but it's too damn hot for that anymore. I still enjoy planting a few veggies but after living in zone 8 for 15 years I still haven't figured out when to plant things so the heat doesn't kill them. Gardening is good exercise though, I need to get back to that.


Other than that I love cats, creating wordpress websites, and organizing and connecting freethinkers to rule the world.


That about it.

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I love:

~West coast life

~Renaissance music

~Hiking and backcountry camping

~Being involved in my community

~Writing (mainly scholarly, but also one work of fiction in progress)

~My dogs and my husband


Interesting factoid: When I first found Ex-C I was living in a small travel trailer in our backyard, due to an extensive historical home restoration that made habitation nearly impossible. I recall with fondness the late nights on my tablet, reading the forums and blogs, finding peace...

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I'm 5'9", 165, blonde/green. Im a dog person, love long walks in the morning, sunrises over sunsets, and I just started work at my dads CPA biz. Married to my HS sweetheart, who cock blocked for yeshua for 7 years before we got married.


I have 3 older half-brothers, and 2 SIL's. One of whom I'd shag rotten if allowed. I love football, like basketball and hate baseball soccer (non-USers: football) and hockey. If I could have dinner with one person, it's no longer Jesus, since I'd be eating alone. It would be either someone really fucking smart, or really fucking hot. But not both.


I have 2 outrageously cute daughters ( 3 and 7)who will be the end of me.


Also, one of my best friends from my youth just died, and that sucks.






Oh, and I wear pink satin panties every day. They make me feel more like a man.

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I love that “declaration of my identity!” Texas!!


I am a hairdresser, 5 foot nothing, bleach blonde hair and blue eye shadow! (you guys know that about me!) I love to write and already have a book of 16 chapters that I am always working on. I continue to change it because I have changed. I love animals and have 2 cats, one 12 and one 15. I also have a visitor cat who lives here 3/4 of the time. I play a bit of piano and accordian. I love to write songs. I love to create and decorate. I love to sing. I have a huge interest in nutrition. I love learning everything about life and it's beginnings. I am a mixture of being insanly crazy and love laughter and also much too much serious at times. I am also a nanny to 2 great kids!! EX-c has helped me grow a newer, better personality over the last 2 years. Did I mention lately how much I love EX-C? It has become part of my life.


I'm a saint and a sinner...

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I love that “declaration of my identity!” Texas!!


I am a hairdresser, 5 foot nothing, bleach blonde hair and blue eye shadow! (you guys know that about me!) I love to write and already have a book of 16 chapters that I am always working on. I continue to change it because I have changed. I love animals and have 2 cats, one 12 and one 15. I also have a visitor cat who lives here 3/4 of the time. I play a bit of piano and accordian. I love to write songs. I love to create and decorate. I love to sing. I have a huge interest in nutrition. I love learning everything about life and it's beginnings. I am a mixture of being insanly crazy and love laughter and also much too much serious at times. EX-c has helped me grow a newer, better personality over the last 2 years. Did I mention lately how much I love EX-C? It has become part of my life. I'm a saint and a sinner...





we love us some Mar-Mar!

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We can start an Ex-C orchestra at this rate lol :D


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I enjoy trying to amass the maximum number of understandings that I possibly can, because I'm greedy like that. I'm masochistic like that.

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