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Goodbye Jesus

Southern Baptists Finally Figure Out Pro Slavery Name Not Good?


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What do you think of the Southern Baptist name change? http://tinyurl.com/88upot5


How was I so stupid for so many years? The truth is, I had no idea at the time I attended that horrible place that it was formed as a racist church, they certainly never taught that part of their religion. It was only after I left that I found out. Ugh, I am still ashamed I ever set foot in one of those churches and I have been out of there for decades.

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They should just be honest and call themselves "xenophobic assholes for Jesus."

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Valerie Tarico wrote that article (the one linked in the OP). She did a superb job. Nobody can reasonably claim it was skewed or untruthful. Great analysis of the current evangelical ethos.

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Valerie Tarico wrote that article (the one linked in the OP). She did a superb job. Nobody can reasonably claim it was skewed or untruthful. Great analysis of the current evangelical ethos.


Her analogy here is brilliant. Not something that will readily come to mind when they announce the switch, but accurate and eye-opening and hopefully a stab in the public-relations heart:



To draw an analogy, imagine that Coca-Cola decided to distance from its past sales of cocaine drinks by dropping the “Coca” and calling themselves “World Dominance Cola.”

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I love to see these religious strategies broken down in terms of marketing, economics, military analogies and such. The denominational and mega church leaders love to dress these things ups as "mandates from GAWWW-UDDD" or "visions," etc, but really all they are doing , whether consciously or unconsciously, is plugging into social dynamics and, eventually, adopting the current culture's technololgy and styles (styles of music, fashion, architecture - whatever).

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I wish they would let us pick the name...

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I love to see these religious strategies broken down in terms of marketing, economics, military analogies and such. The denominational and mega church leaders love to dress these things ups as "mandates from GAWWW-UDDD" or "visions," etc, but really all they are doing , whether consciously or unconsciously, is plugging into social dynamics and, eventually, adopting the current culture's technololgy and styles (styles of music, fashion, architecture - whatever).


Everything is planned for a certain effect all the way down to the bottom of the church services.

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