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Goodbye Jesus

Pray For Rain, Sheeple!


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So we're in the middle of a drought. Hasn't rained in weeks and weeks. I haven't even needed to mow my lawn but like twice since may. My yard is. DEAD.


so I'd appreciate it if y'all could pray us some rain down heeya.


Just remember, the answer may be "not yet".



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Oh, it's been around 110 degrees every day too, and they cancelled our July 4th fireworks shows too.



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And the thing is, if it ever rains in your area again, ever, even so much as a drizzle, ever, all the Christians will shout, "Hallelujah! Our God answers prayer!"

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And the thing is, if it ever rains in your area again, ever, even so much as a drizzle, ever, all the Christians will shout, "Hallelujah! Our God answers prayer!"


T2M ben Yahweh, once again your gift of discernment/bullshit detector is right on point.



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it was a dried out drought, that deconverted Bill Grahams best friend Charles Templeton!! Wendytwitch.gif I love his story of how he was standing under a dead tree in a far off land that was starving to death. He was there to preach the gospel!! He looked up to heavens and said to god, ''All you would have to do is send rain''....... It was the beginning of the end for him.......

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it was a dried out drought, that deconverted Bill Grahams best friend Charles Templeton!! Wendytwitch.gif I love his story of how he was standing under a dead tree in a far off land that was starving to death. He was there to preach the gospel!! He looked up to heavens and said to god, ''All you would have to do is send rain''....... It was the beginning of the end for him.......


Right. Either he's a total dick, or he's not there Rev. Margee.


Shouldn't be too hard for a storm god.

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it was a dried out drought, that deconverted Bill Grahams best friend Charles Templeton!! Wendytwitch.gif I love his story of how he was standing under a dead tree in a far off land that was starving to death. He was there to preach the gospel!! He looked up to heavens and said to god, ''All you would have to do is send rain''....... It was the beginning of the end for him.......


It's obvious that Charles Templeton didn't pray enough, then. He probably also didn't read the Bible enough, either. Or, there may have been one person in the nation he went to that didn't believe, forcing God to say, "Nope. Not gonna do it. There's one guy down there that doesn't believe in me, so the rest of y'all are fucked. Just find the one dipshit and tell him to believe, and I'll poor so much rain on you that you'll think it's the Flood all over again. Okay, so maybe that's a bit of a cruel thing to say. Sorry."

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You could move to england. Its always raining here. We have this rare astrological event where a bright yellow object appears in the sky :D and you think whats that? Oh yeah its the sun!

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We've been in a "drought" for probably 8 of the 10 years that I've been in Kansas. I think people just want something to bitch about.


It's been over 100 every day for a couple weeks now, with little relief in sight. It's a bit of a cold snap today as the temp is only predicted to hit 98- but we'll be right back up there soon enough.


My law isn't dead yet, but hopefully it will be soon. It's about time to mow again. I'm going to set the deck as low at it will go, and mow that lawn down to the bare dirt. That usually kills it, then I don't have to mow for the rest of the year.

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You could move to england. Its always raining here. We have this rare astrological event where a bright yellow object appears in the sky biggrin.png and you think whats that? Oh yeah its the sun!


Speaking of weather in England: a guy I knew once visited there, and he saw on TV that the forecast for the day was "Bright." He thought this meant is was supposed to be sunny. Turns out, "Bright" in England just means that the overcast is thinner than usual.

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It's obvious that Charles Templeton didn't pray enough, then. He probably also didn't read the Bible enough, either. Or, there may have been one person in the nation he went to that didn't believe, forcing God to say, "Nope. Not gonna do it. There's one guy down there that doesn't believe in me, so the rest of y'all are fucked. Just find the one dipshit and tell him to believe, and I'll poor so much rain on you that you'll think it's the Flood all over again. Okay, so maybe that's a bit of a cruel thing to say. Sorry."


Being Yahweh means never having to say you're sorry.

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It's obvious that Charles Templeton didn't pray enough, then. He probably also didn't read the Bible enough, either. Or, there may have been one person in the nation he went to that didn't believe, forcing God to say, "Nope. Not gonna do it. There's one guy down there that doesn't believe in me, so the rest of y'all are fucked. Just find the one dipshit and tell him to believe, and I'll poor so much rain on you that you'll think it's the Flood all over again. Okay, so maybe that's a bit of a cruel thing to say. Sorry."


Being Yahweh means never having to say you're sorry.


It also means you're an asshole.

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It's times like this that make me jealous of California for never being above 90 degrees in the summer.


I don't know about you guys and gals, but it's severe weather season in Virginia. We just had two days in a row of severe storms. Then, there's no water left on the ground the next day and you don't even know there was a storm. Then it's back to 102 degrees. So yeah, droughts don't last long for us this time of year.

