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Goodbye Jesus

Somethin "my Pastor" Said Today


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So as most of you know I still go to indoctrination sessions weekly since my wife is a believer. well, today the pasturd said something that I was actually pleased with, but revealed somethin much deeper.


The sermon was on prejudice, don't have it, obviously. Well, instead of just saying "don't hate blacks, whites, mooslims or whatever" like he usually does, he added a group that I'VE NEVER HEARD HIM MENTION BEFORE.




We're on the radar, peeps! He wouldn't do this if he didn't consider us (well those of us who are atheist, apologies to those that aren't) a sizable group to be reckoned with. It made me smile.

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Wow--a new minority group. Maybe we'll be added to hate crimes laws. :D

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Wow--a new minority group. Maybe we'll be added to hate crimes laws. :D


Don't hold your breath, pal.

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It's really no longer a choice to just ignore that we exist. For decades they were enough in the nons bucket who hadnt necessarily rejected religion, just weren't churched, who they could pull from. Now we have a legitimate and growing share of the population.

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I thought you were going to say he was winge about atheist attacks, and belittle atheist "religion". Thats how i remember sermons! Lol

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I'm all for a Pastor teaching not to hate. Unless they follow it up with a love the sinner hate the sin; which is just a euphemism for we hate you.

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I want my cheese.

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Who moved my cheese?!!!

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Because we are armed with the internet and have full access to scientific discoveries, proving Christianity is a bogus religion relying upon falsehoods to bolster their doctrines, Christianity is unable to adequately debate atheists. Everyone has heard their arguments and we are learning to take their deceitfulness and throw it back in their faces. They are running out of arguments. To love an atheist is also to acknoledge morality and love is a personal trait, not one given by some invisible sky fairy.

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You did it again. FIrst BUY-BULL, now this. 17.gif

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Once in a blue moon, you find some decent xians out there. I actually find some pastors to be more tolerant of other minority groups/religious beliefs than most of the hapless followers in their churches.

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