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Lifehouse Everything Skit


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Read some comments on my little sisters page about a skit she was in the other day, called' Lifehouse everything' they were talking about how it's a wonderful way to share the gospel etc, but one guy warned that it has to be performed in a sensitive way, so as not to scare people who are ' not christians yet'. I don't talk to my sister about religion anymore, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the skit and can tell me what it's about?

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Hi, suzie:

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When I was a Christian, this made me sob like nobodies business... now as xc, it's more like emotional manipulation when looking at it logically. This completely ignores so many factors of theCchristian faith that pushed me out of it, and prefers to go in for the the soft, squish, 'jesus loves you like no one else ever could' angle. i could still get emotional from this but for COMPLETELY different reason; like the massive amount of damage and disappointment it left me with.

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^ An xitan I was debating sent me that video to watch - and I thought it was fucking hilarious. The xtian was baffled as to why I didn't find it "amazing."

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yes, this skit was a big deal in our small town. they performed it at comm youth group, as well as in our church. at the time, it was sewwww moving. now, i see the emotional appeal but i see it as something much different now.

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Hi, suzie:


:( the video link won't work, but I just looked at my sister's facebook and she's posted a link to the video. I'll have a look at it when I'm not at work :) thanks!

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^ An xitan I was debating sent me that video to watch - and I thought it was fucking hilarious. The xtian was baffled as to why I didn't find it "amazing."


haha yeah, from what my sister's christian friends were saying in their comments, they were convinced that they would be converting people left, right and centre with their "moving" skit.... they performed it in the main courtyard of my old university and I'm pretty sure most people would have just kept walking once they realised what it was... kinda feel sorry for my sis!

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Ooooh the everything skit. LeslieHappyCry.gif can't tell you how many times I did this one!

We used it as a door to allow teenagers to open up with us/youth leaders about some of the issues they may have been facing. Personally, it still gets me when I see it. As long as the youth leaders aren't doing anything manipulative with the information they're told or judging their kids when they come forward about issues, I think it's a great way to get kids to talk about this stuff.


It was never talked about when I was a teen in youth group- I thought I was f*cked up and god wouldn't want to have anything to do with me. Had I seen this I might have thought differently about grace... hmmm. Anywhoo, this skit, when done with honesty, can start to bust down some of those stigmas about teen issues that often go ignored in christian circles, leaving kids to suffer in silence only to deconvert years down the road from all their pent up bitterness and past hurts.


Wooooo I've rambled enough here!

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Hi I'm Jeebus, I'm awesome, I had a bad weekend a couple thousand years back saving you from a little situation which miiiiiight have been my dad's fault...and now you have to be my puppet or you'll wind up a suicidal drug addict. And don't even think about having any actual "human" relationships...you'll just get preggers. And die.

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I never saw this until years after I stopped going to church.


I chose to view it a bit differently. That many times the things that you face can be overcome by asking for help. When you get into the depth of depression and are using alcohol, sex, drug, video games, whatever to not face life, then sometimes just asking for help helps.


A meat space friend is better because they will yank you out of your apartment and say "we're going", when you don't want to.


I enjoy watching this from time to time because it's fun to swim in the emotional rollercoster once in awhile.

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Read some comments on my little sisters page about a skit she was in the other day, called' Lifehouse everything' they were talking about how it's a wonderful way to share the gospel etc, but one guy warned that it has to be performed in a sensitive way, so as not to scare people who are ' not christians yet'. I don't talk to my sister about religion anymore, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the skit and can tell me what it's about?


I just watched the video, I hadn't seen it before.


Personally, my thoughts are that it is one big guilt trip. Like basically saying, "oh, it's your fault that you feel like shit, because you haven't been doing everything right".


Also, I think it sets up the false belief that if you just become a christian, then jesus will fix every problem in your life, which, as we all know, is just not true.


I also found it interesting that there was nothing about homosexuality mentioned in the video; Lifehouse is the most anti-gay church we have in this town.


