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Goodbye Jesus

Happy Thanksgiving, indeed...


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Me? I'm 450 miles away from my nearest relatives. I'm going to be staying 450 miles from my nearest relatives.


First off, I'm not going to let my boyfriend spend Thanksgiving alone with strangers (he's avoiding his stepfather like the plague. Can't blame him - neither does his mom).


Second... my family increasingly acts as if they'd rather forget I existed. My brothers treat me like an idiot, my father treats me as if I'm worse than garbage, and mom... she just acts like she doesn't care at all. She hasn't even called or emailed me to ask if I'm coming home or not, and even not-so-subtly suggested that I not come home for the holidays at all a few weeks ago. And that was the last actual email I got from her.


And, likely, the story that's going to be told to the other family members, who might inquire as to my absence, is going to be that I'd rather be spending Thanksgiving with my friends than my family. Which isn't true and I hope some people, at least, realize this.


Goddammit... Nothing hurts worse than being slighted by the people you love the most during the holidays. Nothing :( And I have a sneaking suspicion as to why I'm being cut out of family traditions, but that's another matter entirely...


So... yeah... I hope everyone's Thanksgiving holiday is better than mine. I wouldn't wish my situation on even the people I dislike the most...

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Similar situation, 600 miles for me, and my Brother is a raving Promise Keeper/Fundie/charasmatic..


I'd rather shave my sasquatch ass with a blowtorch than sit at his table again. The other members of family live on East coast, far too far for just a quick visit and meal.


Enjoy you time with the SO and think of passing a good healthy brimming mug of good for you, malted, well drafted frosty cold FOAD to the rest of the people.


It is the holiday thing to do! :)


Ho Ho, Fucking Ho!





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I feel for everyone this Thanksgiving.


I am an only child, so I don't have a lot of family. I've been told this is a good thing.


Enjoy the Holiday as best you can!



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Guest tonymaratin



Lived one place all my single life; got married; relocated many times; had kids; parents died; kids went to away to college; kids moved 450 miles away. Lady Feline, I feel your pain. We will be going thru the same thing this Xmas. Just the two of us--no family.


BUT I hope you have a feastive Thanksgiving and are in good health. :wub:

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Happy thanksgiving. Ba Humbug :mellow:


I am by myself today. I live in a different state than my family and nobody ever comes and visits me, if we're going to be together on the holidays if I don't go then it won't happen. And, I am not going to go any friends or co-workers family thanksgiving get-togethers....to me that sounds worse than being by myself. I think I just need to meet more people where I live that are single and/or have no family here. I almost was going to volunteer to help at a homeless shelter for the day, now I wish I would have....

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Ladyfeline -- I hope you have a great day in spite of the situation.


Half of my family live in Michigan and the other half lives in Florida. I cannot spend the day with the relatives in FL as I just came back from a month long vacation there.


The relatives here are not having a family dinner here. They are spread out across Michigan spending it with their partner's family. So, I am spending it with my best friend and her family. Although, I would have been comfortable spending the day right here in my apartment watching television and in front of the computer. Honestl, the day is just not that special to me anymore.


Here's to wishing you and everyone here today a great day.






Me? I'm 450 miles away from my nearest relatives. I'm going to be staying 450 miles from my nearest relatives.


First off, I'm not going to let my boyfriend spend Thanksgiving alone with strangers (he's avoiding his stepfather like the plague. Can't blame him - neither does his mom).


Second... my family increasingly acts as if they'd rather forget I existed. My brothers treat me like an idiot, my father treats me as if I'm worse than garbage, and mom... she just acts like she doesn't care at all. She hasn't even called or emailed me to ask if I'm coming home or not, and even not-so-subtly suggested that I not come home for the holidays at all a few weeks ago. And that was the last actual email I got from her.


And, likely, the story that's going to be told to the other family members, who might inquire as to my absence, is going to be that I'd rather be spending Thanksgiving with my friends than my family. Which isn't true and I hope some people, at least, realize this.


Goddammit... Nothing hurts worse than being slighted by the people you love the most during the holidays. Nothing :( And I have a sneaking suspicion as to why I'm being cut out of family traditions, but that's another matter entirely...


So... yeah... I hope everyone's Thanksgiving holiday is better than mine. I wouldn't wish my situation on even the people I dislike the most...

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Lady Feline, Tony, Mike:


I am sorry that you guys are alone for the Holiday. LF in your case I can't believe that your family could squeeze you out like that. I am sorry.

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Our day is coming to an end. I'm still waiting on my oldest to get here from across town..he was coming by city bus. Should have been here two hours ago.


My daughter has chosen not to come over. Her daughter is here..baby is 17 months old.


It was my husband, BIL and granddaughter at the table. We enjoyed the meal.


My other son is in a hotel a couple miles away..long story, but he can't come here for now. I am going to take him some dinner though.


Family is fucked up. Yes, my daughter does choose to be where she is. I have all but begged her to come home. She was here for one day..


Not sure what else to say. Our holidays are generally this way anymore. I give up. Think I'll skip the big Christmas dinner..not worth the effort, honestly. A few hungry man tv dinners or something, maybe.

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Sorry to hear, guys and gals, but very understandable. My condolences on not being able to spend time with your families for your respective reasons.


My family today was arguing over their prayer to say, and I just rolled my eyes. I still get along well with my parents, and my brother has declared his Agnosticism, my Mom is very open minded as of late, but my Dad, ugh, he supports Bush and all that shit, but at least has the decency to have no use for church, the way it has become a gross excess of itself, and is some what of a Non Denominational Christian nowadays.


My Aunt invited a friend and her mother to our celebration this year and I couldn't stand the bitch. Kept bitching about how Harry Potter was the devil, (reminded me of Phylis from Trading Spouses), and how she was disgusted that the local Wiccan group had a float in the local parade this year, which I thought was fucking awesome that they had a float in the parade!


Can't a guy just dislike Harry Potter because you're a bigger Lord of the Rings fan?


Fucking fundies.


Anyway, meal was good and it was good to spend time with the family as any God convo time was kept to a minimal.


I then left and headed over to the theatre to catch "Just Friends" with Ryan Reynolds and Anna Faris. Totally hilarious flick, I highly recommend it.


I hope this picture will be therapy for some of you who can't be with your families....


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Boy...Jesus wasn't kidding when he said he would divide mothers and children and fathers and brothers or whatever that was...and the thing about bring a sword and not peace....sheesh. That is the one thing I really hate above everything else in the religion- the division it brings. It is sad since love is supposed to be the most important thing. I feel for all of you who are being pushed away by your families or can't be with them!! BIG HUG TO YOU ALL!!!

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