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Did God Approve Trayvon Martin's Killing?


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While apologizing to Trayvon's parents, George Zimmmerman was claiming on tv last night that it was not for him to question, it was part of God's plan for Trayvon Martin to die.


WTF??? Is this an example of 'the Devil made me do it because it was God's plan' defense? It seems to me that this guy is trying to appeal to some form of perverted xian philosophy.



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I think he's playing the religious part. Then you have to think that its all god's plan. No accountability.

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Technically, nothing happens without God's tacit approval.

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George Zimmerman: God's trigger man.



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  • Super Moderator
George Zimmerman: God's trigger man.

So he's just a tool.

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George Zimmerman: God's trigger man.

So he's just a tool.


I think you should have hit the f

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recently on the newssome lady said it was part of "gods plan" when her son was ran over by a train. did her god tell her son to wear his headphones and listen to his ipod when he crossed the tracks?

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Its all in God's plan. 911, The Holocaust, The Trail of Tears, WW1, WW2, The Hundred Years War, The Spanish Inquisition, and me having fruit salad for breakfast this morning.

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Well then I hope it's gawd's plan that he gets sent to prison. Cause what he did was kinda fucked.

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PS My personal view on it is they should slap him with 2nd degree and he should do about 20 years. He probably isn't an evil guy, just an idiot vigilante in a state which kinda encourages such things.

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It almost makes me lose faith in humanity as much as in "god." :(

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It seems like Zimmerman is trying to take the focus off himself by blaming God. I dont think he really means it.

God might not have had anything to do with Martin's death, but I have my doubts about whether he cares or even knows. I tend to think he created the world and then just forgot about it. That's why things like this happen.

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I think he might be trying to play on the insanity card without making it look obvious.

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Is this an example of 'the Devil made me do it because it was God's plan' defense?


It's a page right outta Bush's, "101 Excuses for Invading Iraq".

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