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The flood and race


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If in the flood, only one family was spared, and they were of one specific race/DNA... where did the chinese, the African, the aborigines of Australia, the Aztecs, etc.

Come from, they are completely different genetically, racially, etc.

How did one small family re-populate the WHOLE world again and make it as far as China, not to mention become a completely different race in the process?

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Supposedly the tower of babble story covers that. God mixed up their languages because they were trying to make a tower to him. Inadequate, I know. Also, it is pretty much excepted that historically the flood was only in that area. They called it "the world" or "earth" because that was all those people knew as the world at that time. It doesn't mean the whole globe that we know of.

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No, the bit about the flood does explain how they did that... (ok, it doesn't explain it well, but it does mention it)


Gen 10 goes on about how the sons of Noahs sons were "identified according to their tribes, languages, territories, and nations" and "The earth was populated with the people of these nations after the Flood."




Of course, Gen 11 starts with the whole world speaking one language...

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So Noah had sons that were black, Oriental, Indian, etc. even though he was a Jew.

A white man can't produce a black baby, how did all the races come about if only ONE family survived, and Columbus discovered America in 1492, are we to assume one of Noah's sons travelled from the middle east and journeyed all the way (crossing the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans) to America?

I think all that flood story is bonkers, it never happenned just like all of the bible, more comments welcome.

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Come from, they are completely different genetically, racially, etc....


Not completely different or they wouldn't be able to reproduce with other races.

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and Columbus discovered America in 1492, are we to assume one of Noah's sons travelled from the middle east and journeyed all the way (crossing the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans) to America?


Isn't this what the Mormons believe, that a Jewish family traveled to America and were the ancestors of the Native Americans? You'd think that DNA evidence would put this idea to rest.

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Isn't this what the Mormons believe, that a Jewish family traveled to America and were the ancestors of the Native Americans? You'd think that DNA evidence would put this idea to rest.


The Mormons ARE looking. It is much to their dismay that they aren't finding any supporting evidence. I believe the current focus is to find ANY evidence of a genetic tie between ANY tribe of Native Americans and the ancient Israelis and/or as much ambigious evidence as possible to at least keep the idea "alive"

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