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Goodbye Jesus

I Got Called A Heathen


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And it made my day!


There is this guy who is a Catholic. I have been helping him out a bit as he is in a motorized wheel chair. Has MS.

He has Catholic-y things around his home. Picture of Jebus over his bed. When I first saw it I tried to stifle my laugh.


He is a funny guy and swears like a trooper. Drops f bombs like it is nothing and I think it is so funny. But he really believes in the bible and goes to church regularly.


Sometimes he will quote scripture or mention god. He has a very simple belief. I am sure his mom was a catholic and so it was just tradition for him and he has never questioned any of if,

And So I asked him how does he know the bible is true, and he paused and just smiled and said that he just prays that it is.

He knows where I stand and the other day he jokingly called me a heathen. Lol


It was all in good fun. He is harmless in his belief. The thing that gets me is this. . I asked him if anyone from his church has offered to help him. And it seems only one person has. He has been going there for 4 yrs . You would have thought that he would have had offers for meals and help. The guy is limited to what he can do. He is currently looking into benefits and programs for disabled people.






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Christians (some) pray and Pray and pray for help for the afflicted....not realizing they are the help they are praying for.





They're like spoiled little rich kids asking their daddy to help others on their behalf, when they never stop to realize they could actually get off their ass and do something. They're "special" and "chosen" just like Jews think they are.


And they wonder why everyone else can't stand them.



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Christians (some) pray and Pray and pray for help for the afflicted....not realizing they are the help they are praying for.





They're like spoiled little rich kids asking their daddy to help others on their behalf, when they never stop to realize they could actually get off their ass and do something. They're "special" and "chosen" just like Jews think they are.


And they wonder why everyone else can't stand them.





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Did you express your gratitude to him Jdog?

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And it made my day!


There is this guy who is a Catholic. I have been helping him out a bit as he is in a motorized wheel chair. Has MS.

He has Catholic-y things around his home. Picture of Jebus over his bed. When I first saw it I tried to stifle my laugh.


He is a funny guy and swears like a trooper. Drops f bombs like it is nothing and I think it is so funny. But he really believes in the bible and goes to church regularly.


Sometimes he will quote scripture or mention god. He has a very simple belief. I am sure his mom was a catholic and so it was just tradition for him and he has never questioned any of if,

And So I asked him how does he know the bible is true, and he paused and just smiled and said that he just prays that it is.

He knows where I stand and the other day he jokingly called me a heathen. Lol


It was all in good fun. He is harmless in his belief. The thing that gets me is this. . I asked him if anyone from his church has offered to help him. And it seems only one person has. He has been going there for 4 yrs . You would have thought that he would have had offers for meals and help. The guy is limited to what he can do. He is currently looking into benefits and programs for disabled people.


Oh, but they're preying for him. And Gawd has answered their prayers via YOU!

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Did you express your gratitude to him Jdog?

No I didn't. I could have said thanks for the compliment but

I just laughed and said "yep that's me. A heeeeeethen". Lol.









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Biggest difference between heathens I know and christians I know. I trust the heathens

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Biggest difference between heathens I know and christians I know. I trust the heathens


Then you are batting for the wrong team, my friend.


Get thee a new set of friends.

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Did you express your gratitude to him Jdog?

No I didn't. I could have said thanks for the compliment but

I just laughed and said "yep that's me. A heeeeeethen". Lol.




A guy once asked me if I was religious and I told him that I was a heathen. He looked skyward with his eyes and said, "I like that. It makes me think 'pagan'"


I didn't correct him. But it sure was tempting.

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Biggest difference between heathens I know and christians I know. I trust the heathens


Then you are batting for the wrong team, my friend.


Get thee a new set of friends.


I totally agree with Paine here. The well worn, but still accurate, saw is that relationships are built on trust.

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This makes me laugh so hard every time I see it because it so brilliantly SUMS the years I sat in Catholic school chapel:



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