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Goodbye Jesus

My Salvation The Conjob!

Guest Valk0010

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Guest Valk0010

I have recently been trying to help my grandma move across the country. Things have been going to shit, but this post isn't about that. But she handed me during this grand destruction something I found really interesting. It was a card from the billy graham revival I went to when I was nine saying I got saved.


I remeber that night surpisingly well. We went, and after having a hell of a time getting in the building (My grandma attributed our really good seats to divine intervention), we started with the event. It was typical gospel song shit, that is bread and butter of those revivals. Then billy graham got up and did his speech. And most people here know that nuts and bolts of the conjob. God creates Adam and Eve, They eat fruit, God gets Mad, garden of eden is no more, sin is around, nothing you can do to be pleasing to god, your going to be eternally separated from god. I don't remember my exact thoughts specifically, but I remember the line of thinking I went thru, being technically eight. (My birthday is in july and this was in june). They were something like this.


This makes no sense on all levels. Why can't I just live right and that be enough?


Why the hell am I affected by a decision thousands of years ago?



I am sure a couple more things went through my head, but I don't remeber them being it was so long ago.


But the conclusion I ended up coming too, was.


This guy, knowing way more then I do, says that this is the world as it is. I don't like it, but I will have to adhere to it. So I went forward in the dumb alter call.


Of course I wish someone explained to me at the time, that if there was a God, my questions wouldn't even had to have been asked.



That to me seems to describe Christianity. They set a bear trap of sorts for all to fall into, not realizing that they don't even need the trap.

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Pretty much everyone got saved by a bunch of con artists.


If humans are incapable of being perfect, why wouldn't our efforts to be good please God? Why wouldn't he take our fallibility into account? If he did that, some people--Gandhi, for instance--would be virtually perfect. Xian god conjures up an image of a football coach who always screams at the players, no matter how hard they try, that they're not good enough.

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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.

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I was about that age when I first got baptised. My older sister had gotten baptised not long before, and had gotten lots of presents from people. I thought that was a pretty cool deal, so I decided to get baptised, too. Except I didn't get any presents when I did. I felt pretty damn ripped off about that lol.


Maybe I just never was the best candidate for indoctrination lol.

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I probably saw 50 of these Billy Graham crusades on TV. He was a hell of a salesman. After all, he started out selling vacuum cleaners.


When I was young, the pressure to become Christian was overwhelming. I suspect you were in the same situation. In my case, both my parents, all the extended family (except one aunt, the atheist black sheep) were Christian. My dear Grandmother was Christian. I KNEW all these people loved me. How could it not be the right thing to do??


Other than my aunt, there was literally no one to present other views.


Its really too bad in retrospect that she wasn't better at presenting the atheist side of things to me. All she knew how to say was "the Bible is a fairy tale." At the time that didn't seem too persuasive to me, with everyone else on the other side.

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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.


It's a protection racket.

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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.


There was something on venganza.org like this. The writer of the comment put it very eloquently that evangelism is the attempt to persuade someone into firstly believing that when he dies he is going to go to a place of eternal torment , but secondly there is a jesus that can save him from it.



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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.


Salesmanship 101

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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.


Salesmanship 101


It's like telling an Eskimo he's about to get trampled by a rampaging pack of camels, and then offering a magic potion that makes the camels disappear.

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Guest Valk0010

I probably saw 50 of these Billy Graham crusades on TV. He was a hell of a salesman. After all, he started out selling vacuum cleaners.


When I was young, the pressure to become Christian was overwhelming. I suspect you were in the same situation. In my case, both my parents, all the extended family (except one aunt, the atheist black sheep) were Christian. My dear Grandmother was Christian. I KNEW all these people loved me. How could it not be the right thing to do??


Other than my aunt, there was literally no one to present other views.


Its really too bad in retrospect that she wasn't better at presenting the atheist side of things to me. All she knew how to say was "the Bible is a fairy tale." At the time that didn't seem too persuasive to me, with everyone else on the other side.

I remeber it being sort of like, a get used to it, it must make sense to all these people even if I don't get it. I already went to church and I sort of half believed it, half didn't. I remember, supposedly having a salvation experience. And also, they sort of love bombed me once they realized a four foot tall kid was in this big mass of people. Style over substance definitely.
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They base their message on sensationalism and whipping up a fury in the crowd.8

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Of course, Valk, I completely understand. It must make sense if everyone believes it. For many years I also had doubts, yet had to make some sense of it myself because it had to be the truth. Everyone else believed it. What's wrong with me? For many years I thought there was something wrong with me. Then I got educated, of course.

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Got saved by Billy Graham when I was 10 at the Georgia Dome. There were a bunch of contemporary Christian artists performing and I was bored the whole time. I'll admit Billy Boy is one hell of a speaker. I went down to the floor in tears and accepted Jesus Christ to be my savoir for the next 15 years.

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Christianity is fucking brilliant. They create both the problem and the solution to that problem.

Not only that, the payout occurs after you die.


I can't think of any other product quite like it.


Salesmanship 101


It's like telling an Eskimo he's about to get trampled by a rampaging pack of camels, and then offering a magic potion that makes the camels disappear.


Well put, McDaddy!

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