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Goodbye Jesus

Just Admit It Xians.


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You're polytheists. It's okay, it's not any crazier than monotheism. At least be honest with yourself and your religion.




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It barley even hints to a trinity in the bible. anytime it talks of the father, the son and the oly spirit is it always as a separate entity. a good indication of this is when jesus is baptized. The father is well pleased with his son and the holy spirit takes him to a place he has never been before.

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How can they be honest about something they don't even understand? Even at my strongest as a Christian, I had no idea what the holy spirit was.

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It barley even hints to a trinity in the bible. anytime it talks of the father, the son and the oly spirit is it always as a separate entity. a good indication of this is when jesus is baptized. The father is well pleased with his son and the holy spirit takes him to a place he has never been before.


Revelation only talks about a binity at best. No HS anywhere. The few Trinitarian verses in there (the NT) are obvious interpolations. Paul, by a virtual 99-1 ratio, thought Jesus was a separate entity from God. Whether he thought him divine can be debated. But he never thought they were the same being. Not in his authentic letters at least.

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How can they be honest about something they don't even understand? Even at my strongest as a Christian, I had no idea what the holy spirit was.


Let alone the trinity! I have yet come across a Xian who understood the trinity. My pastor used to say that we would find out in heaven! Whatever.

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Guest wester

So, my redneck cousin, who at the age of 19 got knocked up by a 16 year old boy, when she was prodded into "testifying" about her religious beliefs by her superfundy mum on facebook, came out with this description of mr. gawd:


"He's a good god"


OK - I getcha - indefinite article "A" - means that she believes that there must therefore be more than one, and probably a lot more.


Now I get it. I get it.

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The Trinity paid for and brought to you by the Nicene Creed & John Calvin.

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You're polytheists. It's okay, it's not any crazier than monotheism. At least be honest with yourself and your religion.


But, but....they're Three In One like the triple point of H2O. The Holy Spirit is like mysterious water vapor, surrounding us with Love! And Jesus is the Water of Life! And the Father is One Frozen, Cold SOB!

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You're polytheists. It's okay, it's not any crazier than monotheism. At least be honest with yourself and your religion.


But, but....they're Three In One like the triple point of H2O. The Holy Spirit is like mysterious water vapor, surrounding us with Love! And Jesus is the Water of Life! And the Father is One Frozen, Cold SOB!


Yeah, more like: Jesus is the idol we worship, the Holy Spirit is the agent of our magical thinking, and God is the unknown monster we're afraid of.

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You're polytheists. It's okay, it's not any crazier than monotheism. At least be honest with yourself and your religion.


But, but....they're Three In One like the triple point of H2O. The Holy Spirit is like mysterious water vapor, surrounding us with Love! And Jesus is the Water of Life! And the Father is One Frozen, Cold SOB!

Cause everyone wants a god that's comparable to water.

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