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Goodbye Jesus

My Parents Christian Biker Group Collapsed


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My parents and their friends started a christian biker group about two years ago, it has collapsed.


It started as kind of a middle aged crisis kind of thing since they all are about that age but they have about 50 people, or well did. They were kicked out of our old church over a power struggle, he pastor wanted more power over the group and of course they didnt want to give it so they split. Well recently there have been alot of fractures in the system, a few of the higher ups in the group have basically made a Ku de ta against the president of the group and by the time that was over everyone basically just quit. Its kind of sad to watch them fall apart because it makes my parents upset, but its also a very good social experiment. They performed as i expected them too, i predicted this to happen because no one is exempt from these types of things involving sociology. their problem was, they tried to maintain egalitarianism even though they have to many people for that. Like most Christians they are to intellectually immature to understand what is going on. They want to say it was the "devil' splitting them apart, but really its just that christian power system. Even though the president of the group has a bible degree my parents are the only ones who really know what the bible says. Thats what is interesting everyone there thinks they are the only ones who really knows what God wants, what the bible says.

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I was once invited to join a 'Christian' biker club. I said 'no thanks.' I don't like to drink beer at the local DAV, VFW, AL, or whatever, and then jump on the hog and head for the hills to praise Jesus. I think it was just a way for these drunks to have a 'cover' for what they wanted to do, which was party with all the Jesus patches and POW/MIA vests just so people would look at them. I'm just not a herd animal.

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Thats what is interesting everyone there thinks they are the only ones who really knows what God wants, what the bible says.


I think that's how it is with most religious groups. Everyone is open interpreting whatever verse they want to fit their needs.

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"Coup d'etat"


Sorry to be one of those people, but it bugs me.


Also, the whole christian biker thing really creeps me out. Anything that's all "we can be badass for Jesus" is in the end, weird. Like you said, it's an excuse to have a midlife crisis and not move away from the same insular social circles. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

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"Coup d'etat"


Sorry to be one of those people, but it bugs me.


Also, the whole christian biker thing really creeps me out. Anything that's all "we can be badass for Jesus" is in the end, weird. Like you said, it's an excuse to have a midlife crisis and not move away from the same insular social circles. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.


Thanks, its been a while since i used the word and i was in a rush so i didnt look it up.

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From the title I pictured a bunch of motorcycles lying on their side.


Anyway, Christian biker clubs are creepy. Where are the Hindu biker clubs? Jewish biker gangs? Mormons?


At least we do have the Pagans Motorcycle Club. Good name, but real Pagans are rarely 1%ers.

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From the title I pictured a bunch of motorcycles lying on their side.


Anyway, Christian biker clubs are creepy. Where are the Hindu biker clubs? Jewish biker gangs? Mormons?


At least we do have the Pagans Motorcycle Club. Good name, but real Pagans are rarely 1%ers.


You know, I had the same thought when I first saw the heading.


Secondly, agreed on the christian biker clubs. They seem a little too PR for my liking. Besides, they don't really pull it off all that well.


Thirdly, my dad is a pagan and rides a Harley. He's friendly towards 1%ers but chooses not to be a 1%er.

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He's friendly towards 1%ers but chooses not to be a 1%er He's friendly towards 1%ers but chooses not to be a 1%er.


What's a 1%er?

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He's friendly towards 1%ers but chooses not to be a 1%er He's friendly towards 1%ers but chooses not to be a 1%er.


What's a 1%er?

I think it's "one percenter" - the top 1% of the income curve.

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Motorcycle clubs (and the FBI, I believe) claim only 1% of the organizations are engaged in criminal enterprise. That 1% proudly display patches to the effect that they are indeed part of the 1% criminal element. I think they're really smart to openly advertise the fact that they live to commit murder, arson, gun/drug smuggling, prostitution, etc. Otherwise, the cops might have to figure it out on their own.

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Hey Vigile, remember that thread where I was pissed because of how a fundy was judging my dad? Well, based on his riding gear, she'd assumed that he was a 1%er. However, if she'd looked a little closer, and been way less ignorant, she would have realised that he was simply a lifelong rider, and not the definition of a 1%er as florduh explained the term.


While my dad wears a leather vest with patches on it, none of those patches relate to any outlaw club. He wears a full-faced helmet. Little things like that give him away in a big way.


I can usually spot christian riding club members- their gear often has that "new" look about it. Like they might take the bike for a spin every couple of weeks.

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Our Christian biker club is a part of our church and they double as security. They're called the "Soulwinning Soldiers". They hang out at Quaker Steak & Lube. Even our pastor has a bike and rides with them from time to time.


They're considered part of our church's "image".

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funny. Our non believing reprobate beer swillin' easy going occasional reefer smokin' apostate heathen non denominational unnamed no politiks no relijun bunch o' classic vintage bike ridin' nutcases just celebrated twelve years of fun. What are we doin' right that the Xtians aren't???

Well, it's not rocket science...

a 1%er is a term that was coined way back when : from Wiki:

Some outlaw motorcycle clubs can be distinguished by a 1% patch worn on the colors. This is claimed to be a reference to a comment made by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) in which they stated that 99% of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens, implying that the last one percent were outlaws. As a result, some outlaw motorcycle clubs used it to unite or express themselves and are commonly referred to as "one percenters". The comment, supposedly a response to the Hollister riot in 1947,[22][23] is denied by the AMA—who claim to have no record of such a statement to the press, and that the story is a misquote.[24]

According to the ATF they are also known as Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG).[25]

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Our Christian biker club is a part of our church and they double as security. They're called the "Soulwinning Soldiers". They hang out at Quaker Steak & Lube. Even our pastor has a bike and rides with them from time to time.


They're considered part of our church's "image".


They sound confused lol

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I grew up in a motorcycle shop, my father's. I've seen all kinds of people that ride, including the "christian bikers." I had seen bikers before, but these guys, with their giant cross patches (I think one said Army of the Son or some shit) and other strange patches (and yes, looked like their boots had barely seen any riding at all) I thought "what species of nuttery is this now?"


Of course my dad was friendly, and nicely took their money, but that's business. I backed away slowly, seeing the glazed, crazy-fundie look in the younger guy's eyes.

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To be mid life and have a good group of mates to rip around with is a good, therapeutic thing, I would be devastated if our group broke up. We've ridden every Weds night for 12 years, winter and summer, and a helluva lot of weekends as well. We've also done some sweet long distance road trips.

We keep it light and loose, no minutes, no treasurers, no t-shirts, no damn badges. Just a dozen mates who like vintage iron. We had a completely open policy for years but it got too big (over seventy some nights) so we dumped the non classic moderns and we now keep it a little undercover so it doesn't spiral into a waning testosterone nightmare, which we have seen before.

There's a table at every vintage bike swap meet over on the mainland with a bunch of the jeebusbikers, everyone looking for bits gives them a wide berth. I don't know why they bother. Even as secret believer, their "club" had no appeal for me.

It's got to be about the bikes, your friends and the riding. Anything else is pretty much bullshit. a good ride through great twisting roads, a nice pub and a fine ale to finish, it's all good.

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