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Is Emotional Eating A Sin?


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For one of my summer classes, I'm researching therapeutic techniques for eating disorders. Just for kicks, I pulled one of my old xian books off the shelf, dusted it off, and began reading.


Is Emotional Eating a Sin?

All sickness (physical and emotional) is ultimately due to the fallen condition of the world that makes us vulnerable. Emotional eating, addiction, obsession, etc. result from these vulnerabilities. It is important that we avoid the blame game and offer one another spiritual guidance and education in order to make healthier personal choices.


What science calls "illness" or "disorder", Scripture explains as the result of the fall of man and the broken condition of the world. Science says our problems are "illness" and treats them with medicine. Scripture makes it clear there is an element of personal sin involved and offers us moral guidance."


Wendybanghead.gif Oh. My. Lanta. This way of thinking borders between abusive and asinine.


Thoughts? Anyone?

The date and location of the public book burning is TBA... However, this will be a BYOB event (bring your own bibles and/or booze).

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Gawd, I used to appreciate those perspectives on some level. Crazy-making!

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That bullshit made perfect sense... When I was a christian. Or manic.

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Oh, the unfortunate implications...

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Denial. The "fall of man" is denial. That's how you translate that crazy frame of mind into real people thinking, denial. So cancer exists because the world is broken? The "fall of man" is responsible for giving people the flu?


It's so nutz. It may as well have been a paragraph about how oranges are actually aliens trying to take over Earth. These are the people who let their kids die because they won't go to a doctor. I think the fall of man is a lack of logic and religion is the hypodermic needle that administers it.

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I think the fall of man is a lack of logic and religion is the hypodermic needle that administers it.


That's a quote for my keeper file! Fantastic.

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That bullshit made perfect sense... When I was a christian. Or manic.

so true! lol, made perfect sense when I was there in the moment...


This is just one of those beliefs xianity holds about mental illness that is really extremely detrimental to someone who is diagnosed with a mental disorder. People cannot understand this kind of thing unless they've been there. "Just pray to gawd and have complete faith that jehovah rapha will heal you and it will be done!" = biggest bullshit I heard in xianity. I'll bet if the pope developed schizophrenia they'd change their minds in a hurry.



Denial. The "fall of man" is denial. That's how you translate that crazy frame of mind into real people thinking, denial.

Funny you mention denial! The next page of that book has something to say about that: "Denial is a powerful tool that the enemy uses. Never underestimate it's ability to cloud your vision. Before we can truly grow in our faith and experience God's healing, we must first face and admit our denial about the pride we have in our heart about our eating issues."


Like, REALLY?? WTF? Wendytwitch.gif

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I got to thinking... after reading that diseases are caused by original sin... no matter what your opinions is of the original Star Wars trilogy vs the Prequels, the people that hate the prequels have a lot in common with christians:


Christians: diseases are caused by sin, not micro-organisms!

Star Wars Fan: the force is magic, not midichlorians!


Christians: Everything we need to know is in the bible!

Star Wars Fan: Everything cool about star wars was in the original trilogy!


Christians: God came first!

Star Wars Fan: Han shot first!


Christians: Satan was not a "victim" of God. He was always evil!

Star Wars Fan: Vader was never a wimpy blond kid, he was always a bad ass!

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Everything I've ever done

Everything I ever do

Every place I've ever been

Everywhere I'm going to




— Pet Shop Boys, "It's a Sin"

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Actually, I'm just going to link to the video, because the whole song is awesome:


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Oh, eating too much is a sin that can be prayed away? I was heavy from eating crappy food for a few years, but I changed my diet and lost weight. Is it a sin I did it without gods help? Truth is, it has only been in the last few years I have noticed adults frequently confusing god with Santa Claus. Need a new car? Job? Clothing? A hot date? Twitter Santa or pray to Jesus. There is zero difference and you will get the same effect. Although I would bet Santa has a better record of helping people.


For some of us who have been away for a few years, it is actually funny, stupid really.


It makes me wonder how in the world could I ever have believed this bs? Brainwashing, of course. I believe some choose the church and were wise enough to leave, but for many of us we were brainwashed in.


And it truly makes me wonder what else I have brainwashed by in my life?

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All disorders and illness'es should have vanished immediately with the death on the cross. Everything stayed the same, right to this very day. Man is still 'fallen.' Where is this 'power in the blood', that should have changed absolutely everything for the man who accepted jesus?


Gluttony, according to the bible was sin. I was a gluton as a christian and I still can be. Why didn't the lord remove this terrible 'sin' for me. What good was his dying for?

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I had a preacher say something like that once, he said medicine based in "darwinianism"(As if we were in the 1800's) was "loony." While depression was caused by demons.

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This sickening idea pervades even in secular society in regards to fat. We're all told to eat less, move more, calories in-calories out. Which is not how a body works.


But who cares, it's so much more fun to have our egos stroked and feel righteous.

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That bullshit made perfect sense... When I was a christian. Or manic.


both states are delusional so that makes a strange sorta sense.

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That bullshit made perfect sense... When I was a christian. Or manic.


both states are delusional so that makes a strange sorta sense.