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Last time some asshole in Florida prayed for rain, we got Debby.

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it was a dried out drought, that deconverted Bill Grahams best friend Charles Templeton!! Wendytwitch.gif I love his story of how he was standing under a dead tree in a far off land that was starving to death. He was there to preach the gospel!! He looked up to heavens and said to god, ''All you would have to do is send rain''....... It was the beginning of the end for him.......


I was so fortunete to talk to this man 4 times on the telephone before he died. Inside my autographed book, (Farewell To God) he wrote....Let love be the only commandment. He sent it to me as a x-mas present. He told me stories of him and billy graham being best friends. He was an awesome man to talk to...I would recommend his book to anyone if they need 'simplicity', cause that's how he writes. Here's Chuck' and Billy back in their young days.........huge crusades they did together!!





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On Nov 2007 the governor of GA Sonny Perdue had a big public prayer for rain on the capital steps. Almost 2 years later this happens...



The Scream Machine at Six Flags Over Georgia.


Atlanta suburbs


Too much at once, too late, thank you god.

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So we're in the middle of a drought. Hasn't rained in weeks and weeks. I haven't even needed to mow my lawn but like twice since may. My yard is. DEAD.


so I'd appreciate it if y'all could pray us some rain down heeya.


Just remember, the answer may be "not yet".




A dead lawn wouldnt fly with my home owners association. Gotta have that green grass.

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Oh, it's been around 110 degrees every day too, and they cancelled our July 4th fireworks shows too.




I'm sure some people will take it upon themselves to provide some fireworks. Always good for a nice brush fire..lol

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That's why God created irrigation systems. Also -1 for 'sheeple.' ;)

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Since the record drought in Texas ended a while ago I can now laugh maniacally at everyone else's drought troubles. We just had some rain today.devilfinger.gif

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it was a dried out drought, that deconverted Bill Grahams best friend Charles Templeton!! Wendytwitch.gif I love his story of how he was standing under a dead tree in a far off land that was starving to death. He was there to preach the gospel!! He looked up to heavens and said to god, ''All you would have to do is send rain''....... It was the beginning of the end for him.......


I was so fortunete to talk to this man 4 times on the telephone before he died. Inside my autographed book, (Farewell To God) he wrote....Let love be the only commandment. He sent it to me as a x-mas present. He told me stories of him and billy graham being best friends. He was an awesome man to talk to...I would recommend his book to anyone if they need 'simplicity', cause that's how he writes. Here's Chuck' and Billy back in their young days.........huge crusades they did together!!






wow... i am still waiting for that book to arrive - i ordered it a week ago. cannot wait to see templeton's perspective. how neat you have a signed copy!!

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Lol MCdaddy i am loving this drought, i havent had to mow my yard or the neighbors in weeks. The bad thing is, is that if we dont get rain though no fire works for most people, however me and my fellows go out deep back in McRee to do fire works so we should be fine rain or no rain.


The people at the church have been begging for rain since the church i go to is populated by mostly farmers.

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So we're in the middle of a drought. Hasn't rained in weeks and weeks. I haven't even needed to mow my lawn but like twice since may. My yard is. DEAD.


so I'd appreciate it if y'all could pray us some rain down heeya.


Just remember, the answer may be "not yet".




A dead lawn wouldnt fly with my home owners association. Gotta have that green grass.


And this is why I'll never buy a house that comes with a HOA.


I may or may not want grass in my yard. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let polo-shirt fascists TELL me what I'm gonna do with my yard.


And I imagine they wouldn't let me put my car up on blocks either.

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Well, I have rather uneven luck with weather-tinkering. The one time I made a concerted effort to get rid of some clouds so I could watch a solar eclipse, they settled back in a couple of days later and didn't leave for over 3 months.


But I'm willing to give it the old college try. I hereby put in an order for 1 inch of rain, distributed in 2 or 3 discrete rain showers (none of them to exceed 0.5" in any one session), with winds not to exceed 15 mph, to be delivered over the next week, to fall in Mcdaddy's yard and in a radius of approximately 10 miles therefrom.


Can't be too careful, y'know.

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Its a sad day when the godless heathen don't realize that the droughts across america is caused by sin, its the pot smokers, its the sodomites, the prostitutes, the gamblers, the satanists, the vile and godless who are causing droughts and don't even realize it. But wait there is hope!! "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."


Praise the lawd gawd jebus, the answer was in the bible all along


(Speaking of this though, I remember the many pray for rain in texas ads last year, sadly god just didn't care back then, the irony of the evolution hating god fearing texans getting the worst drought I can remember).

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