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How Much Time Did You Spend At Church?


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Id say i have clocked in a total of 3264 hours of church, do i get a prize?GONZ9729CustomImage1687979.gif

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Yes, you get to send the pastor's kids to Bible College.

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About 47 years worth! I also cleaned the church twice a week, driving 22 miles one way to work for free and then because I had no money for tithing too, the congregation started referring to my family and I as "dead-beats" (my wife over heard the conversation in the women's bathroom)--we never asked them for a dime or for so much as a loaf of bread, but they enjoyed my free labor cleaning the toilets and dusting the altar. I also went out of the way to pick people up for church too. No good deed goes unpunished! I recon the devil got even cuz the preacher and wife got a divorce not long after we left, I guess she didn't like cleaning toilets?

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About 47 years worth! I also cleaned the church twice a week, driving 22 miles one way to work for free and then because I had no money for tithing too, the congregation started referring to my family and I as "dead-beats" (my wife over heard the conversation in the women's bathroom)--we never asked them for a dime or for so much as a loaf of bread, but they enjoyed my free labor cleaning the toilets and dusting the altar. I also went out of the way to pick people up for church too. No good deed goes unpunished! I recon the devil got even cuz the preacher and wife got a divorce not long after we left, I guess she didn't like cleaning toilets?


It takes 72 muscles to frown... but only four to rear back and slap the shit out em.....

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11 years...so far...*sigh*

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I spent two hours today, and can I just say:


hfrsdbhvdsb nh b kk>NBDkjsgdszkdhbsh,d



Sorry, I was hitting my head against the keyboard, cause it was frustrating. Wendybanghead.gif

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I spent two hours today, and can I just say:


hfrsdbhvdsb nh b kk>NBDkjsgdszkdhbsh,d



Sorry, I was hitting my head against the keyboard, cause it was frustrating. Wendybanghead.gif


the preacher today said "even god doesnt know how to save people without jesus!"


I geuss we just forgot that Jesus was God and he is all knowing. If a human can forgive someone without the ultimatum, "walk this isle or burn forever... Muhahaha." then im pretty sure that God doesnt need to do that to forgive someone.

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Didn't god forgive some people in the old testament? I mean, he constantly took it back, but he did forgive them.


My Sunday School (or divide and conquer) teacher (or bully) asked us if we could name anything in the world that is evil. First thing to pop into my head? "This bullshit"


Then my family (who mostly go to the same church) all gathered around after the service to talk about how wrong homosexuality is and how people shouldn't complain about believers pushing their belief on anyone when nonbelievers push their beliefs (disbeliefs?) on everyone. They're trying to indocternate my cousins daughter against her mother's wishes (the mother being a homosexual and the one who asked them not to force their beliefs).


*sigh* I go back for college in September. Then I can sleep in on Sundays with my heathen housemates rolleyes.gif

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Well, between the ages of about 10 and 15 or so I was dragged to church every Sunday pretty much against my will, and also had to attend Wednesday Bible studies as well. I'm too tired/lazy to calculate how many hours that comes to, but it's significant.


When I was at church I felt like I was in hell, so whatever time I spent there, it was too much!



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I honestly don't know how long. i guess added all up it would be something like 2 or 3 years if you were to take every service, bible study and retreat and paste them back to back.


All I know is I wish there was some way to get that time back and use it doing things that were worth doing instead.

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the preacher today said "even god doesnt know how to save people without jesus!"






Also, 4 years at a fundie school was enough for 5 lifetimes.

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From about age 10 to age 17 I had to go twice on Sunday and often on Wednesday night as well.

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Almost five years of Sunday attendance. Coulda been lots worse!

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One hour a week. Yep, I was your run of the mill non bible reading pew warmer.

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Ive gone to church since I was born, up until a little over a year ago (So total of 22 years). Often times going 2, 3, and even 4 times a week. I went to church camp 4 or 5 times. I also went to a year long Christian internship, that was basically church or bible study 24/7. I volunteered. I was on the leadership team in my college group.

Thats already a LOT of time. But then you start thinking about how much time you spent reading your bible, or other christian books (I read a LOT) or praying, or talking to friends about god, or anything like that. Damn. Thats a lot of time.

