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Goodbye Jesus

The Thing God Can't Do


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tooooo funny. i want to post that on fb, but that would be 'persecuting' christians.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

There was another only one thing God can't do. He can't outrun iron chariots. Being omnipotent and all, but it's just that they were philistine iron chariots and they were the shit! (proof that the Bible doesn't go to the bronze age or earlier btw, as if camels weren't proof enough).

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First time i saw this i rolled when he came out with "holy ghost money shot."

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Watching this for the first time during my deconversion made me wonder how I ever believed that shit, and how any thinking person still can. It's been in my YouTube favorites list for some time and gets re watched at least every couple months.

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tooooo funny. i want to post that on fb, but that would be 'persecuting' christians.


Put it on there for your secular friends and post a warning to Xians.

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