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New Spiritual Abuse Recovery Ebook On Amazon


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I just finished reading an ebook I got on amazon dot com. It is about recovering from spiritual abuse. It's called Spiritual Abuse: A Victim's Guide to Recovery. Just wanted to make you aware of it. The book is by Lisa Kerr and only costs 2.99. You can get it on loan for free if you are an amazon prime member. The book gives some good advice for those who are exiting a cult or fundamentalist religion. It is a very short read, only 57 pages that are double spaced. Lisa has a blog and website as well that deals with cults and spiritual abuse. Just FYI.


Do you think these kinds of books are a good idea?

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I think books like this are great. The more there are, the more likely someone will run into something they need to help them. My attention span isn't what it used to be. I like the short ones. :)

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I think books like this are great. The more there are, the more likely someone will run into something they need to help them. My attention span isn't what it used to be. I like the short ones. smile.png


LOL, I was thinking that very thing...something short and sweet is my preference anymore. Either that, or I get it on audiobook! smile.png


The book is by no means comprehensive, but is a reassuring read and a good starting place.


I guess I was wondering how people felt about these books since I am thinking about writing one. I think the same way as you, the more that are out there the better. Maybe, too, that will help it be more acceptable to be an ex-Christian.

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Thanks for posting this, I downloaded it to my kindle last night. I think it's very helpful. I actually follow Lisa Kerr on twitter @mycultlife - she's quite the personality.

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Thanks for posting this, I downloaded it to my kindle last night. I think it's very helpful. I actually follow Lisa Kerr on twitter @mycultlife - she's quite the personality.


You're welcome! smile.png

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