That was the point lol :P

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Denial. The "fall of man" is denial. That's how you translate that crazy frame of mind into real people thinking, denial.

Funny you mention denial! The next page of that book has something to say about that: "Denial is a powerful tool that the enemy uses. Never underestimate it's ability to cloud your vision. Before we can truly grow in our faith and experience God's healing, we must first face and admit our denial about the pride we have in our heart about our eating issues."


Like, REALLY?? WTF? Wendytwitch.gif



:lmao: That was rich! And a very good laugh! That deserves a WTF the size of the Hollywood sign mounted in the hills.


This is one of the reasons that people actually fail miserably on any diet. If you fail just a little you are a horror in gods eyes, that alone will depress you and make you eat more. xians are just setting people up for failure without providing a shred of actual help. This could be applied to any issue really not just dieting. Remove religion from it and your chances of success go up 500%.

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The date and location of the public book burning is TBA... However, this will be a BYOB event (bring your own bibles and/or booze).


Alright! I was wondering what I was going to to with my old bible that's just laying about! jesus.gif

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Of all the things I've grown to despise about Christianity, this is the one which makes me want to go on an angry rampage the most. Not only are these delusional scumbags judging people who are already selve loathing themselves, they are discouraging them from getting the help they need to make it stop!! Instead, they give them more guilt, more fear, and a dependancy on a God who isn't there. And of course, when God fails, it's not that he doesn't exist or care, it's that he's testing us or some bullshit. There's always some excuse, but because they offer the ultimate reward/punishment, they can drag you along like a labrat going through a maze. Only there's no cheese at the end of this maze...


I would like to say I'm surprised that Christians could be so cruel, but I've seen "counseling" websites giving the same advice in an even harsher manner (because he's "brutally honest"). I considered sending the asshole a "reason you suck speech", but people like him are so thick headed that they'll continue to make excuses to justify their EVIL beliefs.



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When people drag me along like that without an actual purpose I call it luggage. I refuse to be treated like a piece of abused luggage. I'm a human, not a box you shove shit in and drag around on an endless, pointless journey.


Those thick headed christards always get the "you must be satan" line from me. I love accusing the fundies of being in ka-hootz with old red. And I say it very serious too, just the way a xian would accuse you of doing something wrong. It really pisses them off.

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Of all the things I've grown to despise about Christianity, this is the one which makes me want to go on an angry rampage the most. Not only are these delusional scumbags judging people who are already selve loathing themselves, they are discouraging them from getting the help they need to make it stop!! Instead, they give them more guilt, more fear, and a dependancy on a God who isn't there. And of course, when God fails, it's not that he doesn't exist or care, it's that he's testing us or some bullshit. There's always some excuse, but because they offer the ultimate reward/punishment, they can drag you along like a labrat going through a maze. Only there's no cheese at the end of this maze...


I would like to say I'm surprised that Christians could be so cruel, but I've seen "counseling" websites giving the same advice in an even harsher manner (because he's "brutally honest"). I considered sending the asshole a "reason you suck speech", but people like him are so thick headed that they'll continue to make excuses to justify their EVIL beliefs.




<CLICK HERE> 58.gif


(Totally SFW, I promise.)

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Oh, and

James Hetfield talking about the song.
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Of all the things I've grown to despise about Christianity, this is the one which makes me want to go on an angry rampage the most. Not only are these delusional scumbags judging people who are already selve loathing themselves, they are discouraging them from getting the help they need to make it stop!! Instead, they give them more guilt, more fear, and a dependancy on a God who isn't there. And of course, when God fails, it's not that he doesn't exist or care, it's that he's testing us or some bullshit. There's always some excuse, but because they offer the ultimate reward/punishment, they can drag you along like a labrat going through a maze. Only there's no cheese at the end of this maze...


I would like to say I'm surprised that Christians could be so cruel, but I've seen "counseling" websites giving the same advice in an even harsher manner (because he's "brutally honest"). I considered sending the asshole a "reason you suck speech", but people like him are so thick headed that they'll continue to make excuses to justify their EVIL beliefs.




That's worth an "amen" dude. Nothing gets me more upset about xianity than this belief that science (medicine, psychiatry, biology, etc.) is EVIL.

If I could, I would tell every xian about the people I've known: about a strong xian role model I had growing up - he committed suicide because he believed God was going to heal his bipolar without medication.

I would tell them about my roommate of two years- after a decade of cutting and she's still praying for healing and gives her counseling money to the church instead.

I would tell them about one of my best friends- she was born with a serious brain disorder and her faith is the only thing keeping her from ending it all. Has her god shown mercy on her? No. She still engages heavily in bulimia every day despite knowing every time she does it she could bleed to death.

I would tell them about my cousins - they grew up with a sick, abusive mother because their fundamentalist church didn't believe in her getting psychiatric help.

I would tell them my own story... that I never really healed from the wounds of my past until I let go of the faith; that xianity escalated my anxiety until I was post-traumatic and trying to kill myself with laxatives to make me "pure" again...


This is just.... AHHHH of all the things about xianity, this is the absolute worst!

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:( Sigh, everything is a sin. I'm going to go eat a chocolate bar now.
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