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Hassled By Hare Krishna

Guest ThereIsNoGod

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Guest ThereIsNoGod

Since the mid-90s, I've been occasionally stopped on the streets of Wellington by people with Hare Krishna literature. They try to get you to take a book for a "donation". In other words they try to sell you shit and make like it's not selling, 'cause selling would be materialistic.

I got stopped by a young woman yesterday and she was so transparently out for my money, that she might aswell have just put a gun in my face and told me to hand it over. Saying stuff like "Oh you look like a good man, I'm sure Krishna is pleased with you". God, the desperation of these people. Begging for money is more respectable than what she does.

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In Riga Latvia there is a Hare Krishna cafe that's pretty cool. They serve vegetarian Indian-style food and supposedly the profits go to feed the poor. It was cheap, fresh and healthy so I wasn't too worried about it.


I've seen groups (always 20-30 at a time) of HKs in both downtown Riga and downtown St Petersburg banging their tambourines and singing hare krishna. Not sure they make a lot of converts as most people just stare at them like the nutters they are. I guess until their groups start swelling into the hundreds, they're probably pretty harmless.

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Hare Krishna folk are generally pretty nice.And their food is even better. It is worth your money to buy one of their little vegetarian cookbooks.


But if you don't want to buy, just politely decline. If they invite you to one of their love feasts (generally a Sunday evening talk and a massive feast of free food afterwards)it can almost be worth it for the food.


Mind you "the cow is our mother" at one of their talks had me rolling on the floor laughing when I got home later that night.

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Hey, if there's free food, I'm THERE. Especially if it's yummy and vaguely healthy.

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