The skit itself is pretty typical of pentecostal skits- Christian City Church was pretty into this sort of skit, too, especially as they had a bible college with a strong emphasis on performing arts attached to them.


P.S.- Coffee next week sounds good, sorry i hadn't replied to your text yet, had a really busy day and went to bed really early. Grampa woke me up at 3:30am with a phone call lol

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Read some comments on my little sisters page about a skit she was in the other day, called' Lifehouse everything' they were talking about how it's a wonderful way to share the gospel etc, but one guy warned that it has to be performed in a sensitive way, so as not to scare people who are ' not christians yet'. I don't talk to my sister about religion anymore, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the skit and can tell me what it's about?


I just watched the video, I hadn't seen it before.


Personally, my thoughts are that it is one big guilt trip. Like basically saying, "oh, it's your fault that you feel like shit, because you haven't been doing everything right".


Also, I think it sets up the false belief that if you just become a christian, then jesus will fix every problem in your life, which, as we all know, is just not true.


I also found it interesting that there was nothing about homosexuality mentioned in the video; Lifehouse is the most anti-gay church we have in this town.


The skit itself is pretty typical of pentecostal skits- Christian City Church was pretty into this sort of skit, too, especially as they had a bible college with a strong emphasis on performing arts attached to them.


P.S.- Coffee next week sounds good, sorry i hadn't replied to your text yet, had a really busy day and went to bed really early. Grampa woke me up at 3:30am with a phone call lol

Yeah, I figured it would either be a guilt trip or manipulation through fear, guess that's what christianity is all about though...


Haha definitely not true about jesus fixing all your problems- I thought my life was pretty awesome until I started focusing on christianity... I think i'm getting back on track now though :) My sister seems like she's happy, I don't think I really have anything against christianity if it makes people happy (although i can't stand how judgemental she has become :( ) But yeah, you only have to look at the testimonies on this site to know that jesus doesn't solve problems for his followers.


Coffee sounds great, not thinking too straight atm (stupid night duty!) but I'm pretty sure I'm free Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Thursday afternoon (I finish at 3:30) and all of Friday (unless Jake's sister has her baby as we will prob be flying to Canberra to see it) text me?? :)

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Hey Suzie,


Text sent :) You know, as far as your sister being happy as a christian, it is pretty easy to be happy when you're totally delusional :P I'm usually quite happy, too, when I'm manic lol :P

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So moving....Now dim the lights and play a slow hymn and have an invitation...."soul city" baby.....then pass the collection plate while the mood is set

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never seen that before, i'm sure it would have moved me to tears at one stage. now... ok, so life without jesus = alcohol, drugs, selfishness and greed? of course.

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never seen that before, i'm sure it would have moved me to tears at one stage. now... ok, so life without jesus = alcohol, drugs, selfishness and greed? of course.


lol tell me about it... Since I became an atheist, my life has just been one big drug-filled orgy, and I'm out to scam everyone I know out of their money smiliegojerkit.gif

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That's actually the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. TFS.

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Wow.... I just got a seriously huge shiver.

That could be because I'm sitting under an air conditioning vent, though. Brrr... what I thought about this video was, "aw, damn, I used to really like that song!" I think I always thought of it in romantic terms before, though. Thanks a lot, skit. You're not even that good.

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When I was a Christian, this made me sob like nobodies business... now as xc, it's more like emotional manipulation when looking at it logically. This completely ignores so many factors of theCchristian faith that pushed me out of it, and prefers to go in for the the soft, squish, 'jesus loves you like no one else ever could' angle. i could still get emotional from this but for COMPLETELY different reason; like the massive amount of damage and disappointment it left me with.


I agree with you 100%. I remember shedding tears when I saw this for the first time a while back. Honestly, I almost cried again because I honestly want it to be true for the sake of spending eternity in bliss... Now, that I know it's more than likely bullshit, I'm sad.


So for any of the Christians out there that think we believe this way because we want to believe this way... Wake up. It would be much easier emotionally and socially to just keep on trusting in the fairy-tale. But the truth is, we don't always believe in what we want to believe in. We believe in what we can believe in.

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