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Goodbye Jesus

Why Not Egypt


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OK, so if all the Canaanites that existed before the Isrealites were so evil and had to be utterly destroyed, why weren't the Egyptians and every other non-Isrealite on the face of the the planet that didn't worship youknowwho wiped out too? I mean, why didn't the Isrealites torch Egypt on there way out? Surely God must have liked them too in order for them to be relatively spared (what with the plagues and all). Why did the scorched earth policy only seem to affect the "Promised Land"?


I just wanna know...

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Except, why were there Canaanites after they were supposedly destroyed? Good luck on your answers! The Bible is bunk, that's my answer.

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actually, they looted Egypt on the way out. This was partly why Pharaoh chased them.


The Hebrew state was never very large or important in the mid-east. They controlled some trade routes from the Med coast through the mountains. However, the major powers never considered them a threat. They were never important enough for the great powers to notice. When Judea refused to bow to Babylon, guess what, they were destroyed and put into slavery for 50 years.


Funny how god didn't get them out of that one.

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Whats interesting is that Canaan at the time of the exodus would of been controlled by Egypt, they were a vassal state more or less. There are no outside documents to the exodus ever taking place. something as big and important as Ramases's army getting destroyed by a wall of water would of been recorded, but it isnt.

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There is also the fact that the apparent number of Hebrews was more than both the number of troops in the Hittite and Egyptian army combined, kinda rediculious.

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Assuming it's all true the bible explains that the fancy magic and spells are there to impress the Egyptians but this obviously fails. We know they never convert or even recognize this deity in any way. The Israelites then get marched out on the long path, instead of the few days route, so as to avoid war but are then later told war is what they'll be doing and lots of it. But fortunately they'll get a lot of help. But that help never really materializes. So their enemies kind of hang around. So instead of getting the land to themselves they just get rules to avoid interacting with these people. When they don't obey they get "punished" by a bunch of crazy windbags that managed to talk on behalf of some "god" that never upheld any of his bargains but apparently could punish a person faster than they could say "Yah...who?"



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