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Growing up fundie, I went to church twice Sundays and then Wednesday evenings. Whenever a 'revival' meeting was held we' d go- every night. It was mind numbing, which I now realize was the point. It's a typical brainwashing technique. And, it works much of the time..

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Yes, you get to send the pastor's kids to Bible College.


So fucking wrong, yet so fucking true.

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Growing up fundie, I went to church twice Sundays and then Wednesday evenings. Whenever a 'revival' meeting was held we' d go- every night. It was mind numbing, which I now realize was the point. It's a typical brainwashing technique. And, it works much of the time..


Sounds like what we do...

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Well, this is depressing. A conservative estimate is 3224 hours. But that doesn't include the devotionals, or the books I read. Neither does it include Girls Brigade, or Christian camps, or lunchtime school christian meetings. I don't want to think about this anymore- it's bad enough as it is :/


No one had better ask how much I donated to the church. Not that it was a lot, but it's embarrassing to admit that I donated to Benny Hinn :/ And the reason why :/

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being a backslidden shite Christian for most of my 29 years of belief, I came off easy, managing to avoid the places as much as possible after the first 3 years or so, and I was travelling so much I was in and out. Being as I mostly attended a street church, the place was, by nature, a lot more fluid than a mainstream church. People came and went, with certainly a core of regulars. That particular church I have few bad feelings about, but others in contrast would make my skin crawl. There's no way I could feel comfortable at all in the churches I did attend after I left the street ministry. I attended a Vineyard fellowship and also a small local fellowship as well. Some good folks, and in the Vineyard quite a few weirdos and a helluva lot of babbling and flailing arms. Too wacky for me, couldn't get into it, always thought I would have made a good anglican but I just left by neglect really...The faith remained and caused me no end of grief for years to come, but it was a private party, and after my wedding, I haven't returned to a church building except for weddings and funerals for years. Did stop in a beautiful cathedral in England last winter shortly before I deconverted though, to light a candle and pray in front of a dead stone Jesus for my soul.

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At one point about 10-12 years ago, I would go to church twice on a Sunday..then go to young persons' beebl study on Tuesdays, followed by church house group on a Wednesday night. Sometimes I even did the men's breakfast thing on a Saturday morning..


No wonder back then I was a) single and B) always exhausted.

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About an hour a week for ~13 years, plus the occasional wedding or funeral (I'd estimate about 5, total), and I'm not counting the times I've been on church grounds for other reasons (like free food).*


So, um... 13*52, plus ~2 hours/wedding(funeral) 2*5




Approximately 686 hours. (That boils down to about 28.6 days.)


Which is one month too long to spend in a Catholic Church.


*Also not counting youth group (because I have no clue how many times per week, for how many hours it met, how many years I was forced to attend, and... I find I don't care), Vacation Bible School (one week, and I loved the daily snack time -- flatbread, fruit, and cheese. Very simple, very yummy. The rest of it was artsy-crafty stuff that was vaguely linked to teh Babble, some of it was pretty neat, most of it was your run-of-the-mill super-safe adult-supervised day-camp activities with Biblical "significance" tacked on as an afterthought.

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Mind you I'm not good at maths, or estimating time, and I don't remember much of anything before the age of six, and only bits and pieces after. So my guesstimate up there? It's probably 100% wrong.


So... I guess my official answer to how much time I've wasted in church is... obviously way too damn much.

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Way too much time :) 1-3 times a week for 4 years. Plus some time as a kid in sunday school and choir.

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Id say i have clocked in a total of 3264 hours of church, do i get a prize?GONZ9729CustomImage1687979.gif


LOL - that is so funny - just the other night my wife insisted on watching about 10 minutes of, oh... who the hell was it this time?


Oh, right, Kenneth Copeland. I tried to wrestle the remote away, but she was too slippery, laughing it up.


I pretended to fume for a minute while I calculated. When I figured it out, I said, "I've already lost over 2,100 hours listening to this sort of bullshit all my adult life. No more!"


She just laughed and turned the volume up.


She'll pay for this, oh yes, she will pay wicked.gif

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